
KANIGARAN – Apresiasi yang tinggi patut diberikan kepada Gugus Tugas Penanganan COVID 19 bersama tenaga kesehatan (nakes) di Kota Probolinggo. Karena per hari ini, Kamis (18/6), dinyatakan zero pasien COVID 19 yang dirawat di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh.

Kabar baik ini disampaikan Ketua Gugus Tugas Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin, saat merilis kondisi penanganan COVID 19 di wilayahnya. “Pasien yang dirawat ada 4, alhamdulillah semua sehat dan hasil swab kedua negatif. Sehingga pasien positif sudah zero di RSUD,” jelasnya.

1706 Peta COVID 19 prob perkel2Empat pasien yang sudah sembuh itu antara lain dari Kelurahan Sumber Taman, Pakistaji dan Mangunharjo. Laporan kesembuhan pasien ini pun segera dilaporkan ke Provinsi Jawa Timur.

“Mudah-mudahan tidak ada yang muncul lagi. Mawas diri, jaga kedisiplinan, jangan lalai. Penerapan penegakkan disiplin tetap perlu diperluas lagi di Kota Probolinggo, kerjasama pemerintah bersama TNI dan Polri,” tegas Wali Kota Habib Hadi, dalam video conference (vidcon) sekaligus live di media sosial (medsos).

Habib Hadi juga mengajak masyarakat untuk melakukan komitmen bersama dengan menjalankan protokol kesehatan. “Ayo warga Kota Probolinggo jaga kedisiplinan. Pemerintah akan terus berupaya menekan angka penularan COVID 19 dengan penegakkan disiplin,” terangnya.

Vidcon siang itu sangat menarik karena ada testimoni dari empat pasien yang sudah sembuh. Selain itu, juga ada pesan yang disampaikan dr Anung Sri Handayani yaitu masyarakat tetap melakukan PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat), menggunakan masker, menjaga jarak dan lebih baik ada di rumah saja.

“Beliau-beliau ini sudah sembuh, hanya perlu melakukan aktivitas sesuai protokol kesehatan. Masker juga tetap harus digunakan dan jangan ada stigma negatif tentang pasien yang sembuh dari COVID 19,” terang dr Anung, dokter spesialis paru di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh.

Sementara itu, Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya menilai Gugus Tugas di Kota Probolinggo telah melaksanakan 3T yaitu Tes, Tracing dan Treatment. “Semua dijalankan dengan tepat dan sesuai prosedur. Hasilnya adalah kesembuhan semua pasien. Kami salut serta bangga dan hormat yang luar biasa,” serunya.

Kajari Kota Probolinggo Yeni Puspita juga memberikan apresiasi kepada nakes yang sudah bekerja dengan baik. “Hari ini zero, tetapi kemungkinan bisa terjadi dimana bisa tertular atau terpapar COVID 19. Sebagaimana dijelaskan forkopimda, penegakkan disiplin dilakukan jangan sampai ada lagi (pasien COVID 19) dan mendapat zona hijau,” terang kajari.

Dandim 0820 Probolinggo Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo membenarkan apa yang disampaikan forkopimda lainnya. “Kota Probolinggo berhasil menangani dan menjalani treatment khusus dalam proses penyembuhan pasien COVID 19. Semoga tidak ada lagi pasien positif dan sukses untuk Kota Probolinggo,” imbuhnya.

Saat berkunjung ke Kota Probolinggo, Rabu (17/6), Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa menyatakan Kota Probolinggo berstatus resiko sedang. Setelah berkonsultasi dengan rekannya di Surabaya, Kota Probolinggo yang punya 27 pasien terkonfirmasi COVID 19 ini, menurutnya kemungkinan dari oranye menjadi kuning sangat tinggi.

“Kalau kampung tangguhnya keren-keren, relawannya semangat-semangat, kok rasanya Pak Wali, insyallah yang sekarang oranye bisa jadi kuning. Dibarengi dengan kampung tangguh bisa jadi hijau. Saya paham ini daerah perlintasan sama dengan Malang tetapi yang penting ada semangat bisa memagari diri sendiri dan tetangga, pastikan kita semua aman,” ujar Gubernur Khofifah, saat launching virtual Kampung Tangguh Semeru di Command Center Kantor Wali Kota Probolinggo.

