
PROBOLINGGO – Sebanyak 5000 warga Kota Probolinggo di lima kecamatan menerima bantuan Jaring Pengaman Sosial (JPS) Bantuan Tak Terduga senilai Rp 200 ribu dari BPBD Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pencairan tersebut dilaksanakan serentak di masing-masing kantor kecamatan, Kamis (21/5).

Untuk memastikan proses pencairan di lapangan, Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin memantau di Kecamatan Kademangan, Wonoasih dan Kedopok. Siang itu, wali kota didampingi Kepala BPBD Sugito Prasetyo dan Pimpinan Bank Jatim Kota Probolinggo

Di Kecamatan Kademangan, Habib Hadi menemukan seorang warga yang tiba di pendapa kecamatan menggunakan becak. Usianya sudah lanjut dan kesulitan berjalan. Ibu itu bernama Sumariyah.

WhatsApp Image 2020 05 21 at 14.13.29“Kalau sakit tidak usah kesini, kasihan wira-wiri. Mana petugasnya tolong ibu ini diuruskan, tidak usah turun dari becak,” ujar wali kota iba.

Sumariyah lantas disodori kertas untuk ditandatangani. Namun, istri pensiunan itu memilih menggunakan cap jari. Setelah menunjukkan kelengkapan persyaratan pencairan bantuan, Sumariyah akhirnya menerima uang tunai Rp 200 ribu dalam pecahan 20 ribuan.

Melihat kondisi tersebut, Habib Hadi menekankan ke masing-masing kecamatan dan kelurahan yang membawahi warganya, apabila ada yang sakit bisa dikuasakan ke orang yang masih satu KK (kartu keluarga).

“Kalau tidak bisa, minta petugas yang mendatangi. Bulan depan saat pencairan kedua, tolong tidak usah datang. Selesai pelayanan di kecamatan nanti diantarkan ke rumah warga tersebut biar tidak menyulitkan warga yang membutuhkan,” ungkap mantan anggota DPRD Jatim dan DPR RI ini.

Secara keseluruhan, wali kota bersyukur pencairan bantuan berjalan lancar sesuai dengan harapan. Warga yang mendapat bantuan tunai dari provinsi ini, tidak dapat bantuan dari pemerintah daerah atau pemerintah pusat.

WhatsApp Image 2020 05 21 at 15.37.15“Tentunya saya harap bantuan ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, untuk kebutuhan menyambung hidup sehingga tujuan bantuan pemerintah mengurangi beban ekonomi masyarakat terdampak COVID 19 tepat sasaran,” harap Habib Hadi.

Kepala Pelaksana BPBD Kota Probolinggo Sugito Prasetyo saat ditemui di lokasi pembagian bantuan mengatakan, bantuan ini bersumber dari BPBD Provinsi Jawa Timur dalam rangka percepatan penanganan dampak COVID 19. Pemerintah kota sebagai pelaksana bekerjasama dengan Bank Jatim setempat.

Data penerima bantuan usulan dari kelurahan kemudian diverifikasi di kecamatan, diserahkan ke Bappeda Litbang lalu Dinsos lantas diberi ke BPBD. “Kuota Kota Probolinggo 5000 penerima, per kecamatan masing-masing 1000. Bantuan dicairkan selama tiga bulan mulai Mei, Juni dan Juli. Kami berupaya semaksimal mungkin penerima bantuan tidak dobel,” kata Sugito. (famydecta)


As many as 5,000 Probolinggo city residents in five sub-districts received social safety net assistance worth to IDR 200,000 from the Agency of Regional Disaster Mitigation of East Java Province. The assistance was simultaneously held in respective sub-districts on Thursday (21/5).


Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin monitored the process in the field, visiting Kademangan, Wonoasih, and Kedopok sub-district. He was accompanied by the head of Regional Disaster Mitigation of Probolinggo city, Sugito Prasetyo, and the officials of Bank Jatim, Probolinggo city.

In the Kademangan sub-district, Habib Hadi found a resident coming to the sub-district hall riding a pedicab. She was an old woman, barely able to walk. She was Sumariyah.

“You don’t need to come if you are sick. We will take care of it, no need to off the pedicab,” the mayor said.

Sumariyah was then given a sheet to sign. But, she chose to use fingerprints. After submitting the requirements, she received IDR 200,000 in cash.

Habib Hadi told each sub-district to be responsive to help the residents. The assistance can be handed over to the recipients’ families if they are sick or not able to take the assistance themselves.

“If they are not able to come, the officers must give assistance to their house. The old lady doesn’t need to come again next month. We must facilitate the process,” he said.

Overall, the mayor was grateful to have a fine process of distributing assistance. They, who get assistance from the provincial government, will get no assistance from the regional or central government.

“I hope the assistance can be well used for daily needs so that the goal of the government to ease the burden of the people can be achieved,” Habib Hadi hopes.

The head of local BPBD, Sugito Prasetyo said the assistance is financed by the East Java BPBD in dealing with COVID-19. The city administration who acts as the administrator is making collaboration with local Bank Jatim.

The recipient data was proposed by the urban village offices before being verified by the sub-district level and submitted to the Agency of Regional Development Planning and Research. “The city quota reaches 5,000 recipients, with each sub-districts has 1,000 recipients. The assistance will be provided in three months in a row starting from May to July. We will make sure that there would be no recipient receiving other assistance,” Sugito said. (alfien_tr)