
KADEMANGAN - Tampak sekitar 200 orang penari melakukan aksi gerakan tarian penuh semangat menarikan Tari Teracak Gir Siring, yang merupakan ikhtiar para seniman Kota Probolinggo bersama Pemkot Probolinggo untuk mensyukuri berkah istimewa dari Tuhan berupa terbentuknya Pantai Indah, Pantai Permata.

IMG 20200927 WA0109Pagelaran seni ini dilaksanakan di Pantai Permata Pilang, Minggu (27/9) sore dihadiri Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wakil Wali Kota Mochammad Soufis Subri, Sekda drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, para asisten  sejumlah Kepala OPD, camat dan lurah.

Ya, sejumlah penari adalah pegiat seni dalam naungan Dewan Kesenian Kota Probolinggo yang dikemas dan dirancang dalam waktu yang cukup lama untuk memperingati rangkaian Hari Jadi Kota Probolinggo ke 661.

"Seluruh elemen masyarakat diajak ikut bersama, yang tadinya jumlah penari adalah 661 orang. Namun karena adanya pandemi COVID 19, kurang lebih 200 orang penari ikut dalam pagelaran seni Kota Probolinggo," ungkap Budi Krisyanto Kepala Dispopar sekaligus panitia penyelenggara kegiatan.

IMG 20200927 WA0110Walaupun dalam situasi dan kondisi pandemi COVID 19, tidak menyurutkan semangat pemkot untuk menggelar pagelaran seni sebagai wadah para seniman berkreasi. "Sederhana tapi penuh arti, sederhana tapi penuh keakraban dan kebersamaan. Seluruh masyarakat Kota Probolinggo khususnya pegiat seni untuk melestarikan kesenian khas Kota Probolinggo. Hal inilah menjadi komitmen kita bersama," ujar Habib Hadi.

Menurut orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo itu, dipilihnya Pantai Permata Pilang sebagai tempat pagelaran seni ini adalah menjadikan ikon wisata baru Kota Probolinggo.

Ia beranggapan jika COVID 19 telah usai, tidak menutup kemungkinan Pantai Permata menjadi destinasi wisatawan asing saat kapal pesiar itu bersandar di Pelabuhan Kota Probolinggo.

IMG 20200927 WA0111Demi melestarikan Pantai Permata, Habib Hadi juga berkomitmen bekerja sama dengan pokdarwis setempat untuk membalut pohon-pohon cemara dengan batik Khas Kota Probolinggo yang berjumlah sekitar lebih dari 150 motif batik.

"Tempat ini akan dibenahi tahap demi tahap, kita angkat potensi alam disini. Semua potensi harus kita dorong, mudah-mudahan terus berkembang dan publikasi juga perlu," urai wali kota.

Ia menambahkan banyak hal bisa dilakukan di Pantai Permata Pilang ini, salah satunya adalah kamping dan kegiatan-kegiatan terbuka lainnya. “Terus berkarya meskipun dalam pandemi COVID 19, mengasah anak didik melestarikan kesenian khas Kota Probolinggo,” pesan wali kota untuk para seniman. (dewi)


As many as 200 dancers performing the Teracak Gir Siring Dance enthusiastically as an effort of the artists in Probolinggo city collaborated with the city administration, a form of being grateful for God's gift: Permata Pilang Beach.

The performance was held at Permata Pilang Beach on Sunday (27/9), attended by Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Regional Secretary drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, assistants, and several working unit heads, sub-district, and urban village heads.

Some of the dancers are art enthusiasts under the Probolinggo City Arts Council who had planned for the performance as a gift to commemorate the 661st Anniversary of Probolinggo city.

"All social elements are invited to join the event together. We had a plan to prepare for 661 dancers. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we only manage to make it 200 dancers taking part in the performance," said Budi Krisyanto, the Head of Youth, Sports, and Tourism Agency (Dispopar) and the event organizing committee.

Even though it was held amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the enthusiasm for the performance was quite excessive as the city administration makes the event a forum for the artists to show their creative works. "It was simple but meaningful, full of intimacy, and togetherness. All people of Probolinggo City, especially art enthusiasts, made an action to preserve the unique arts of Probolinggo City. This is our common commitment," said Habib Hadi.

Permata Pilang Beach was chosen as the venue of the event as it is expected to be a new icon of Probolinggo city, according to Habib Hadi.

He assumes that should COVID-19 end, the beach would possibly be a destination for foreign tourists when the cruise ship moored on the Probolinggo Port.

For the sake of preserving Permata Beach, Habib Hadi is also committed to working with the local Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) to beautify the pine trees around the beach with the typical batik of Probolinggo City, which amounts to more than 150 batik motifs.

"The beach will have gradual improvement; the natural potential will be explored. We have to develop all the potential, and hopefully, it will continue to grow and, in doing so, the publication is also required," explained the mayor.

He added that many things can be done at Permata Pilang Beach, one of which is holding a camping activity and other open-air activities. "Continue to work even amid the COVID-19 pandemic; students must learn to preserve the typical arts of Probolinggo City," the mayor ordered to the artists. (alfien_tr)