PROBOLINGGO – Untuk mengatasi dampak sosial dan ekonomi yang dialami masyarakat akibat pandemi COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo, selain menyiapkan anggaran dari refocusing dan realokasi APBD, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo menggandeng perusahaan-perbankan melalui CSR (corporate sosial responsibility).
Hasil peran aktif CSR pun luar bisa, dari 51 perusahaan-perbankan serta sumbangan masyarakat terkumpul 2.174 bantuan sembako. Selain bantuan tersebut, pemkot bakal menyalurkan bantuan dari sumber lain yang telah diakomodir.
Upaya menggandeng perusahaan implementasi pelaksanaan rapat koordinasi dan penguatan sinergitas CSR dalam rangka pencegahan penyebaran COVID 19 yang dipimpin Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, 17 Maret lalu. Dari pertemuan itu ditindaklanjuti dengan surat permohonan partisipasi penanganan dampak penyebaran COVID 19 dengan mendorong dunia usaha memberikan bantuan sembako.
Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo menjelaskan, dari data yang masuk per 21 April 2020, ada 51 perusahaan yang sudah konfirmasi dan mengumpulkan bantuannya ke kantor Bappeda Litbang. Total paket sembako yang terkumpul sebanyak 2.174 paket sembako. (daftar perusahaan terlampir)
“Kemudian kami didistribusikan ke kecamatan-kecamatan pada 22 April. Sesuai petunjuk Bapak Wali Kota, pembagian sembako ini diserahkan ke kecamatan-kelurahan untuk segera dibagikan ke masyarakat. Teknisnya ada yang langsung ke rumah warga, ada yang di aula kelurahan dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan,” ujar pejabat eselon II yang biasa dipanggil Tiyok itu.
Rabu (22/4) sembako didistribusikan ke Kecamatan Kademangan 400 paket; Kanigaran 474 paket; Mayangan 500 paket; Kedopok 400 paket dan Wonoasih 400 paket. Dari kecamatan/kelurahan diserahkan ke masyarakat keesokan harinya, Kamis (23/4) dengan sasaran masyarakat terdampak pandemi COVID 19 khususnya lansia. Data penerima sesuai dengan usulan dari masing-masing kecamatan lengkap dengan by name by address (BNBA).
Selain dari perusahaan-perbankan, partisipasi bantuan berupa barang dan yang juga hadir dari lembaga, kelompok dan masyarakat. “Kita patut bersyukur karena banyak elemen dari masyarakat ikut peduli dengan kondisi yang seperti ini,” imbuh Tiyok, mantan Kabag Humas dan Protokol itu.
Sampai dengan tanggal 23 April 2020, ada beberapa bantuan yang telah diserahkan kepada Pemerintah KotaProbolinggo baik secara langsung ataupun melalui Dinas Kesehatan PP dan KB,Puskesmas serta RSUD Dr Moch Saleh. (rincian terlampir)
Sementara itu, Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin mengungkapkan rasa terima kasihnya kepada seluruh perbankan-perusahaan hingga lembaga-kelompok dan masyarakat yang berpartisipasi membantu pemerintah meringankan beban warga kurang mampu di Kota Probolinggo menghadapi dampak ekonomi-sosial di tengah pandemi COVID 19.
“Mudah-mudahan bantuan ini dapat membantu masyarakat, karena seperti yang kita tahu dampak ekonomi dari pandemi virus corona begitu luar biasa. Pemerintah tidak bisa bergerak sendiri, maka kami mengajak seluruh pihak ikut membantu masyarakat Kota Probolinggo. Dan responnya alhamdulillah,” kata Habib Hadi.
Orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo ini menambahkan, bantuan yang sudah disalurkan kepada masyarakat belum yang berasal dari sumbangan ASN Pemkot Probolinggo dan BAZNAS. “Akan kami bagikan secara bertahap dengan penerima yang berbeda dari bantuan sebelumnya. Kenapa berbeda, agar semua warga yang terdampak ikut mendapatkan bantuan tersebut,” jelasnya. (famydecta)
To overcome the social and economic impacts experienced by the community as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic in Probolinggo City, aside from preparing a budget from the re-budgeting and reallocation of the APBD, the city administration cooperates with banking companies through CSR (corporate social responsibility).
