
Pemberian remisi umum bagi narapidana dan anak dalam rangka HUT ke-75  kemerdekaan RI tahun 2020 di lapas kelas II B Probolinggo terasa religius. Pasalnya Kalapas Risman Somantri menyebut warga binaan dengan sebutan santri. Ia berkeinginan mewujudkan penjara menjadi pesantren, dari sangkar berubah menjadi sanggar.

Acara pemberian remisi umum, Senin siang (17/8) diawali tampilan warga binaan dengan seni hadrah Darul Awwabin bersholawat, lalu Pro band yang membawakan lagu bernuansa kebangsaan Gebyar-Gebyar. Dihadapan Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wakil Wali Kota Mohammad Soufis Subri, anggota Forkopimda, Sekda kota, tokoh agama dan MUI, Kalapas menceritakan sulitnya mengurus ijin pesantren.

IMG 20200817 WA0111“Ukurannya bukan hanya seperti pengajian saja, namun progress setelah mereka disini. Karena potensi menjadi baik dan tidak baik sama-sama besar. Kita harus berjuang agar mereka bisa menjadi baik saat kembali di tengah-tengah masyarakat,” urai Risman Somantri yang baru 1,5 bulan menjabat Kalapas Probolinggo ini.

Menurutnya, di lapas kelas IIB Probolinggo memiliki dua konsep, diantaranya pembinaan kepribadian dan pembinaan kemandirian. Pembinaan kepribadian bertujuan agar yang bersangkutan menyadari kesalahannya sehingga bertobat dan tidak melakukan tindak pidana lagi.  Lapas ini diisi sejumlah 497 orang dan melebihi kapasitas karena seharusnya diisi 265 orang. Agar suasana lebih tenang dan menyejukkan, pihaknya bekerja sama dengan Pesantren Nurus Salafiyah agar bisa mencetak santri mandiri.

Sedangkan pembinaan kemandirian berupa bekal untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas mereka, seperti membuat telor asin dan membuat sarung. Karena kondisi pandemi covid 19, sementara terhenti untuk pembuatan sarung. Termasuk  layanan service mobil dan motor yang ditempatkan di luar. Rumah dinas disulap menjadi bengkel mobil dan motor.

IMG 20200817 WA0112“Jika mereka dibekali dengan ketrampilan, bisa bersaing dengan masyarakat. Contohnya, saat mereka pulang dari mereka bisa bikin telor asin dari rumah, lalu  dikirim ke lapas untuk dipasarkan sehingga berkesinambungan. Mohon dukungan juga, bahwa lapas kelas II B Probolinggo sedang mengikuti penilaian WBK dan WBM,”pungkasnya.

Bak gayung bersambut, Wali Kota mendukung dibentuknya pesantren di lapas kelas II B Probolinggo. “Meski ijin belum turun, lanjutkan niat baik membentuk pesantren di lapas ini. Kegaitan kegamaan adalah kewajiban agar bisa meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan. Sehingga saat keluar nanti menjadi orang yang bermanfaat dan berguna. Saya akan perhatikan dan support apabila dibutuhkan,”urai Habib Hadi.

Pemerintah Kota bisa berkontribusi dalam menambah skill warga binaan.  Misalnya pelatihan apa yang dibutuhkan, termasuk hasil dari kreatifitas mereka. Wali kota juga menyampaikan jika warga binaan tetap memiliki hak yang harus dipenuhi. Mereka hanya kehilangan kebebasan, tetapi tidak kehilangan hak lainnya. Salah satunya hak untuk mendapatkan pengurangan dalam remisi.

“Semoga bisa mempercepat proses kembalinya napi dan anak dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Saya berpesan jangan berkecil hati, masih ada keluarga yang menunggu dan berharap kembali dengan perubahan yang lebih baik. Kesalahan yang sudah berlalu menjadi pembelajaran agar tidak mengulangi lagi kedepan. Apabila sebelumya sudah membuat malu keluarga, maka saat keluar nanti buatlah bangga keluarga,” pesan Habib Hadi, yang membuat warga binaan berkaca-kaca menyimaknya.

IMG 20200817 WA0109Selain memotivasi mereka agar berubah lebih baik, ia juga menyapa para penghuni lapas yang dikenalnya.