Masih menurut gubernur, penggunaan masker bisa 60 persen memutus penularan COVID 19. Menjaga jarak dan cuci tangan ditambah menggunakan masker efektif pencegahannya 80 persen. “Pada dasarnya kembali pada kedisiplinan masing-masing,” pesannya.

Sesuai data yang diupdate oleh Dinas Kesehatan dan P2KB per tanggal 18 Juni, pasien konfirm COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo 27 pasien. 3 masih dirawat di RS Surabaya (warga kota bekerja di Surabaya), 1 meninggal dan 23 sudah sembuh. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city’s COVID-19 task-force team deserves a high appreciation for their hard work in treating COVID-19 patients and thanks to them, as of Thursday (18/6), regional hospital RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh has been declared zero COVID-19 patients. All COVID-19 patients being treated at the hospital had recovered from the virus and returned home.


The good news was delivered by the Chairman of the city’s COVID-19 task-force team, Hadi Zainal Abidin at a press release on COVID-19 in the region. “The hospital had 4 COVID-19 patients and Alhamdulillah (Thank God) they are all healthy, their second swab test showed negative results. So, we have no COVID-19 patients at the hospital right now (zero patient),” he explained.

Those 4 recovered patients are from Sumber Taman, Pakistaji, and Mangunharjo urban village. The report was then being submitted to the East Java Provincial Government.

“Hopefully, we will have no other patients with COVID-19. Take care of yourself, keep discipline, and don’t be reckless. We need to enforce the discipline of a health protocol with the collaboration of TNI and Polri,” said Mayor Habib Hadi in the video conference.

He also asked the people to have a commitment to comply with health protocols in any kind of activity. “We all need to maintain discipline. The government will always make efforts to stop the COVID-19 transmission by enforcing the discipline,” he said.

The video conference was interesting that the recovered patients giving their feedback to the government. Besides, a message was delivered by dr Anung Sri Handayani that people need to adopt Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (PHBS) including wearing masks, performing physical distancing, and staying at home.

“They had recovered from the virus and will do their activities with strict health protocols. Wearing a mask is a must and we hope there will be no negative stigma about the recovered patients,” said dr Anung, a pulmonary specialist at RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh.

Meanwhile, city Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya stated that the COVID-19 task-force team has implemented a 3T procedure which is Test, Tracing, and Treatment. “All was well implemented and based on procedures. We can see now that all patients have recovered. We are proud of them,” he said.

The Head of Probolinggo city Prosecutors Office, Yeni Puspita shows her appreciation to the medical workers who work hard in treating COVID-19 patients. “Today, we have zero patients, but there are still possibilities for transmission. As was explained by Forkopimda, the enforcement of discipline must be carried out to stop the transmission and we hope the city will turn green (zone),” she said.

Military District Commander 0820 Lieutenant Colonel Imam Wibowo agreed to the statement. “Probolinggo city has been successful in providing special treatment in the recovery process of COVID-19 patients. We hope there will no other patient in the city,” he added.

East Java Governor, Khofifah Indar Parawansa stated that Probolinggo city is classified a moderate-risk zone. After having a consultation with an expert in Surabaya, Probolinggo city which is recorded to have so far 27 COVID-19 patients has the probability to turn yellow (zone), according to Khofifah.

“With the contribution of resilient villages (Kampung Tangguh) and the volunteers, Probolinggo city will turn from orange to yellow zone, and soon if it can be seriously carried out, the city will turn green. I can see that Probolinggo is a transit city, but the most important thing is how we can keep spirits up and take care of ourselves, make sure everyone is safe,” said Governor Khofifah as she virtually launched Kampung Tangguh Semeru at the Command Center, city hall.

According to her, the use of cloth masks can reduce virus transmission by 60%. Keeping a distance, washing hands, and wearing masks will be more effective to stop the transmission by 80%. “We all have to be disciplined, that is the key,” she said.

Based on the updated data as of June 18, 27 patients have been confirmed positive for COVID-19, with three patients are now being treated in Surabaya, 1 died, and 23 have recovered from the virus. (alfien_tr)