
KANIGARAN - Hiburan Wirojalu merupakan sekelompok pemusik komunitas anak jalanan yang mengusung moto seduluran saklawase itu menyambut kedatangan Tim Penilai BPBD Provinsi Jawa Timur, Kamis (24/9) di Pendopo Kecamatan Kanigaran.

IMG 20200924 WA0057Ya, saat ini Kelurahan Sukoharjo terpilih sebagai kelurahan tangguh bencana (katana) tahun 2020 diantara 17 kelurahan di 16 kabupaten/kota Provinsi Jawa Timur. Dari jumlah tersebut, penilaian lomba kelurahan tangguh bencana dikelompokan dalam tiga kategori, yakni, kategori pratama, madya dan utama. Pengelompokan itu sesuai Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Nomor 1 Tahun 2012 tentang Pedoman Umum Desa/Kelurahan Tangguh Bencana.

Kelurahan Sukoharjo masuk dalam kategori pratama. Tim penilai terdiri dari unsur BPBD Provinsi Jatim, Ikatan Ahli Bencana Indonesia (IABI), Sekber Relawan Penanggulangan Bencana (SRPB), Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa (DPMD), Dinkes Jatim, dan Tagana Dinsos Jatim. Ada 4 aspek penilaian terdiri dari penganggaran, kesehatan, resiko bencana dan kesiapsiagaan bencana.

IMG 20200924 WA0061“Mudah-mudahan Kelurahan Sukoharjo bisa menerima undangan dari bu gubernur dan datang mengambil hadiahnya pada saat kemenangan itu diumumkan,” ujar Andika Kepala Bidang Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi BPBD Provinsi Jawa Timur dalam sambutannya.

Acara penilaian yang digelar pagi itu, dihadiri Asisten Pemerintahan Paeni, Kalaksa BPBD Sugito Prasetyo, Camat Kanigaran Agus Rianto, Babinsa dan Bhabinkatibmas setempat juga masyarakat yang tergabung dalam FPRB (Forum Pengurangan Resiko Bencana) Kelurahan Sukoharjo.

Menurut Kalaksa BPBD Gito-sapaan akrabnya, hari ini (24/9) merupakan hari yang sangat spesial bagi pemerintah kota khususnya BPBD Kota Probolinggo. “Dari segi administrasi, Kelurahan Sukoharjo layak mengikuti Katana. Sinergi dari SKPD terkait Dinkes, Bappeda, Dinsos, Dinas PU. Kolaborasi ini memberikan kekuatan kepada Kelurahan Sukoharjo mewakili tingka provinsi (Jatim),” jelasnya.

IMG 20200924 WA0062Terkait 4 aspek penilaian lomba, Gito menjelaskan, diawali 2 bulan yang lalu, ia membentuk FPRB dengan mengurangi resiko bencana apabila terjadi di Kelurahan Sukoharjo, walaupun bencana sama sekali tidak ada yang menginginkan. Serta memberdayakan masyarakat untuk bisa mandiri, untuk bisa mengambil langkah cepat apabila terjadi bencana.

“Salam tangguh, salam kemanusiaan terima kasih kepada Kelurahan Sukoharjo atas segala partisipasinya, segala kerja kerasnya, membentuk FPRB. Dan terima kasih pada stakeholder terkait. Harapannya dari Kelurahan Sukoharjo bisa menular kelurahan-kelurahan yang lain sehingga masing-masing kelurahan memliki forum kelurahan tangguh bencana,” harap Gito.

Katanya, tidak hanya masyarakat dan pemerintah kota saja yang membangun kelurahan tangguh bencana. “Peran 3 pilar mensuport elemen yang ada di pemerintah kota membantu untuk menyelamatkan masyarakat turut menjadi perhitungan,” tuturnya. (dewi)


Wirojalu, a group of musicians involving the street children community, welcomed the arrival of the Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Assessment Team of East Java Province on Thursday (24/9) at the hall of Kanigaran sub-district.

The visit was made as Sukoharjo urban village, Kanigaran sub-district, was appointed as the representative of Probolinggo city as a resilient village in 2020 with 17 urban villages in 16 regencies/cities of East Java Province. Of these, the assessment is classified into three categories, namely, the primary, intermediate, and main categories. The classification is under the Regulation of the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Number 1 of 2012 concerning General Guidelines for Resilient Villages/Urban Villages.

Sukoharjo urban village belongs to Pratama category. The assessment team consisted of elements of the East Java Provincial BPBD, the Association of Indonesian Disaster Experts (IABI), the Secretary for Disaster Management Volunteers (SRPB), the Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD), the East Java Health Agency, and the East Java Emergency Response Unit Tagana. There are 4 aspects of the assessment involving budgeting, health, and disaster risk, and disaster preparedness.

"Hopefully, Sukoharjo can accept the invitation from the governor and come to take the prize when the victory is announced," said Andika, Head of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of BPBD East Java Province in his speech.

The event that morning was attended by Assistant for Government Affairs Paeni, Head of BPBD Sugito Prasetyo, Head of Kanigaran Sub-district Agus Rianto, Babinsa, and Bhabinkatibmas, and residents who are members of the FPRB (Disaster Risk Reduction Forum) of Sukoharjo urban village.

According to the Head of BPBD Gito, today (24/9) is a very special day for the city administration, especially BPBD of Probolinggo City. "From an administrative point of view, Sukoharjo Urban Village deserves to participate in the assessment. The synergy of all related working units including the Health Agency, Regional Development Planning Bappeda, Social Affairs Agency Dinsos, and Public Works Agency Dinas PU is required. This collaboration gives strength to Sukoharjo to represent the provincial level (East Java), " he explained.

Regarding 4 aspects of competition assessment, Gito explained, starting 2 months ago, he formed the FPRB intending to reduce the risk of a disaster should it occurred in Sukoharjo urban village, even though nobody expects a disaster to happen. The forum was established to empower the community to be independent, be able to take quick steps in tackling a disaster.

"Thank you to Sukoharjo urban village for all participation and hard works in establishing FPRB. And thanks to the relevant stakeholders. Hopefully, Sukoharjo Urban Village can be an example to others so that each urban village has a disaster-resilient urban village forum," Gito hoped.

He said it is not only the community and the city administration who are responsible to develop resilient villages. "The role of the 3 pillars in supporting elements in the city administration to help to save the community is also taken into account," he said. (alfien_tr)