The results of the CSR active role were also remarkable, from 51 banking companies and community contributions, 2,174 packages of grocery were collected. Besides, the city administration will distribute assistance from other sources that have been accommodated.
The effort to engage with companies is an implementation of the coordination meeting and strengthening CSR synergy in the context of preventing the spread of COVID 19, led by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin on March 17th. The meeting was followed up with a letter requesting participation to handle the impact of the spread of COVID 19 by encouraging the business community to provide groceries.
Head of Regional Development Planning and Research Agency, Rey Suwigtyo explained, from the data as of 21 April 2020, 51 companies that had confirmed and collected their assistance to the agency. Totally, 2,174 food packages were collected. (company list attached)
"Then we distributed the packages to sub-districts on April 22. As directed by the Mayor, the distribution of groceries was handed over to the sub-districts and urban villages to be immediately distributed to the community. Technically, some packages are distributed directly to the residents' houses, and some others in the village hall by adopting health protocols," said Tiyok.
400 packages were distributed to Kademangan Sub-district on Wednesday (4/22); 474 packages to Kanigaran; 500 packages to Mayangan; 400 packages to Kedopok, and 400 packages to Wonoasih sub-district. From the urban villages, it was handed over to the community the next day on Thursday (4/23) with the target is people being economically affected by the COVID 19 pandemic especially the elderly. Recipient data is based on the proposals from each sub-district completed by name by address (BNBA).
Apart from the banking company, participation in the form of goods was also received from other institutions, groups, and communities. "We should be grateful that many elements of the community are concerned with the conditions," added Tiyok.
As of April 23, 2020, there has been some assistance that has been submitted to the city administration, either directly or through the Health Agency, community health center Puskesmas, and Dr. Moch Saleh Regional Hospital. (details attached)
Meanwhile, Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin expressed his gratitude to all banking-companies and other participating groups and communities who have helped the government to ease the burden of the poor people in Probolinggo City to face the socio-economic impact amid the COVID 19 pandemic.
"Hopefully, this assistance can help the people, because as we know the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic is so extraordinary. The government cannot move alone, so we invite all parties to help the people. And the response is extraordinary as well," said Habib Hadi.
The mayor added assistance that had been distributed to the community is excluded from the donations from the civil servants of Probolinggo city administration and BAZNAS. "We will share in stages with different recipients so that all affected residents will get the assistance," he explained. (alfien_tr)
a. Bantuan yang diserahkan kepada Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo di Kantor Wali Kota Probolinggo:
1 |
PT. Indomarco Prismatama(Indomaret) |
Masker | 1.635 Pcs |
2 | IbuSunarsih | UangKoin | Rp 2.334.500 |
3 | Srikandi Peduli-Kampung rerere | Masker | 1.000 Pcs |
FaceShield | 12 Pcs | ||
APD | 6 Pcs | ||
4 | SriAndayani-Jl. Cokro gang IIIno. 262 | UangKoin | Rp 2.105.850 |
b. Bantuan yang diserahkan kepada Dinas Kesehatan PP dan KB serta Puskesmas Kota Probolinggo:
1 | IDIKota Probolinggo | Sepatu Boot | 9 pasang |
BajuHazmatReuse | 8 Pc | ||
KacaMataGogle | 9 Pc | ||
Masker Bedah | 23 Pc | ||
