
KANIGARAN – Pasien positif COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo kembali dinyatakan sembuh setelah dua kali hasil swab negatif. Ia adalah pasien dari klaster Asrama Haji Sukolilo Surabaya, warga Kota Probolinggo yang berdinas di RSUD wilayah kabupaten. Total ada 3 pasien COVID 19 yang saat ini kembali bersama keluarga namun tetap menjalani karantina mandiri.

Rilis ini disampaikan Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri dalam video conference (vidcon) terkait perkembangan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo, Sabtu (9/5) petang. Dari data yang dirilis per 9 Mei 2020, ada 6 Orang Dalam Pemantauan (ODP) baru. Sedang dalam pemantauan 27 orang, sudah selesai pemantauan 269, jadi total ODP sebanyak 296 orang. 

Untuk jumlah PDP 12 orang, dua diantaranya meninggal, enam dalam pengawasan dan 4 selesai pengawasan. Sedangkan jumlah pasien positif bertambah 1 orang, jadi total ada 10 pasien. Tujuh pasien dirawat di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dan 3 orang sudah sembuh.

IMG 20200509 WA0030“Positif 10 orang, Alhamdulillah sudah dinyatakan sembuh sebanyak 3 orang. Bapak-anak dan satu nakes (tenaga kesehatan)  yang semuanya tracing dari klaster asrama haji. Setelah melalui perawatan ketat, dua kali swab negatif maka mereka dinyatakan negatif dan diperbolehkan pulang,” jelas Wawali Subri.

Terkait satu pasien positif baru yang berprofesi sebagai nakes, wawali mengungkapkan Dinas Kesehatan telah melakukan tracing. Hasilnya, ada enam orang dan semua hasil tes rapidnya non reaktif. Untuk memastikannya besok (10/5) akan dilakukan tes swab.

Diinformasikan bahwa pasien baru itu dalam kondisi sangat baik, tidak ada gejala apapun dan tidak merasakan gangguan kesehatan. Ini menjadi pelajaran bahwa kondisi tubuh sehat saat diperiksa swab hasilnya bisa positif.

“Kami cukup prihatin dengan adanya kasus baru, salah seorang nakes kami sampai akhirnya terpapar. Dan, kami ketahui beliau konsisten sekali terhadap perkembangan COVID 19 dan sangat hati-hati. Beliau seorang memberi masukan kepada kami agar bagaimana penanganan COVID 19 ini,” kata Subri. Saat ini klaster yang menjadi penyebab munculnya satu pasien baru ini masih ditelusuri oleh Dinas Kesehatan. 

Untuk itu, Wawali Subri pun mengimbau masyarakat agar lebih jujur, terbuka agar pada akhirnya nakes baik perawat atau dokter tidak terpapar. “Beliau terpapar akibat kemungkinan seorang pasien dirawat dan dalam keadaan sehat meski keadaannya carrier (pembawa penyakit yang tak jatuh sakit),” imbuhnya.

Wawali meyakini, nakes yang menjadi garda terdepan dalam menangani pasien sudah berhati-hati dan fokus dalam menangani penyebaran COVID 19. Maka dari itu, kondisi ini harus diseriusi agar tidak ada lagi nakes di Kota Probolinggo yang terpapar COVID 19.

Intinya, lanjut Wawali Subri, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo sampai dengan saat ini masih tetap konsisten dan fokus dalam penanganan COVID 19. Ia pun mengajak masyarakat ikut menekan penyebaran COVID 19 agar tidak menjadi semakin berkembang di Kota Probolinggo.

Caranya bagaimana? Secara umum, masyarakat wajib menaati imbauan antara lain wajib menggunakan masker; tidak kumpul-kumpul di keramaian; menerapkan PHBS (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat); bagi masyarakat yang berobat ke nakes atau dokter harus jujur menceritakan kondisinya.

“Sampaikan info seakurat dan sejujur mungkin sehingga anda ikut melindungi para nakes. Untuk para nakes yang sudah berjuang dalam penyembuhan masyarakat untuk lebih berhati-hati menyikapi kedatangan pasien di tempat praktek atau rumah sakit,” beber wawali yang punya basic pengusaha ini.

“Sesuai harapan bapak wali kota, beliau berharap tidak ada lagi nakes terpapar COVID 19 karena jumlah nakes yang sangat terbatas. Apabila muncul kasus baru menimpa nakes maka Kota Probolinggo akan kekurangan tenaga nakes,” imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, Plt Direkrut RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dr Abraar HS Kuddah menyampaikan pesan untuk para nakes agar bersama-sama menjaga diri tanpa mengurangi cara dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat.

“Ini adalah resiko kami sebagai nakes. Yang terpenting pergunakan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri), jalankan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP), insyaallah terbebas dari COVID 19. Terima kasih teman-teman, tetap semangat,” seru dr Abraar yang juga jubir satgas penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo ini.

