
PROBOLINGGO - Pembagian Jaring Pengaman Sosial (JPS) tahap kedua dari Provinsi Jawa Timur untuk warga terdampak COVID 19 dilaksanakan serentak di Kota Probolinggo, mulai Sabtu (11/7) hingga Minggu (12/7). Memastikan pembagian bantuan secara tunai tersebut berjalan lancar, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin memantau ke sejumlah kantor kecamatan.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 11 at 11.22.06Sabtu pagi, menggunakan sepeda motor, orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo itu meninjau ke Kecamatan Kanigaran. Pembagian untuk 1000 masyarakat dilaksanakan sesuai protokol kesehatan. Setiap warga yang datang disemprot disinfektan, mencuci tangan dan menjaga jarak antrean. Mereka juga wajib memakai masker.

“Kecamatan Kanigaran mendapat jatah 1000 penerima, sama seperti tahap pertama. Mereka yang mendapatkan bantuan dari provinsi ini, tidak mendapat bantuan APBN atau APBD,” kata Camat Kanigaran Agus Rianto, saat ditemui disela pembagian bantuan.

Kriteria penerima bantuan senilai Rp 200 ribu itu adalah warga kurang mampu dan lanjut usia (lansia). Setiap warga yang menerima bantuan harus membawa kelengkapan berkas berupa KTP, KK dan undangan. Di Kota Probolinggo terdapat 5000 warga yang menerima bantuan tersebar di lima kecamatan. Total uang yang ditransfer dari provinsi senilai Rp 1 M.

“Ya alhamdulillah dapat bantuan ini buat tambah-tambah biaya sehari-hari. Dulu saya juga dapat Rp 200 ribu (tahap pertama). Selain ini saya tidak menerima bantuan lainnya,” ujar Afiantono, bapak yang berprofesi sebagai tukang becak asal Kelurahan Kanigaran.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 11 at 11.22.02Di Kecamatan Kanigaran, Habib Hadi memantau berlangsungnya pembagian yang nampak berjalan lancar dan sangat tertib. Ia juga menekankan kepada Kepala Pelaksana BPBD Sugito Prasetyo dan Pimpinan Cabang Bank Jatim Probolinggo Wawan BR agar lansia atau warga yang kesulitan datang ke kantor kecamatan agar dilayani di rumah saja.

Usai dari kantor Kecamatan Kanigaran, wali kota bergeser ke Kecamatan Kedopok dan Wonoasih. “Kami melihat pembagian bantuan ini, Alhamdulillah ya berjalan lancar. Penerima antre dan tertib. Pembagian ini serentak di seluruh kecamatan selama dua hari ini, Sabtu dan Minggu,” kata Habib Hadi.

Menurutnya, pembagian bantuan untuk warga terdampak COVID 19 sudah menjadi komitmen Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. “Tahap kedua bantuan dari pemkot sudah, sekarang yang dari provinsi. Semoga bantuan ini bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dan dapat dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya,” tutur wali kota. (famydecta)


The distribution of the second phase of the Social Safety Net (JPS) from East Java Province for residents impacted by COVID 19 was held simultaneously in Probolinggo City, starting from Saturday (11/7) to Sunday (12/7). To ensure the implementation of the distribution, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin monitored a number of sub-district offices.

Using a motorcycle, the mayor visited Kanigaran sub-district. The distribution for 1000 people was carried out with strict health protocols. Every resident who came was sprayed with disinfectant, washed their hands, and kept a long line in line. They are also required to wear masks.

"Kanigaran District gets 1000 recipients, the same number as the first stage. Those who receive assistance from the province will not receive from other sources including from national or local budget,” said Kanigaran sub-district Head Agus Rianto, when he was met during the distribution of the assistance.

The criteria for recipients of the 200,000 rupiahs aid are underprivileged and elderly people. Everyone who receives the aid must bring complete documents in the form of identity cards, family cards, and invitations. In the city, there are 5000 residents who received assistance spread across five sub-districts. The total money transferred from the province was 1 billion rupiahs.

"Yes, thank God, I got this assistance for my daily needs. In the first phase, I also got IDR 200,000. Apart from this, I did not receive any other assistance," said Afiantono, a man who works as a pedicab driver from Kanigaran urban village.

In Kanigaran Subdistrict, Habib Hadi monitored the progress of the distribution which appeared to be running smoothly and very orderly. He also emphasized to the Chief Executive of BPBD Sugito Prasetyo and Branch Manager of Bank Jatim Probolinggo Wawan BR so that the elderly or residents who have difficulties come to the sub-district office to be served at home only.

After leaving the Kanigaran sub-district office, the mayor moved to Kedopok and Wonoasih sub-districts. "We’d like to monitor the distribution. Alhamdulillah, it is running well. The recipient is in line and orderly. The distribution is simultaneously held in all sub-districts for two days, starting from Saturday to Sunday," said Habib Hadi.

According to him, the distribution of aid to residents impacted by COVID-19 has become the commitment of the Probolinggo city administration. "The second phase of assistance from the city administration has been carried out, and now, it’s from the provincial government. Hopefully, this will give benefits to the community and can be used properly,” said the mayor. (alfien_tr)