Handscoon | 53Pasang | ||
FaceShield | 12 Pc | ||
Jas Hujan | 20 Pc | ||
HandSanitizer | 7 botol | ||
2 | KDSDep.Store | BajuHazmatReuse | 50 Pc |
3 | Wartawan | FaceShield | 43 Pc |
4 | Perorangan(Masyarakat) | BajuHazmatReuse | 10 Pc |
Masker Kain | 68 Pc | ||
5 | PemprovJatim | BajuHazmatReuse | 150Pc |
MaskerBedah | 3550 Pc | ||
Masker Kain | 20 Pc | ||
RDT RapidTest | 340Tes | ||
Masker N95 | 500Pc |
c. Bantuanyang diserahkan kepada RSUD Dr.Moch.Saleh Kota Probolinggo:
NO |
1 |
Dinkes Kota Probolinggo |
Masker Karet |
45.000 |
pcs |
2 |
BPBD Provinsi Jatim |
Baju Hazmat |
100 |
pcs |
Masker Tali |
1.000 |
pcs |
3 |
Dinkes Provinsi Jatim |
Rapid Test Covid-19 |
40 |
test |
4 |
Paguyuban Hindu Grahadi |
Rapid Test Covid-19 |
60 |
test |
5 |
Teman dr.Indri |
BajuHazmat |
38 |
pcs |
6 |
PDPI (dr. Supriyadi/Anita Widya Astuti) |
Sepatu Boot |
19 |
psg |
7 |
NN(Warga Probolinggo) |
Face Shield |
200 |
pcs |
8 |
Haksa (Dana BTT /B.Ani Nuraini / dr.Abraar,RSUD Dokter M.Saleh) |
Face Shield A |
1 |
pcs |
Face Shield B |
40 |
pcs |
Goggle Tipe A |
150 |
pcs |
Goggle Tipe B |
113 |
pcs |
Glove Latex Freder |
150 |
pcs |
Boots Panfix (38-43) Paket Mini (Jas, Masker Bedah,Hand Scoon,Hand Sanitizer) |
150 51 |
pcs pcs |
9 |
IDI Kota Probolinggo |
Face Shield |
51 |
pcs |
Baju Hazmat |
2 |
pcs |
Sepatu Boot |
2 |
psg |
Vitamin (Vitalex) |
500 |
tab |
10 |
BPBD Provinsi Jatim (dr. Suban Wahyu) |
Baju Hazmat |
50 |
pcs |
Masker Bedah |
350 |
pcs |
11 |
BPBD Provinsi Jatim |
Baju Hazmat |
73 |
pcs |
Swab Kit |
38 |
pcs |
Masker N-95 |
3 |
pcs |
Masker Bedah |
600 |
pcs |
DisposibleCup |
100 |
pcs |
Hand Sanitizer |
5.000 |
ml |
Alkohol |
5.000 |
ml |
12 |
NRPG (Niron Phising Gokil) |
Masker Non Bedah (Kain) |
346 |
pcs |
13 |
Kitabisa.Com |
BajuHazmat |
50 |
pcs |
Kaca Mata Goggle |
24 |
pcs |
Masker Koyo Sensi |
50 |
pcs |
14 |
Inshif2019 |
Face Shield |
50 |
pcs |
15 |
Hamba Allah |
Hand Sanitizer (25 ml) |
50 |
btl |
16 |
Budha TzuChi Indonesia |
Rapid Test Covid-19 |
60 |
test |
17 |
Budi H |
Hand Scoon Latex |
200 |
pcs |
Sepatu Boot |
10 |
psg |
Alkohol 70% (1Lt) |
5 |
btl |
18 |
Haksa (Dana BTT /B.Ani Nuraini) |
Helm Safety |
30 |
pcs |
Face Shield |
26 |
pcs |
19 |
PT. PutraTedja |
Masker Tali |
100 |
pcs |
Baju Hazmat |
25 |
pcs |
20 |
BTT /B.Ani Nuraini |
Masker N-95 |
80 |
pcs |
21 |
Perdatin(dr. Silvy) |
Masker N-95 |
4 |
pcs |
Sepatu Boot |
1 |
psg |
Sarung Tangan Panjang |
4 |
pcs |
Face Shield |
1 |
pcs |
Coverall |
1 |
pcs |
Vitamin (Corovit) |
40 |
tab |
Sarung Tangan Biasa |
50 |
pcs |
22 |
PDPI (dr. Supriyadi) |
Vit.C Injeksi |
50 |
amp |
23 |
HNPP/Himpunan Nelayan Pengusaha Pelabuhan (Samudra Bestari) |
Coverall |
50 |
pcs |
24 |
Inshif 2019 |
Baju Hazmat |
50 |
pcs |
25 |
Inshif 2019 |
Baju Hazmat |
50 |
pcs |
26 |
SMAN 1 Kota Probolinggo |
Sabun Cuci Tangan 500 ml |
60 |
btl |
27 |
PT. Sanbe Farma |
Formuno Tab |
600 |
tab |
28 |
BTT (KF) |
Hemafort Tab |
2.400 |
tab |
29 |
BTT (Lintas CitraAndalas) |
Hazmat Lengkap |
200 |
pcs |
30 |
Coverall |
15 |
pcs |
31 |
ArethaMedikaUtama |
Baju Hazmat |
50 |
pcs |
32 |
Dinkes Kota Probolinggo |
Rapid Test Covid-19 |
40 |
test |
33 |
Dinkes Provinsi Jatim |
Masker Earloop |
5.750 |
pcs |
Baju Hazmat |
50 |
pcs |
Face Shield |
14 |
pcs |
Hand Sanitizer |
5.000 |
ml |
34 |
Dinkes Provinsi Jatim |
Alkohol |
20.000 |
ml |
Sarung Tangan |
100 |
pcs |
RDT Covid-19 |
20 |
test |
35 |
PT. Inti Soleh |
Baju Hazmat |
20 |
pcs |
36 |
WeCare.Id |
APD Lengkap |
5 |
pcs |
Goggles |
3 |
pcs |
Masker N-95 |
20 |
pcs |
Masker Jilbab |
400 |
pcs |
37 |
Tim Face Shield ITS |
Face Shield |
100 |
pcs |
Baju Hazmat |
15 |
pcs |
Sepatu Boot |
3 |
psg |
Hand Sanitizer |
5.000 |
ml |
38 |
Dokter Inshif 2019 |
Baju Hazmat |
50 |
pcs |
39 |
JuantaYamaha |
Masker N-95 |
60 |
pcs |
