
KANIGARAN - Kabar menggembirakan datang dari penanganan Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) di Kota Probolinggo. Sebab, pasien positif Covid-19 yang sembuh kembali bertambah.

Usai beberapa waktu lalu, P remaja 17 tahun dinyatakan sembuh dan diperbolehkan pulang. Kali ini giliran ayahnya S yang dinyatakan sembuh dan diperbolehkan pulang di rumahnya di Jalan Bengawan Solo, Kelurahan/ Kecamatan Kademangan.

Kabar kesembuhan dan kepulangan S itu disampaikan Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin lewat video conference (vidcon), Selasa siang (5/5). Wali Kota Habib Hadi saat itu didampingi Wawali Moch. Soufis Subri, Sekda drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan dr Nurul Hidayati, beserta tim Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 dan Kasdim.

IMG 20200505 WA0058Dalam kesempatan itu, Habib Hadi –sapaan akrab wali kota- menerangkan, pemkot selalu terbuka soal penanganan Covid-19. “Apapun hasilnya, akan kami sampaikan karena butuh kebersamaan untuk mengatasi Covid 19. Mari, bersama-sama mengisi, jaga kota, keluarga dari paparan Covid 19,” ajak mantan anggota DPRD Jatim dan DPR RI itu.

Dalam kesempatan itu disampaikan, data Orang Dalam Pemantauan (ODP) di Kota Probolinggo mencapai 275 orang. Selesai dipantau 229, sementara masih dalam pemantauan 46 orang.

Untuk Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) ada 7 orang. Tiga diantaranya  dirawat, 3 lainnya sudah pulang dan 1 lainnya meninggal.

Sementara untuk pasien terkonfirmasi positif, tetap ada 9 orang. Tujuh diantaranya masih dirawat di RSUD dr Moh Saleh dalam kondisi sehat. Sementara dua lainnya dinyatakan sembuh, yakni ayah-anak asal Kademangan.

“Ini kabar baik karena kondisi (pasien positif) sehat semuanya.  Mudah-mudahan segera sembuh dan berkumpul dengan keluarganya,” harap Habib Hadi.

“Terima kasih tenaga kesehatan (nakes) atas peran aktifnya. Alhamdilillah, patut kita syukuri berdoa mudah-mudahan diberi kekuatan untuk bisa melalui ujian yang dihadapi seperti sedia kala,” ungkap pria yang juga pengasuh ponpes Riyadlus Sholihin itu.

Dengan adanya 2 pasien yang sembuh, Habib Hadi berharap bisa menstimulus pasien lainnya, agar bersemangat menjaga pola hidup sehat sehingga bisa segera sembuh. 

Habib Hadi juga berharap, warga Kota Probolinggo untuk selalu waspada dan menerapkan pola hidup sehat. Sehingga, terhindar dari virus korona.

“Saya tak pernah bosan menyampaikan, jangan lengah dan lalai, sering-sering cuci tangan, kenakan masker saat keluar rumah dan jaga jarak agar terhindar dari korona,” beber Habib Hadi.

Sementara itu, Wakil Wali Kota Moch Soufis Subri menambahkan, Satgas terus melakukan tracing untuk mendeteksi penyebaran Covid-19. “Meski dalam rapid test hasilnya negatif, terus kami pantau dan lakukan swab,” terangnya.

Sementara untuk warga lanjut usia (lansia) berisiko dari hasil tracing, bakal dilakukan tes swab bukan rapid test. “Untuk pasien yang sembuh sudah dipulangkan dan akan dilakukan isolasi mandiri,” beber wawali.

Wawali pun meminta semua elemen masyarakat ikut melakukan pengawasan pada lingkungan sekitarnya, untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19. “Satgas di tingkat RT RW harus lebih maksimal. Bila temukan ada warga dari luar daerah, laporkan saja 112. Siapapun yang melaporkan akan dilindungi,” tegasnya.
Di sisi lain, sampai Selasa (5/5), ada 87 orang yang dikarantina di SMKN 2 Kota Probolinggo. Sebanyak 16 diantaranya sudah selesai pemantauan dan diperbolehkan pulang.

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Siapkan Bantuan Langsung

Dalam kesempatan itu, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin juga menerangkan, Pemkot Probolinggo saat ini telah menyiapkan bantuan untuk warga terdampak Covid-19.

“Sudah kami siapkan di masing-masing kelurahan. Ready sekitar 20 ribu paket bantuan yang akan dibagikan dalam waktu dekat. Minggu depan akan ada lagi,” jelas Habib Hadi.
Habib Hadi juga meminta warga proaktif mengawasi pendistribusian bantuan itu. “Bila ditemukan ada warga terdampak Covid-19 yang belum dapat bantuan, segera kasih info, kasihan mereka,” papar Habib Hadi.

