DPRD Hands Over Recommendation of Mayor's LKPJ


KANIGARAN - Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin received the recommendation for the Probolinggo Mayor's Accountability Report (LKPJ) for 2021 which was submitted by the DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib, Thursday (31/3) afternoon. The plenary meeting was attended by the chairman of the board and 18 of its members. Including the Regional Secretary, drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, along with the heads of regional working units and sub-districts throughout the city.

Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin responded positively to the recommendations of the budget agency. "We will study all these recommendations. It is also an evaluation material for us to follow up," he said.

On the other hand, Speaker Abdul Mujib said that if all the stages had been passed, the recommendations could be reported on time. "The recommendation is an evaluation material for the city government's performance which is less than optimal to achieve the target set in 2021. This is our performance that took part in the development of Probolinggo city, under the function of legislative control over the executive," he added.

He hopes that this recommendation will be a concern for the city government to be followed up immediately. "Hopefully this year can be a trigger for enthusiasm to maximize the targets that have been planned," he asked.

A total of 15 regional working units got their recommendation notes from the budget agency. Among them, the Agency of Education and Culture as many as 7 items, the Health Agency 2 items, RSUD dr Moh Saleh about maximizing hospital services, the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency 3 items, Public Order Agency 4 items, Social Affairs Agency 2 items, DPMPTSP and Naker 6 items. , and Agency of Agriculture 4 items.

In addition, the Agency of Communication and Information Technology was recommended to provide free internet in public facilities. Tourism Agency received 2 recommendation items, Regional Secretariat 3 items, BKPSDM 2 items, and Agency of Regional Development Planning and Research as much as 2 items. Financial and Asset Agency, which also received the recommendation, is expected to increase the regional income of the Rasulullah Museum in terms of the rental of the building. Finally, Bakesbangpol received a recommendation that the social assistance grant is implemented according to regulations through BMD planning, which was preceded by a proposal by the public.  (alfien_tr)