d. Daftar Bantuan CSR Dari Perusahaan Dan Perbankan Di Wilayah Kota Probolinggo Dalam Rangka Penanganan Dampak Penyebaran Virus Covid-19
1 | PT.LinggaMas | 01April2020 | 20 | Sembako | Beras | 10Kg |
2 | CV.GrahaMulia | 01April2020 | 20 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Syrup | 20Botol | |||||
KueKering | 20Buah | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
KecapRefil | 520ml | |||||
MieInstan | 40Bungkus | |||||
3 | CV.IEIE | 01April2020 | 20 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
MieInstan | 20Bungkus | |||||
4 | KDSDebt.Store | 02April2020 | 60 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
5 | PT.Sumber SetiaJayaAbadi | 02April2020 | 40 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
02April2020 | 40 | Sembako | Kentang | 7Kg | ||
6 | CV.BJB(Berdikari) | 02April2020 | 100 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
7 | BPRSAJ | 03April2020 | 10 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
TepungTerigu | 2Kg | |||||
Sarden | 155Gr | |||||
8 | PT.Pegadaian | 03April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
TepungTerigu | 2Kg | |||||
Sarden | 155Gr | |||||
9 | PT.SKI | 06April2020 | 10 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
10 | Sembako | MieInstan | 10Kardus | |||
10 | Sembako | MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||
10 | SinarTerang | 06April2020 | 100 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
11 | HotelMoronyoto | 06April2020 | 2 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
1 | Sembako | Kue | 1 | |||
12 | RumahMakanSumber Hidup | 06April2020 | 2 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
KecapRefil | 520ml | |||||
Gula | 3Kg | |||||
MieKudaMenjangan | 2Bungkus | |||||
13 | CIMBNIAGA | 07April2020 | 2 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2,5Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
MieKudaMenjangan | 5Bungkus | |||||
14 | PT.SinarMas | 07April2020 | 3 | Sembako | KecapBotol | 24Botol |
15 | RSIAAmanah | 07April2020 | 100 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MieInstan | 10Bungkus | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
KecapRefil | 250ml | |||||
16 | HotelLava-Lava | 07April2020 | 10 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
KecapRefil | 520ml | |||||
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MieInstan | 5Bungkus | |||||
17 | GrapariTelkomsel | 07April2020 | 3 | PaketSembako | Beras | 3Kg |
Gula | 1/2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
MieInstan | 3Bungkus | |||||
18 | PT.TelkomIndonesia | 08April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
MieInstan | 10Bungkus | |||||
19 | PT.HMSampoerna | 08April2020 | 100 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
MieInstan | 1Kardus | |||||
20 | PT.Southern MarineProducts | 08April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 4Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
KecapRefil | 250ml | |||||
21 | PT.Alfamidi | 08April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 2,5Kg |
KecapRefil | 520ml | |||||
MieInstan | 5Bungkus | |||||
SusuIndomilkPutih | 370Gram | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
KopiKapalApiSachet | 165Gram | |||||
TehSariwangi | 1Bungkus | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
22 | PT.Honda Lestari | 09April2020 | 6 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
Telur | 1Kg | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
KecapRefil | 520ml | |||||
MieInstan | 10Bungkus | |||||
23 | PT.PAI | 09April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
KecapBotol | 1Botol | |||||
SusuIndomilkPutih | 1Kaleng | |||||
PT.PAIpengirimankeII | 14April2020 | 100 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg | |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
TepungTerigu | 2Kg | |||||
Sarden | 1Pack | |||||
