KANIGARAN - Berita mengejutkan dikabarkan melalui status WhatsApp Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin. Dalam statusnya terpasang foto mobil dinas warna putih berplat nomor N 1 PP itu tertulis, "Kalau ada saudara atau tetangga yang mau menikah silakan bisa pakai mobil ini. Silakan masyarakat Kota Probolinggo boleh memanfaatkan mobil milik pemkot, yang biasa saya pakai ini. Yang penting bermanfaat.”

WhatsApp Image 2021 01 19 at 16.32.29Entah apa yang melatarbelakangi ide tersebut, yang jelas Wali Kota Habib Hadi hanya ingin aset Pemkot Probolinggo itu juga bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat. "Jika ada yang pinjam, maka pada hari itu saya akan pakai mobil lainnya. Silakan pakai tanpa biaya alias gratis,” imbuhnya saat dihubungi.

Masyarakat Kota Probolinggo yang ingin melangsungkan akad nikah, sang pengantin bisa gunakan mobdin wali kota tersebut. Caranya, mendaftar ke Bagian Umum Setda Kota Probolinggo di Jalan Panglima Sudirman dengan melampirkan KTP asli.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi juga menambahkan jika fasilitas mobil dinas wali kota yang dipinjamkan plus sopirnya. Dengan begitu masyarakat alias pengantin tinggal menikmati penggunaan mobil tersebut. Ia juga mengingatkan meski mengizinkan peminjaman mobdin, pelaksanaan akad nikah harus mengedepankan protokol kesehatan. Dan, tanpa perayaan resepsi.

"Jabatan serta amanah, bukan menjadi batas dan jarak antara saya dengan warga. Jadi saya pikir mobil dinas ini boleh dipakai warga dalam moment spesial pernikahan. Semoga, bisa menambah kebahagiaan kedua mempelai dalam acara pernikahannya," pungkas mantan anggota DPR RI ini. (yul)



Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin has made a unique policy as it was posted on his latest WhatsApp status. A picture of his white official car was uploaded on his status. It was uploaded with a caption: “Anyone, who is getting married, can use this car. Probolinggo city residents can use the city administration’s official car I use for my daily. I hope the car can be useful to the residents.”

Nobody knows what is behind the idea. He only wants the residents to have an opportunity to get benefit from using one of the city’s assets, one the mayor uses for his daily activities. “If the residents borrow the car, I can use the other (official) cars. Just use it for free,” he added.

Probolinggo city residents who are getting married can use the mayor’s official car. They just need to register to the General Affairs Department at the city hall by submitting their identity card.

The mayor added the facility is already in a package with a driver, so the brides only need to sit tight and enjoy the ride. He also reminds the residents that the wedding ceremony must put health protocols in priority, without holding any wedding reception.

“The position (as a mayor) and the mandate should not be the boundaries of me and the residents. I think that anyone can use the car at their special wedding moment. Hopefully, this can bring more happiness to the brides in their wedding ceremony,” said the former member of DPR RI. (alfien_tr)