
KANIGARAN – Lima pekerja PT Sulindo didampingi para istri masing-masing dan DPC SPSI Kota Probolinggo menemui Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin dan Kapolres AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Kamis (9/7), di Ruang Transit Kantor Wali Kota.

Mereka mengadukan kebijakan perusahaan yang dianggap merugikan karyawannya. Sekretaris DPC SPSI Kota Probolinggo Donald menjelaskan, perusahaan berlokasi di kawasan pelabuhan itu akan memutasi pegawai dengan lama bekerja sekitar 19 hingga 20 tahun ke pabrik di Tuban dengan diberi 3 kali gaji.

IMG 20200709 WA0037Menyikapi hal tersebut, DPC SPSI sudah melalui hearing namun belum menerima hasilnya. Mediasi pertama pun sudah dilaksanakan dengan difasilitasi Dinas Penanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) dan Tenaga Kerja. Proses mediasi ini pun akan berlanjut hingga tiga kali sebelum kemudian ada keputusan dari hasil mediasi tersebut.

“Kami mengikuti proses yang sudah berjalan. Namun yang perlu kami tanyakan, selama proses masalah ini dirundingkan, karyawan tidak menerima haknya. Seharusnya perusahaan memberikan hak karyawan,” ujar Donald.

Di tengah kondisi perekonomian seperti ini, karyawan mengaku mengalami kesulitan karena tidak punya pemasukan. “Kami berharap Bapak Wali Kota bisa memberikan anjuran ke pihak manajemen agar hak-hak diberikan ke teman-teman,” pintanya.

Kepala DPMPTSP dan Tenaga Kerja Dwi Hermanto menjelaskan, dalam mediasi pertama yang dilaksanakan secara bipartit memang belum ada kesepakatan.  Tapi masih ada mediasi kedua dan ketiga dengan total proses dilaksanakan selama 30 hari.

“Perusahaan tetap melakukan mutasi karena ini kewenangan perusahaan. Kami sedang mencari jalan keluar seperti apa melalui mediator yang ada di kantor kami. Terkait normatif gaji, kami harus berkoordinasi dengan pengawas provinsi,” ungkap Dwi Hermanto.

IMG 20200709 WA0039Proses mediasi berjalan selama 30 hari. Mediasi pertama sudah dilaksanakan dan hasilnya belum ada kesepakatan. Rencananya mediasi kedua akan dilakukan pada pekan depan dan pekan berikutnya untuk mediasi ketiga.

DPC SPSI menambahkan, pihaknya akan tetap mengikuti prosedur mediasi yang berjalan sesuai undang-undang. Yang mereka inginkan adalah perusahaan tetap memberikan hak karyawan berupa gaji bulan lalu yang belum dibayarkan selama proses masih berjalan.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi menyatakan, pihaknya akan berupaya mencari solusi agar tidak ada yang dirugikan antara satu sama lain, karena kondisi perekonomian saat ini yang berdampak di semua elemen. Ia pun berdiskusi untuk mengetahui harapan dari para karyawan.

“Insyaallah, melalui OPD terkait kami akan memanggil pihak perusahaan untuk menanyakan hak-hak karyawan. Sambil proses mediasi terus berjalan,” tegas Wali Kota Habib Hadi.

Sementara itu, dihadapan wali kota, Suryaningsih, istri dari karyawan PT Sulindo mengatakan keluh kesahnya. “Sebulan tidak ada pemasukan, kami berharap dipenuhi dulu gajinya. Sekarang harus hutang untuk beli kebutuhan sehari-hari,” ujar istri dari Semedi, yang sudah 20 tahun bekerja di PT Sulindo. Semedi menerima gaji dua minggu sekali yang nominalnya berkisar Rp 1 juta tergantung lemburan. (famydecta)


Five employees of PT Sulindo, with their respective wives and DPC All-Indonesia Workers' Union (SPSI) of Probolinggo city, met with Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin and Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya on Thursday (9/7), in the Transit Room of the city hall.

They complained about company policies that were considered detrimental to their employees. Secretary of the DPC SPSI of Probolinggo city, Donald explained that companies located in the port area would transfer employees with a length of work of around 19 to 20 years to a factory in Tuban with three times the salary.

In response to this, DPC SPSI has gone through a hearing but has not received the results. The first mediation has also been carried out, facilitated by the Agency of Investment, One-Stop Integrated Service, and Manpower (DPMPTSP Naker). This mediation process will also continue three times before a decision is made.

"We are following an ongoing process. But what we need to ask, during the process of this issue being negotiated, employees do not receive their rights," said Donald.

Amid the economic condition, employees admit to having difficulties because they do not have any income. "We hope the mayor can give a solution to the problem so that our friends here could have their rights," he pleaded.

Head of DPMPTSP and Manpower Dwi Hermanto explained, in the first mediation which was carried out on a bipartite basis, there was no agreement made, but there is still a second and third mediation with a total process of 30 days.

"The company continues to have reassignment because this is the company's authority. We are looking for a way out through the mediators in our office. Regarding the normative salary, we have to coordinate with the provincial supervisor," said Dwi Hermanto.

The mediation process runs for 30 days. The first mediation has been carried out and the result has not been agreed upon. It is planned that the second mediation will be carried out next week and the following week for the third mediation.

DPC SPSI added that they will continue to follow the mediation procedure which runs according to the law. What they want is that the company continues to give employees their rights in the form of last month's unpaid salary while the process of mediation is still ongoing.

Mayor Habib Hadi stated that he would try to find a solution so that no one would be harmed by one another because the current economic conditions had an impact on all elements. He also discussed to find out what the expectations of the employees are.

"God willing, through the relevant working units, we will call the company to ask about employee rights, while the mediation process continues," said Mayor Habib Hadi.

Meanwhile, present at the meeting, Suryaningsih, the wife of a PT Sulindo employee, voiced her complaint. "There is no income for a month; we hope the salary will be fulfilled. Now we have to go into debt to buy daily necessities,” said the wife of Semedi, who has worked for PT Sulindo for 20 years. Semedi receives a monthly salary of IDR 1,000,000. (alfien_tr)