24 | PT.Rajawali | 09April2020 | 20 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
5 | Sembako | MieInstan | 1Kardus | |||
25 | PT.Djarum | 09April2020 | 6 | Sembako | MieInstan | 1Kardus |
26 | PT.RimbaSimpanaIndonesia(RSI) | 13April2020 | 100 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
27 | BNI46 | 13April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
TepungTerigu | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
28 | BPRJatim | 13April2020 | 10 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MieInstan | 5Bungkus | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
TehSariwangi | 1Kotak | |||||
29 | RadarBromo | 13April2020 | 20 | Sembako | Beras | 5Kg |
30 | PDAM | 14April2020 | 100 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
KecapRefil | 520ml | |||||
31 | PT.PNM | 14April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
MieInstan | 10Bungkus | |||||
Masker | 2Buah | |||||
32 | PT.EratexDjaja | 14April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MieInstan | 5Bungkus | |||||
KecapRefil | 520ml | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
33 | BankBukopin | 14April2020 | 100 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
MieInstan | 5Bungkus | |||||
HandSanitizer | 1Botol | |||||
34 | PT.FIF | 14April2020 | 5 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Sosis | 1Pack | |||||
MieInstan | 10Bungkus | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
KopiKapalApiSachet | 1Bungkus | |||||
SusuIndomilkPutih | 1Kaleng | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
TehSariwangi | 1Kotak | |||||
35 | PelindoIII | 14April2020 | 100 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MieInstan | 10Bungkus | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
KecapBotol | 1Botol | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
36 | PaoloKeramik | 14April2020 | 2 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
KecapBotol | 1Botol | |||||
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
KopiKapalApiSachet | 1Bungkus | |||||
37 | HotelRatna | 14April2020 | 3 | PaketSembako | MieInstan | 5Bungkus |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
TehSariwangi | 1Kotak | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
Beras | 5Kg | |||||
38 | BRI | 14April2020 | 200 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
TepungTerigu | 2Kg | |||||
Sarden | 1Pack | |||||
39 | AkasMila | 14April2020 | 4 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
KecapBotol | 1Botol | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 1Liter | |||||
TehSariwangi | 1Kotak | |||||
KopiKapalApiSachet | 1Pack | |||||
MieInstan | 2Bungkus | |||||
40 | PT.Indopherin | 15April2020 | 190 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MieInstan | 4Bungkus | |||||
SusuIndomilkPutih | 1Kaleng | |||||
Gula | 1Kg | |||||
Sarden | 1Pack | |||||
KecapBotol | 1Botol | |||||
41 | BankMega | 15April2020 | 5 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
KopiKapalApiSachet | 1Bungkus | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
Energen | 1Kotak | |||||
MieInstan | 5Bungkus | |||||
42 | BankJatimSyariah | 15April2020 | 3 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
TehSariwangi | 1Kotak | |||||
MieInstan | 5Bungkus | |||||
Rinso | 1Bungkus | |||||
MoltoRefill | 1Bungkus | |||||
43 | BCA | 15April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
TepungTerigu | 2Kg | |||||
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
Sarden | 1Pack | |||||
44 | PT.Alfamart | 15April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
TehSariwangi | 1Kotak | |||||
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
45 | PLN | 15April2020 | 50 | PaketSembako | Beras | 5Kg |
MinyakGoreng | 2Liter | |||||
Gula | 2Kg | |||||
TepungTerigu | 2Kg |