“50 persen penghuni lapas disini kenal saya, ada yang teman sekolah, santri, sahabat, teman masa kecil. Dan saya tidak malu menyebut anda sebagai teman meski berstatus warga binaan. Saya yakin setelah keluar dari sini, akan akan berubah. Tetap semangat karena ini bagian dari ujian hidup yang berat. Insya Allah membawa hikmah di kemudian hari,”ujar wali kota.

Mantan anggota DPR RI ini  juga mengingatkan pentingnya protokol kesehatan dalam upaya memutus mata rantai covid 19. Menurutnya, lapas harus mendapat perhatian serius agar tidak muncul kluster baru dalam penyebaran covid 19. 

“Alhamdulillah lapas kelas IIB aman dari covid 19, namun  jangan sampai lengah. Mari bekerja sama bahu membahu memutus mata rantai covid 19. Kebijakan tentang pembatasan kunjungan bukan bermaksud mempesempit ruang silaturrahmi, tapi untuk menjaga kesehatan bersama,”pungkasnya. (yuli)


The grant of remissions for prisoners and children Probolinggo city Class II B penitentiary in turned religious as the head of the penitentiary Risman Somantri calls the prisoners as santri (Islamic boarding school students). He has a desire to turn the prison into a boarding school.

The event held on Monday (17/8) began with the appearance of the prisoners performing Hadrah Darul Awwab before a band called Pro band performed the ‘Gebyar-Gebyar’, one of Indonesia national songs. Before Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mohammad Soufis Subri, members of Forkopimda, the regional secretary, religious leaders, and the MUI, Risman Soemantri told about the difficulty of obtaining a permit to turn the penitentiary into an Islamic boarding school.

"The measurement is about the progress after they are being convicts. The potential for being good and bad is both great. We have to fight so that they can be good people when they return to society," explained Risman Somantri, who has only served as Head of the penitentiary for 1.5 months.

According to him, the penitentiary has two concepts, including personality development and independence development. Personality development aims to make the person aware of their mistake so that they will not commit another criminal act. This prison is filled with a total of 497 prisoners and is overcrowded because the capacity is 265. To make the atmosphere calmer, his party is working with the Nurus Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School to produce independent santri.

Meanwhile, self-reliance training is in the form of provisions to increase their creativity, such as making salted eggs and making sarongs. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was temporarily stopped for making gloves.

"If they are equipped with skills, they can compete with the community. For example, when they get out of the prison, they can make salted eggs from home, to be sold at the prison. We need your support, the penitentiary is currently following the WBK and WBM assessments," he concluded.

Like a tit for tat, the mayor supported the formation of a pesantren in Probolinggo Class II B penitentiary. "Even though the permit has not been issued, you have to continue the good intentions of forming a pesantren in this prison. Religious activity is an obligation to increase faith and piety. So that when they come out, they will be a better person. I will pay attention and support if needed," explained Habib Hadi.

The city administration can contribute to increasing the skills of the prisoners. For example, providing training, including the results of their creativity. The mayor also said that if the prisoners still have rights that must be fulfilled. They only lose their freedom, but they don't lose any other rights. One of them is the right to get a reduction in remission.

"Hopefully it can speed up the process of returning prisoners and children to social life. I advise you not to be discouraged, there are still families waiting and hoping to return with a better chance. Past mistakes should be learning so you don't repeat it in the future. Now it’s your turn to make your family proud,” ordered Habib Hadi, which made the inmates look teary.

Besides motivating them to change for the better, he also greeted prisoners he knew.

"50 percent of prison residents here know me, some are school friends, students, friends, childhood friends. And I am not ashamed to call you a friend even though you are prisoners. I'm sure that after getting out of here, things will change. Keep up the spirit because this is part of life's tough test. God willing, bring wisdom in the future," said the mayor.

This former member of the DPR RI also reminded the importance of health protocols to break the chain of COVID-19. According to him, prisons should have serious attention so that new clusters do not emerge in the spread of COVID-19.

"Alhamdulillah, the penitentiary is safe from COVID-19, but don't let your guard down. Let's work together to break the chain of COVID-19. The policy on limiting visits is not intended to narrow the space for friendship, but to maintain common health," he concluded. (alfien_tr)