
KEDOPOK - Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo melalui Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika sebagai naungan Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat (KIM) di wilayah kota terus hadir di tengah-tengah masyarakat, bahkan saat pandemi COVID 19. Fasilitas wifi pada masing-masing KIM yang dipasang sejak awal tahun 2020 ini banyak dimanfaatkan anak-anak saat sekolah daring (dalam jaringan).

Sejatinya, pemasangan fasilitas jaringan internet untuk mendukung produktivitas KIM sebagai mitra pemerintah dalam menyebarluaskan, sosialisasi dan desiminasi informasi pembangunan kepada masyarakat.

Seperti yang nampak saat Rabu (5/8) pagi, salah satu lokasi KIM Kaber Bing Berek yang terletak di Jrebeng Kulon, terdapat beberapa anak yang sekolah daring. Sekitar sembilan orang anak tingkat SD, SMP hingga SMA/SMK pun memanfaatkan wifi tersebut.

Menurut Humas KIM Kaber Bing Berek Abdul Halim, selain ia aktif memberikan informasi tentang wilayahnya di Jrebeng Kulon, didasarkan atas rasa peduli dan prihatin kepada warga sekitar yang mengaku kesulitan mendapat akses internet di rumahnya.

“Ada keluhan warga, saya mengajak anak-anak belajar disini, dengan tidak mendahului Dinas Pendidikan tentunya. Alhamdulillah, jaringan internet seperti ini betul-betul dimanfaatkan oleh anak-anak, selain kami juga aktif meliput kegiatan di Jrebeng Kulon,” ucap pria berusia 52 tahun itu.

Banyak kegiatan di Jrebeng Kulon diliput oleh KIM Kaber Bing Berek, seperti kegiatan keagamaan, sosial, budaya, pembibitan perikanan, peternakan dan UMKM.

Buati, pemilik rumah yang merupakan Ketua RW 4 sekaligus tempat dipasangnya wifi mengaku merasa sangat senang. Ia pun menyulap teras rumahnya agar terlihat nyaman saat diduduki anak-anak. Ia sediakan banyak kursi dan tiga buah meja. Selain itu, ia memberikan masker jika kedapatan anak yang datang tidak memakai masker.

“Kami disini juga membuat masker, sebelum bantuan masker dari kelurahan datang. Bentuk UMKM kami ingin menumbuhkembangkan ekonomi masyarakat, menggerakan masyarakat untuk pancingan. Lebih dari itu, kami berikan masker gratis kepada anak-anak daring saat mereka tidak memakai masker,” terang wanita berkacamata itu.

KIM Kaber Bing Berek tidak membatasi jumlah anak yang belajar daring disana asal tertib menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Tentu ini menjadi nilai plus pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berupa wifi gratis di tengah pandemi COVID 19.

“Kami sediakan tempat cuci tangan, mengingatkan anak-anak jaga jarak, pakai masker dan memanfaatkan wifi hanya untuk daring bukan yang lainnya. Sangat disayangkan kalau di luar daring, bisa saja mereka malah main game. Dan kami perhatikan betul itu,” ungkap Andrean Subiantoro, Ketua KIM Kaber Bing Berek diamini Abdul Halim dan Buati.

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Kadis Kominfo: Boleh Saja, dengan Catatan Terapkan Protokol Kesehatan

Sementara itu, ditemui secara terpisah, Kepala Dinas Kominfo Kota Probolinggo Aman Suryaman menyambut baik kegiatan yang diinisiasi oleh KIM tersebut. Aman menjelaskan, KIM adalah kelompok yang berasal dan dibentuk sendiri oleh masyarakat kemudian disahkan oleh kelurahan sebagai mitra pemerintah dalam penyebarluasan informasi.

“KIM harus pinter, harus melek informasi. Untuk itu kami berinisiasi dengan memberikan fasilitas internet sebagai suplemen KIM berkreasi dalam mendapat dan menyebarluaskan informasi kepada masyarakat luas melalui media sosial masing-masing,” ungkapnya.

Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini, kata Aman, ada pembelajaran online dan ada KIM yang mengajak masyarakat sekitar belajar disana. “Ini positif, menurut saya. Boleh saja dengan catatan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Intinya, selama bermanfaat buat masyarakat, kenapa tidak? Tetapi ada rules (protokol kesehatan) yang disepakati,” tegas alumnus STPDN ini.

Bagi Aman Suryaman, tujuan memberikan akses informasi melalui jaringan internet memiliki nilai tambah bagi KIM di lingkungannya. Yakni, fasilitas tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pembelajaran online. Diketahui, ada 29 KIM yang tersebar di 29 kelurahan yang difasilitasi internet setiap bulannya oleh Diskominfo setempat. (dewi/famydecta)

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Probolinggo city administration, through the Communication and Information Technology Agency (Diskominfo), responsible for the development of Community Information Group (KIM) in the city, continues to show the commitment to support the group, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wi-Fi facility installed early this year in every KIM is now being used to support students practicing long-distance (online) learning.

The free internet connection service was indeed to support the productivity of KIM as a government partner in having dissemination on the development of information to the community.

As seen on Wednesday (5/8) morning, at one of the KIM locations called Kaber Bing Berek located in Jrebeng Kulon, nine students of elementary, junior-high-school, and high school, who went to school online were monitored to use the facility.

According to Public Relations of KIM Kaber Bing Berek, Abdul Halim, apart from being active in providing information about his area in Jrebeng Kulon, this effort was made as a concern for local residents who claimed to have difficulty getting internet access at their home.

"The residents made complaints and I invited them to study here, with the supervision of the Education Agency. Alhamdulillah, the free internet network is really useful. Besides, we are also actively covering activities in Jrebeng Kulon urban village," said the 52-year-old.

Many activities in Jrebeng Kulon were covered by KIM Kaber Bing Berek, such as religious, social, cultural, fishery nurseries, livestock, and MSMEs.

Buati, the owner of the house who is the chairman of community unit RW 4 and the place where the Wi-Fi is installed, admitted that she was very happy. She also conjured up the terrace of her house to make it look comfortable when the students using the facility. She provided lots of chairs and three tables. In addition, she provided a mask if a student was caught not wearing a mask.

"We also produce masks here. In the form of MSMEs, we want to develop the community's economy. More than that, we give free masks to students who are not wearing masks,” explained the woman with glasses.

KIM Kaber Bing Berek does not limit the number of children studying online there as long as they apply health protocols in an orderly manner. This is a good point in the use of information and communication technology in the form of free Wi-Fi amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We provide a place to wash hands, remind the children to keep their distance, wear masks, and use Wi-Fi only for online learning, not for others. It's a shame if the facility is being used for playing an online game. And we pay close attention to that,” said Andrean Subiantoro, Head of KIM Kaber Bing Berek.

Head of Diskominfo: It is okay, but Health Protocol must be a Priority

Meanwhile, the Head of Probolinggo city’s Communication and Information Technology Agency, Aman Suryaman, said separately that he welcomed the activity initiated by KIM. Aman explained, KIM is a group that originates and is formed by the community and then legalized by the sub-district as a government partner in disseminating information.

"KIM must be smart, be updated with information. For that we took the initiative to provide internet facilities as a supplement for KIM to be creative in obtaining and disseminating information to a wider community through their respective social media," he said.

The current phenomenon, said Aman, is an online learning and KIM invites the local community to study there. "This is positive, in my opinion. It is good to be implemented as long as the health protocols applied properly. The point is, as long as it's beneficial for the community, why not? But there are rules (health protocols) that have been agreed upon,” said the STPDN alumnus.

For Aman Suryaman, the goal of providing access to information via the internet network has added value for KIM in its environment. The facilities can be used for online learning. It is known that there are 29 KIM spread across 29 urban villages that are facilitated with internet facility by Diskominfo. (alfien_tr)