
KANIGARAN - Momentum Ngalap Berkah Bulan Muharram 1442 Hijriyah di Kota Seribu Taman, turut diinisiasi oleh Tim Penggerak (TP) Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) Kota Probolinggo dengan memberikan santunan bagi anak yatim piatu, di rumah dinas Wali Kota Probolinggo, Jalan Panglima Sudirman 1, Kamis (3/9) sore.

Ketua TP PKK Kota Probolinggo Aminah Hadi Zainal Abidin didampingi wakilnya, Diah Kristanti Subri, secara simbolis menyerahkan bantuan berupa paket bingkisan perlengkapan sekolah, peralatan sholat dan uang tunai.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 03 at 17.13.39Aminah Hadi Zainal Abidin mengatakan, kegiatan tersebut merupakan suatu bentuk nyata dari kepedulian dan perhatian sebagai sesama di tengah pandemi COVID-19 yang memang sangat dibutuhkan. Apalagi, katanya, keterpurukan ekonomi sangat berdampak di hampir semua sendi perekonomian.

“Ini adalah wujud kepedulian dan rasa sayang yang dilakukan TP PKK Kota Probolinggo dalam rangka turut andil dalam merayakan 1 Muharram 1442 Hijriyah, atau kata lainnya lebarannya anak yatim piatu. Semoga bermanfaat dan kita bisa melalui masa pandemi ini dengan baik,” terangnya.

Seperti diketahui, Bulan Muharram sering disebut sebagai bulan lebarannya anak yatim,. Pasalnya di bulan Muharram, Nabi Muhammad SAW menyarankan untuk menyantuni anak yatim. Amalan menyantuni anak yatim di bulan Muharram pun menjadi tradisi yang tak bisa dilepaskan di masyarakat.

Idul Yatama atau hari raya anak-anak yatim yang bertepatan dengan tanggal 10 Muharram (Asyura) sebenarnya bukan hari raya sebagaimana hari raya Idul Fitri atau Idul Adha. Istilah ini adalah ungkapan kegembiraan bagi anak-anak yatim. Karena pada tanggal tersebut, banyak orang yang memberikan perhatian dan santunan kepada mereka.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 03 at 17.13.49Selain itu, dijelaskan dalam Kitab Tanhibul Ghafilin bi-Ahaditsi Sayyidil Anbiyaa-I wal Mursalin. “Barangsiapa berpuasa para Hari Asyura (tanggal 10) Muharram, niscaya Allah akan memberikan seribu pahala malaikat dan pahala 10.000 pahala syuhada’. Dan barang siapa mengusap kepala anak yatim pada hari Asyura, niscaya Allah mengangkat derajatnya pada setiap rambut yang diusapnya,” jelasnya.

Di hadapan puluhan anak yatim piatu dan perwakilan orang tuanya yang mendampingi, perempuan berparas ayu itu berpesan agar jangan patah semangat serta giat belajar guna meraih mimpi dan cita-cita.

“Anak-anak harus tetap semangat dan jangan menyerah, ya. Saat ini semua memang serba sulit. Tapi saya yakin kalian semua bisa mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi kalian. Kejarlah dan wujudkan cita-citamu setinggi mungkin,” tandasnya.

Tak ayal pesan dan nasehat istri orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo itu pun memantik semangat dan kegembiraan di wajah anak yatim piatu yang menerima santunan.

Selain memberikan santunan, momen tahun baru islam kali ini, TP PKK Kota Probolinggo juga mengisi giat yang berlangsung sekira pukul 15.00 WIB itu, dengan mendengarkan dongeng kisah Nabi dan Rasul, bernyanyi dan tebak kata. (Sonea)


The Momentum of Ngalap Berkah (to request prayers and blessings for success) in the Month of Muharram 1442 Hijriyah in Probolinggo city, was also initiated by the Probolinggo City Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) Team by providing compensation for orphans at the official residence of the Probolinggo mayor, on Thursday ( 3/9).

The head of the PKK Probolinggo City, Aminah Hadi Zainal Abidin, accompanied by her deputy, Diah Kristanti Subri, symbolically handed over assistance in the form of packages of school supplies, prayer equipment, and cash.

Aminah Hadi Zainal Abidin said that this activity was a form of care and concern as a neighbor amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, she said, the economic decline had an impact on almost all aspects of the economy.

"This is a form of care and compassion by the Probolinggo City TP PKK in order to take part in celebrating Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1442 Hijriyah, or in other words the Eid of orphans. Hopefully, this can give benefits and we can go through this pandemic well," she explained.

As is known, Muharram month is often referred to as the month of Eid orphans. The reason is that in the month of Muharram, the Prophet Muhammad SAW suggested his people to helping orphans. The practice of supporting orphans in the month of Muharram has become a tradition that cannot be separated in society.

Eid al-Yatama or the feast of orphans that coincides with the 10th of Muharram (Ashura) is actually not a holiday like Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha. This term is an expression of joy for orphans because, on that date, many people paid attention and give compensation to them.

In addition, it is described in the Book of Tanhibul Ghafilin bi-Ahaditsi Sayyidil Anbiyaa-I wal Mursalin. "Whoever fasts on the Day of Ashura (the 10th) of Muharram, surely Allah will give a thousand angels reward and 10,000 rewards of martyrs. And whoever rubs the head of an orphan on the day of Ashura, surely Allah will raise his degree to every hair he rubs," he explained.

In front of dozens of orphanages and representatives of their accompanying parents, this beautiful woman urges them not to be discouraged and must study hard to achieve their dreams and aspirations.

"The children have to keep their spirits up and don't give up. Currently, everything is really difficult. But I believe that all of you can fulfill your dreams. Pursue and make your dreams come true as high as possible," she said.

No doubt the message and advice from the wife of the mayor have sparked enthusiasm and joy on the faces of the orphans who received compensation.

In addition to providing compensation, at the moment of the Islamic New Year this time, the TP PKK of Probolinggo City also filled the activity which took place around 3:00 p.m. WIB, by listening to the tales of the Prophet, singing and guessing words. (alfien_tr)