
MAYANGAN - Merebaknya berita tentang virus Corona (Covid-19) masih terus berlanjut, baik itu di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Menyikapi hal ini, setiap kepala daerah diminta tanggap dan melakukan upaya antisipasi sejak dini. Untuk itu, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo menggelar rapat koordinasi (rakor) yang dipimpin Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin. Sabtu (7/3) siang di Ruang Edelweis RSUD dr Moh Saleh.

Tidak hanya rakor, kegiatan tersebut disertai simulasi yang dilakukan tim medis RSU dr Moh Saleh. Wali kota bersama Forkopimda juga meninjau ruang isolasi sebagai langkah antisipasi.

Wali Kota berpesan agar masyarakat tidak terlalu panik, namun harus tetap waspada. Pemerintah sudah mengambil langkah agar penanganan secara medis dipersiapkan, baik SDM maupun fasilitas serta ruangan isolasi bagi penderita.

“Dengan menyebarnya penderita Covid 19 di beberapa negara, kita juga melakukan upaya preventif. Salah satunya kapal pesiar yang biasanya bersandar di pelabuhan Probolinggo membawa turis asing  untuk sementara kita tunda. Jadwal kapal pesiar sudah ada, namun selama WHO belum memberikan statement aman kita tidak berani memberikan izin bersandar dan berkunjung ke sini,” ujar wali kota.

Acara yang dihadiri oleh Wakil Wali Kota Mohammad Soufis Subri, Dandim 0820,  Kejari,  Wakapolres, Komandan Subdenpom, Komandan Yon Zipur X, Sekda, Asisten, Kepala OPD, Camat dan agen travel se kota ini sebagai bentuk kebersamaan dalam mengantisipasi penyebaran  Covid-19.
Mereka menyimak pemaparan dari para narasumber.

Diantaranya dr Nurul Hidayati, Plt Kepala Dinkes yang menjelaskan tentang virus corona, bagaimana gejalanya, cara penularannya serta pencegahannya. Ia juga menjelaskan peran dari masing-masing.OPD untuk mendukung upaya pencegahan Covid-19.

“Yang terpenting menjaga kebersihan dengan cuci tangan pakai sabun dan air mengalir setiap kali melakukan aktivitas atau sesudahnya. Terapkan etika batuk dengan menutup mulut dan hidung dengan tisu ketika batuk dan bersin. Gunakan masker jika flu/batuk serta berobat ke fasilitas kesehatan terdekat, tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh dengan konsumsi gizi seimbang serta olahraga teratur,” urainya.

Dokter Ida, panggilan akrabnya juga meminta para agen travel selain menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS). Termasuk menelusuri dokumen perjalanan, jika ada wisatawan yang sakit mirip gejala Covid-19, diminta menghubungi rumah sakit terdekat.

Narasumber kedua, Kepala Kesehatan Pelabuhan kelas II Probolinggo, FX Budiyono juga memaparkan materi serupa namun khusus upaya pencegahan dan penanganan melalui pintu masuk pelabuhan. Sementara Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf. Imam Wibowo  dan Wakapolresta Kompol  Teguh Santoso menyatakan dukungan kepada pemkot terkait upaya pencegahan tersebut.

Dalam sesi dialog juga sempat ditanyakan oleh salah satu travel, “Bagaimana mengetahui suspect Covid 19 dan biaya pengobatan apakah ditanggung?”.

Menurut dr Ida, “Seseorang dikatakan suspect Covid 19 jika sudah melalui proses pemeriksaan lanjutan oleh tim medis. Biaya ditanggung pemerintah apabila status pasien dalam pengawasan,” jawabnya. (yuli)

The coronavirus Covid-19 continues to spread both in the national and international level. Responding to this, the head of the region is required to be responsive and conduct early anticipative efforts. Therefore, Probolinggo municipal administration on Saturday (7/3) held a coordination meeting led by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin at Edelweis room of Regional Hospital dr Moh Saleh.

A simulation to handle the coronavirus was also carried out in the meeting by the medical team of regional hospital dr Moh Saleh. The mayor along with the member of Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda observed the isolation room as an anticipative step.

The mayor urges the people not to panic, yet to be alert to the situation. The government has taken certain moves by preparing medical treatment for both the human capital and the facilities including isolation room for the patient.

“We have made preventive steps as Covid 19 has spread in several countries. One of which, we have postponed the arrival of a cruise ship carrying foreign tourists at the Probolinggo Port. The schedule is set, but as long as WHO has not published an official statement, we will not give the permit to visit the city,” the mayor said.

The meeting attended by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, the member of Forkopimda, regional secretary, and other officials is a form of togetherness in anticipating the spread of Covid-19.

The speaker of the meeting, dr Nurul Hidayati explained about the virus, the symptoms, how it spreads, and how to prevent it. She also explained the role of each working unit to support the effort of preventing the Covid-19.

“The most important thing is to wash hands with soap in doing activities and after. Apply the cough ethics by covering mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Consider wearing a mask when you are sick with a cough or sneezing; go to the nearest health facility, and boost your immune system by consuming nutritious food and doing regular exercise,” she explained.

She also requires travel agents to adopt clean and healthy living behavior and to learn traveling documents. If they have tourists showing a symptom of Covid-19, they have to call the nearest hospital.

Another speaker, the Head of Health division of Port Class II Probolinggo, FX Budiyono presented a similar material with special attention on prevention and handling the coronavirus at the entrance gate of the port.

In the dialog session, one of the travel agents asked about how to identify a Covid-19 suspect and who will pay the cost of the medical treatment.

dr. Ida said, “A person can be confirmed a Covid-19 suspect after having a further examination process by the medical team. The cost for the medical treatment will be covered by the government if the patient’s status is under surveillance,” she answered. (alfien_tr)