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Darah Pasien Positif untuk Pengembangan Vaksin

Jubir Satgas Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo dr Abraar HS Kuddah mengungkapkan, pasien yang sudah sembuh dari COVID 19 akan diambil darahnya untuk kemungkinan digunakan pengembangan vaksin. Masyarakat pun tidak boleh menolak kehadiran kembali mereka di lingkungannya.
“Karena justru dari merekalah bisa memberikan bahan terapi untuk yang terpapar virus tersebut,” tegas dokter spesialis bedah itu. Namun darah yang diambil masih butuh proses khusus untuk bisa menjadi vaksin yang dapat mengobati pasien terkonfirmasi COVID 19.

Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh ini juga mengingatkan masyarakat stay at home dan selalu jujur. “Mari bersama-sama dengan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo dan nakes untuk melawan COVID 19,” terangnya dalam vidcon yang juga diikuti Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Plt Kepala Dinkes dr NH Hidayati dan Kepala Diskominfo Aman Suryaman dengan partisipan para jurnalis. Vidcon ini pun disiarkan secara live melalui akun facebook Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. (famydecta)


Another patient in Probolinggo City recovers from COVID-19 after undergoing two swab tests and declared negative. He is a patient from the Sukolilo Hajj Boarding House Cluster, Surabaya; a resident of Probolinggo City who works in a regional hospital. In total there are 3 patients have recovered from COVID-19 and able to return to their home, but still undergoing self-quarantine.


The good news was delivered by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri in a video conference publishing the development of COVID-19 in the city on Saturday (9/5). As of May 9, 2020, there are 6 new People under Monitoring (ODP). About 27 are still under monitoring and 269 others have completed the monitoring, 296 people in total.

12 people have been recorded as patients under surveillance (PDP), two have died, six are still under surveillance, and four have completed surveillance. The number of people confirmed positive for coronavirus has increased by 1 person, 10 patients in total. Seven of them are treated at regional hospital RSUD Dr. Mohamad Saleh, 3 have recovered.

"10 people confirmed positive. Thank God, three of them have been recovered including father and son, and a nurse (medical worker) who are all from the Hajj boarding house cluster. After going through a strict treatment and undergoing two swab tests, they are declared negative for the virus and are allowed to return home," Vice Mayor Subri explained.

Regarding a new positive case who works as a medical worker, the vice mayor revealed that Health Agency had carried out a tracing to the case. As a result, six people have been identified to have close contact with the patient, and after undergoing rapid tests, all the results showed to be nonreactive. A swab test will be carried out on Sunday (10/5) for a better and accurate result.

The new patient was in very good condition, had no symptoms, and did not experience any health problems. This is proof that a healthy body can be the virus carrier.

"We are concerned about publishing the new positive case. One of our medical workers has been confirmed positive for the virus. And, we know that he is very consistent with the development of COVID 19 and is very careful. He always gives us suggestions on how to handle COVID-19," Subri said. Currently, the cluster of which the new patient has been infected with the virus is still being traced by the Health Agency.

Therefore, Vice Mayor Subri urges the people to be honest and transparent so that in the end both nurses and doctors would not be infected. "He was possibly infected with the virus from a patient being treated and in good health despite being a virus carrier," he added.

The Vice Mayor believes that medical workers who are at the forefront in treating patients are careful and focused on handling the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, this condition must be taken seriously so that there are no more medical workers in Probolinggo City who are infected with the virus.

The most important thing, Vice Mayor Subri continued, the city administration remains consistent and focused on combating COVID-19. He also asks the people to take part in suppressing the spread of COVID 19.

In general, people must obey the appeal, including the obligation to use masks; avoid any crowd; adopt PHBS (Clean and Healthy Lifestyle), and people who seek medical treatment must telling the truth about their health condition.

"Tell your condition as accurately and honestly as possible so that you can protect the medical workers. Medical workers who have struggled in treating the patient must be more careful in treating patients at the clinic or hospital," explained the vice mayor, who is also an entrepreneur.

"In line with the wishes of the mayor, he hopes there will be no more new cases of COVID 19 because the number of medical workers is very limited. If a new case arises, Probolinggo City will have a shortage of medical workers," he added.

Meanwhile, Acting Director of regional hospital dr. Mohamad Saleh, Dr. Abraar HS Kuddah delivered a message for medical workers to jointly protect themselves without reducing the way in providing health services to the community.

"This is our risk as medical workers. The most important thing is wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), running the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and God willing, we won’t be infected of COVID-19. Thank you, keep up the spirit," said Dr. Abraar who is also a spokesperson for the task-force team of COVID 19 in Probolinggo City.


Positive Patient’s  Blood for Vaccine Development

The spokesperson of the task-force team for COVID 19 Handling, dr. Abraar HS Kuddah revealed patients who had recovered from COVID 19 would have their blood drawn for the possible use of vaccine development. People must not reject them from coming back to their homes.

"Because it is precisely from them that they can provide therapeutic material for those exposed to the virus," said the surgeon. But the blood drawn still needs a special process to become a vaccine that can treat patients with COVID 19.

The acting Director of RSUD Dr. Mohamad Saleh also reminded people to stay at home and always be honest. "Let's get together with the city administration and medical workers to fight COVID 19," he explained in the video conference which was also attended by Regional Secretary drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, Acting Head of Health Agency Dr. NH Hidayati, Head of Communication and Information Technology Aman Suryaman, and the journalists. The video conference was live broadcasted through the Probolinggo City Facebook account. (alfien_tr)