
KANIGARAN – Selama dua bulan terakhir, pasien terkonfirmasi COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo melonjak begitu drastis. Untuk menekan dan mencegah penyebaran COVID 19, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin menerbitkan surat edaran baru dan menyosialisasikan kepada masyarakat melalui live streaming medsos Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo dan zoom meeting, Sabtu (19/12) sore.

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Wali Kota Habib Hadi menegaskan, kebijakan dikeluarkan untuk melindungi dan menjaga masyarakat Kota Probolinggo dari penyebaran COVID 19. “Bersama dengan forkopimda, kami berupaya dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin menekan angka penyebaran COVID 19 karena Kota Probolinggo masuk dalam zona merah lagi,” terangnya.

Surat edaran nomor 066/5647/425.106/2020 tersebut ditujukan kepada pengelola, pemilik, pelaku ekonomi, pelaku usaha di toko modern, swalayan, mal, kafe, restoran, kuliner, toko kelontong serta kuliner UMKM (PKL). Poin pertama, kembali memberlakukan jam operasional buka pada pukul 07.00, tutup pukul 20.00 kecuali apotik dan pelayanan kesehatan tetap buka seperti biasa.

Kedua, melaksanakan protokol penanganan COVID 19 yaitu penyemprotan disinfektan (cairan pembersih) secara berkala pada lingkungan tempat usaha masing-masing. Kemudian mewajibkan pengelola dan pengunjung menggunakan masker termasuk menjaga jarak antar pengunjung minimal satu meter. Menyediakan tempat cuci tangan di depan pintu masuk, mengukur suhu tubuh jika ditemukan pengunjung bersuhu di atas 37 derajat tidak diizinkan memasuki area.

Poin ketiga, restoran, kafe, sentra UMKM/PKL untuk tidak diperkenankan menerima pengunjung makan di tempat (dine in), hanya melayani bungkus (pesan antar/delivery) atau dibawa pulang (take away).

Di dalam SE tersebut, semua pihak diminta untuk berkoordinasi aktif dengan instansi terkait atau menghubungi call center 112. SE berlaku sejak tanggal ditandatangani sampai batas waktu yang belum bisa ditentukan, menunggu perkembangan dan kebijakan lebih lanjut.

Dengan terbitnya SE ini maka SE Wali Kota Probolinggo nomor 066/1699/425.106/2020 tanggal 8 April dicabut dan tidak berlaku lagi. Bagi pelaku ekonomi/usaha apabila ternyata melanggar ketentuan SE akan ditindak oleh satgas COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo.

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“Mudah-mudahan bisa dimengerti dan dipahami karena kebijakan ini semata-mata untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID 19 di wilayah Kota Probolinggo. Tentunya, ini membutuhkan komitmen bersama untuk saling menjaga satu sama lain. Mustahil hanya dari sisi pemerintah saja untuk mengatasi dan mencegahnya, harus dihadapi bersama,” jelas Wali Kota Habib Hadi, dalam rilis yang juga dihadiri wakapolresta, kasdim, sekda dan jajaran OPD terkait.

Menurutnya, kebijakan ini harus diambil setelah melihat operasi yustisi yang gencar dilakukan tetapi masih saja masyarakat belum disiplin. “Saya berharap warga kota untuk bisa menjaga diri, menjaga protokol kesehatan. Tanpa itu semua, mustahil bisa menerapkan protokol kesehatan,” sambung Habib Hadi.

Selain membatasi jam operasional, para pelaku usaha juga diwajibkan menggunakan sarung tangan saat memegang alat, membungkus dan menyiasati menerima pembayaran atau pengembalian yang lebih steril. Pelaku usaha harus disiplin, bersin dan membuat pelanggan nyaman dan yakin kebersihan dari apa yang dibeli, khususnya makanan. (famydecta)


Over the past two months, the number of patients with COVID-19 in Probolinggo city has increased drastically. To suppress and prevent the spread of COVID 19, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin issued a new circular letter and make it published on Probolinggo City Government's social media live streaming and zoom meeting on Saturday (19/12).


Mayor Habib Hadi emphasized that the policy was issued to protect the people of Probolinggo City from the spread of COVID 19. "Together with Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda, we are trying our best to reduce the number of the spread of COVID 19 because the city has turned red (zone) again," he explained.

Circular Letter number 066/5647 / 425.106 / 2020 is addressed to managers, owners, economic and business doers in modern shops, supermarkets, malls, cafes, restaurants, culinary delights, grocery stores, and street vendors (PKL). The first point is to again put operating hours into effect that they can open at 07.00, close at 20.00 except pharmacies and health services remain open as usual.

Second, implementing the protocol for handling COVID 19, including the regular spraying of disinfectants (cleaning fluids) at the sites where each business is located. Then it requires managers and visitors to wear masks, including maintaining a minimum one-meter distance between visitors, provide handwashing stations in front of the entrance point, measure body temperature, and any visitor found to show body temperature above 37 degrees are not allowed to enter the area.

The third point, restaurants, cafes, street vendors centers are not allowed to accept visitors to eat on the spot (dine-in), only serve delivery order or take away service.

In the circular letter, all parties are asked to actively coordinate with relevant agencies or contact the 112 call center. It is valid from the date it was signed until an indefinite deadline, waiting for further developments and policies.

With the issuance of this Circular Letter, then the Circular Letter of Probolinggo Mayor Number 066/1699 / 425.106 / 2020 dated 8 April is revoked and no longer valid. For economic / business doers, if it turns out that they violate the provisions of the policy, they will be imposed with sanctions by the Probolinggo City COVID 19 task force.

"Hopefully it can be well understood because this policy is solely to prevent the spread of COVID 19 in the city. This, of course, requires mutual commitment to take care of each other. It is impossible only from the government side to overcome and prevent it, it must be dealt with together,” explained Mayor Habib Hadi, in a release that was also attended by the deputy police chief, the regional secretary, and the relevant officials.

According to him, this policy should be taken after seeing the vigorous operation that was carried out but the people were still ignorant. "I hope the city residents can take care of themselves, maintain health protocols. Without all of these, it would be impossible to implement health protocols,” continued Habib Hadi.

Besides limiting operating hours, business doers are also required to wear gloves when handling tools, wrapping, and getting around to receiving payments or returns that are more sterile. They must be disciplined, clean, and make customers comfortable and be sure of the cleanliness of what they buy, especially food. (alfien_tr)