IMG 20200505 WA0075Masing-masing kelurahan juga diminta memampang nama warga yang dapat bantuan. Sehingga warga bisa mengontrol dan saling melengkapi data.

Warga juga diminta untuk sabar dalam menerima bantuan terdampak Covid-19. “Sebab, ada prosedur yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan. Bantuan ini sebagai upaya dari pemerintah. Seluruh warga terdampak akan dapat bantuan dari pemkot,” janjinya.

Habib Hadi juga mengajak seluruh warga Kota Probolinggo untuk saling bahu membahu, demi mengatasi dampak Covid-19. “Ayo kita tingkatkan kepekaan, kita pantau lingkungan kita sendiri,” ajak Habib Hadi. (famydecta)


The increasing number of recovered COVID 19 patients in Probolinggo city has been good news for everyone.


After P, a 17-year-old teenager has been recovered from COVID 19 and allowed to return home, his father S has now also been confirmed to recover from COVID 19.

The news of the recovery of S was conveyed by Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin via video conference on Tuesday (5/5). He was accompanied by Vice Mayor Moch. Soufis Subri, Regional Secretary drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, Head of the Health Agency dr. Nurul Hidayati, along with the Covid-19 Handling Task Force and the Head of Military District Staff (Kasdim).

On that occasion, the mayor popularly known as Habib Hadi explained, the city administration is always transparent in dealing with Covid-19. "Whatever the results, we will make it in publish because we need togetherness to overcome the outbreak. Let's together guard the city, families against getting infected of COVID 19," the former member of the East Java Regional House of Representatives and the Indonesian House of Representatives said.

It’s been released that People under Monitoring (ODP) in Probolinggo city have reached 275 people with 229 of them have completed the monitoring, and 46 people are still being monitored.

7 people confirmed as COVID 19 suspects. Three of them are now being treated, 3 others had completed the supervision, and 1 other died.

The patients confirmed positive remains 9 people. Seven of them are still being treated at regional hospital RSUD dr. Moh Saleh, in good health. The other two, a father and son from Kademangan Sub-district, had recovered.

"This is good news because the condition (positive patients) is all healthy. Hopefully, they will get well soon and can gather with their family," Habib Hadi hopes.

"Thanks to medical workers for their active role. We should be grateful, and let us pray we will be given the strength to get through the pandemic," said the man who is also the caretaker of Riyadlus Sholihin's Islamic Boarding School.

With 2 patients recovered, Habib Hadi hopes to stimulate other patients, so they will be eager to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that they can recover soon.

Habib Hadi also hopes that the city residents will always be aware and to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle behavior to avoid the coronavirus.

"I never get bored saying, do not be careless and negligent, wash your hands frequently, wear a mask when leaving the house and keep your distance to avoid the corona," explained Habib Hadi.

Meanwhile, Vice Mayor Moch Soufis Subri added, the task-force team continues to carry out tracing to detect the spread of COVID-19. "Even though the rapid test results were negative, we continued to monitor and do the swab test," he explained.

For elderly citizens who are at risk of coronavirus based on the results of tracing, swab tests will be done instead of rapid tests. "For patients who recover have been discharged and will be carried out self-isolation," explained the Mayor.

The vice mayor also asked all elements of the people to supervise the neighborhood to prevent the spread of Covid-19. "The task-force team at the neighborhood level must be maximized. If you find residents from other cities, just report to call center 112. The identity will be classified," he said.

On the other hand, until Tuesday (5/5), there were 87 people quarantined at school SMKN 2 Probolinggo City. 16 of them have finished monitoring and are allowed to go home.


Preparing for Direct Assistance

On that occasion, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin also explained, Probolinggo city administration has now prepared assistance for residents affected by Covid-19.

"We have prepared it in each village. 20 thousand aid packages will be distributed shortly. Next week there will be more," explained Habib Hadi.

Habib Hadi also asked proactive residents to oversee the distribution of aid. "If it is found that there are people affected by Covid-19 who have not been able to get help, report to us immediately," said Habib Hadi.

Each urban village was also asked to put the names of residents who could get help. So that citizens can control and complement each other's data.

Residents were also asked to be patient in receiving assistance from Covid-19. "Because there are procedures that must be accounted for. This assistance is an effort from the government. All affected residents will get assistance from the government," he promised.

Habib Hadi also invited all residents to work together to overcome the impact of COVID-19. "Let's increase sensitivity, we monitor our own environment," said Habib Hadi. (alfien_tr)