
MAYANGAN – Memantau kesiapan Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar (SKD) yang diikuti 2.757 Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) formasi tahun 2019 di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo, Kepala Kantor Regional II Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) Surabaya, Tauchid Djatmiko tiba di Kota Probolinggo, Minggu (26/1) pagi.

Pelaksanaan SKD CPNS digelar selama empat hari, mulai Senin – Kamis (27-30/1) di Gedung Pertemuan Nelayan UPT Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Mayangan. Secara teknis, dalam satu hari tes akan dilaksanakan lima sesi, setiap sesinya ada 150 orang, tes berlangsung selama 1,5 jam untuk menyelesaikan 100 soal melalui laptop yang disediakan penyelenggara.

IMG 20200126 WA0028Diketahui, jumlah pelamar seleksi CPNS Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo sebanyak 3.623 orang. Yang lulus seleksi administrasi 2.761 orang, sedangkan yang tidak lulus seleksi administrasi sebanyak 862 orang. Sementara itu, yang tercatat mengikuti SKD sebanyak 2.757 orang (empat orang tidak ikut tes karena sudah punya nilai saat tes 2018 lalu).

Tauchid Djatmiko yang disambut Sekretaris Daerah Kota Probolinggo drg Ninik Ira Wibawati dan Kepala BKPSDM Gogol Sudjarwo itu bertujuan melihat setting dan sarana prasarana yang ada, untuk meminimalisir terjadinya trouble saat tes berlangsung. 

“Untuk yang di dalam ruangan, yang bertanggung jawab adalah tim kami dari BKN. Tugas di luar gedung tanggung jawab panselda (panitia seleksi daerah) mulai registrasi sampai pemeriksaan keamanan,” ujar Tauchid.

Pagi itu, tim panselda hadir untuk mendapat pembekalan. Terdiri dari kepolisian, Satpol PP, Dinas Perhubungan, Inspektorat, Dinas Kominfo, Dinkes Pengendalian Penduduk dan KB, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Dinas PUPR Perkim.

IMG 20200126 WA0027Kepala Kantor Regional II BKN menegaskan, agar keamanan dan kelancaran pelaksanakan SKD berjalan dengan lancar dan transparan. Setiap pemeriksaan fisik dibagi petugas perempuan dan laki-laki, peserta SKD harus berpakaian rapi dan membawa persyaratan sesuai yang telah diumumkan oleh pansel.

“Ruangan tertib, alur dan denahnya diatur, antisipasi jangan sampai ada kerumunan. Live skor juga diperhatikan agar bisa dipantau. Semoga tes SKD berjalan dengan lancar tidak ada kendala apapun,” pesan Tauchid, yang sudah ke sejumlah daerah yang menyelenggaran SKD CPNS.

Sementara itu, Kepala BKPSDM Gogol Sudjarwo menjelaskan, rapat koordinasi dilaksanakan agar pansel dapat secara jelas melaksanakan tugas pokok dan fungsinya. Dengan koordinasi dan komunikasi efektif, dapat mencari solusi dari berbagai permasalahan terkait seleksi penerimaan CPNS.

Tauchid juga sempat menegaskan, peserta SKD CPNS tidak perlu menggunakan jimat hingga dibawa masuk ke ruangan. Petugas keamanan yang akan menggeledah karena ruangan tes SKD sifatnya steril. (famydecta)


The head of Regional II Office of National Civil Service Agency (BKN) Surabaya, Tauchid Djatmiko visited Probolinggo City on Sunday (26/1) to monitor the preparation of Basic Competence Selection (SKD) of which 2,757 future civil servants in Probolinggo municipal administration would participate in.

The selection would be held in 4 days, starting from Monday - Thursday (27-30/1) at the meeting hall of fishermen of the Technical Implementing Unit (UPT) Perikanan Pantai Mayangan. Technically, the selection would be divided into 5 sessions a day, with 150 people in a session, the selection would be held in 1.5 hours to complete 100 questions using a notebook provided.

As is known, the number of applicants of the future civil servants in the city has reached 3,623 people, with 2,761 of them have passed the administrative selection. Meanwhile, the number participating in the selection is 2,757 (4 people choose not to take the test because they already have the score when taking the test in 2018).

Tauchid Djatmiko, who was welcomed by Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati and the head of Personnel and Human Capital Development (BKPSDM), Gogol Sudjarwo visited the city to monitor the setting and the facilities available, to minimize any trouble when the test begins.

“Our team, from BKN would be responsible for anything inside the meeting hall. At the outside, the regional committee is the one responsible for the registration and security check,” Tauchid said.

On the inspection, the regional committee including the police unit, Public Order Agency, Transportation Agency, Inspectorate, Communication and Information Technology Agency, Health Agency, Environment Agency, and Public Works and Urban Planning Agency were there as well to get guidance.

Tauchid has said firmly the security of the selection must be transparent. Any physical check must be divided into men and women; the participants must carry the requirements as was announced by the committee.

“The room must orderly set, completed with the floor plan to avoid any crowd. The live score must be monitored. Hopefully, the test would be successful without any obstacles,” Tauchid said.

Meanwhile, the head of BKPSDM, Gogol Sudjarwo explained the coordination meeting was held so that the committees know what their main duty and function are. By having effective coordination and communication, the committee will solve any problems occurred.

Tauchid has explained as well that the participants need no talisman to take the test. The security officers will check the bag of each participant to have a sterile room.(alfien_tr)