
KANIGARAN – Anggota Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) juga punya tugas berat dalam memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat terkait pencegahan virus COVID 19. Di Kota Probolinggo, saban hari mereka harus patroli ke ruang publik atau lokasi tertentu, agar masyarakat tidak berkerumun dan tetap berdiam di rumah.

IMG 20200323 WA0051“Alhamdulillah, sampai saat ini kita bersyukur masih diberi sehat. Terima kasih rekan-rekan sudah melakukan patroli wilayah dengan baik. Hasil patroli memang proses, setiap hari perlu disatroni biar tidak seperti sebelumnya, banyak yang nongkrong,” jelas Kepala Satpol PP Agus Efendi, saat memimpin apel, Senin (23/4) pagi.

“Kita tidak boleh gentar, sebagai pejuang pemerintah harus tetap patroli di lapangan. Karena imbauan Presiden, gubernur dan wali kota, masyarakat tidak boleh keluar rumah jika tidak dalam kondisi mendesak. Wabah belum bisa dihentikan, ini menjadi tantangan kita di lapangan,” sambung mantan Kabag Humas dan Protokol ini.

Untuk itu, lanjut Agus Efendi, satuan tugas pun mengandalkan anggota Satpol PP dan Damkar agar setiap waktu patrol di tempat umum. Ia juga mengaku, eman  dengan kondisi personil saat di lapangan karena tidak punya masker, harus persiapan secara pribadi.

IMG 20200323 WA0049“Memang harusnya pakai perlengkapan, kami sudah pesan tapi belum datang,” imbuhnya. Agus Efendi salut dengan personilnya meski dengan keadaan terbatas namun sangat berani melaksanakan tugas di lapangan karena situasi meminta demikian. 

Personil Satpol PP dan Damkar yang jumlahnya mencapai ratusan pun diminta menjaga kebersihan. Di teras kantor yang beralamat di Jalan Panglima Sudirman itu, telah terpasang wastafel lengkap dengan sabun cuci tangan. Harapannya, setiap personil yang usai bertugas lapangan atau beraktivitas lainnya bisa sering-sering mencuci tangan sebagai upaya pencegahan menyebarnya virus COVID 19.

Pagi itu, apel dilaksanakan dengan jarak sekitar 1 meter antara satu dengan yang lain, sesuai dengan anjuran dari pemerintah. usai apel dilanjutkan pemeriksaan suhu tubuh dengan thermo gun oleh petugas dari Dinas Kesehatan setempat.

“Kita harus jujur, kalau ada yang sakit, saya izinkan pulang. Petugas harus selalu sehat, secara berkala kesehatan juga dicek. Dan, kami mengimbau masyarakat agar selalu di rumah, jangan keluar ke kerumunan dan jaga kebersihan,” sambung pembina komunitas di Kota Probolinggo ini. (famydecta)


The personnel of the Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) has a tough duty in giving education to the people on the prevention of COVID-19 spread. Every day, they carry out a patrol to public spaces or certain locations to prevent people from making the crowd and stay at home instead.

“Thank God, we are grateful we are in good health up until now. Thanks for your hard work, carrying out area patrol with good work. This is an effort we must keep doing to prevent the people from the crowd, or hanging out with a large number of people,” the head of Probolinggo city’s Public Order Agency, Agus Efendi said as he led a roll call on Monday (23/4).

“We must be tough, as the government soldier, we must carry out the patrol. As is said in the instruction of the President, Governor, and the Mayor, the people must stay at home, unless in an urgent purpose. The pledge cannot still be stopped, and this is our challenge to make the people stay at home,” he added.

Therefore, Agus continued, the task force count on the personnel of the Public Order Agency to carry out a patrol to public spaces. He also admitted the personnel must be willing to carry out the duty although with limited equipment. 

“Based on the standard, we should wear the required equipment in this situation; we have already ordered for the equipment, we will soon have them,” he added. Agus has even given the personnel a special salute for carrying out their duty in brave despite the limited equipment.

The hundreds of personnel of Public Order Agency have been also asked to maintain their health. At the terrace of the office, a washstand has been installed complete with soap. With this facility, the personnel is expected to wash their hands frequently before and after doing any activities, as one of the efforts to stop the spread of  COVID-19.

The roll call has even carried out based on physical distancing with each personnel is 1 meter away from others, as the health protocol suggests. After the roll call, a body thermal checking was also carried out using a thermal gun, with an officer of Health Agency on duty.

“We must be honest. If you feel unwell, I will let you take a rest at home. All personnel must be in good health, and will be checked regularly. And, we also urge the people to stay at home, don’t go to the crowded, and stay clean,” he ended. (alfien_tr)