
MAYANGAN - Upaya antisipasi dan pencegahan penyebaran virus corona Covid-19 terus dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Setelah mengumumkan kebijakan meliburkan kegiatan belajar mengajar, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo menggelar Fasilitasi Forum Komunikasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkopimda), Senin (16/3), di Orin Resto.

Kegiatan ini dipimpin langsung oleh Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin dengan didampingi Sekda drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati dan anggota Forkopimda. Hadir pula para asisten di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo, kepala OPD, camat dan lurah, Kepala Kemenag Kota Probolinggo, Ketua MUI Kota Probolinggo dan juga sejumlah tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat Kota Probolinggo.

IMG 20200316 WA0023Sebagai upaya preventif, dua petugas Dinas Kesehatan Kota Probolinggo pun disiapkan untuk melakukan pengecekan suhu tubuh dan meneteskan hand sanitizer ke seluruh undangan yang hadir. Hasilnya, seorang pengunjung diperbolehkan pulang, karena suhu tubuhnya mencapai 38.5 derajat celcius.

Kepala Bakesbangpol Ahmad Sudiyanto melaporkan, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menjalin silaturahmi antara Forkompimda dengan tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat, dan juga menyampaikan informasi dan komunikasi dua arah antara Forkopimda dan tokoh agama/tokoh masyarakat di Kota Probolinggo.

Dalam sambutannya, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin menyatakan dirinya telah mengambil kebijakan meliburkan kegiatan belajar mengajar dimulai Senin (16/3) hingga empat belas hari ke depan guna mengambil tindakan pencegahan Covid-19. “Langkah yang harus kita ambil untuk pencegahan Covid-19, seperti meliburkan kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah-sekolah, memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19. Jangan diasumsikan seakan-akan ada yang sakit, sehingga sekolah diliburkan, jangan beranggapan seperti itu,” ujarnya serius.

IMG 20200316 WA0025Menurut Habib Hadi, hal-hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah menjaga kesehatan, menjaga kondisi tubuh, makan-makanan yang bergizi yang dapat memperkuat imunitas. “Terapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS). RSUD pun sudah menyiapkan ruang isolasi Covid-19 untuk antisipasi. Mudah-mudahan tidak ada yang menginap di ruang isolasi itu. Hubungi call center 112 jika masyarakat ingin mendapatkan kejelasan terkait virus corona. Kami telah menyiapkan petugas dari Dinas Kesehatan yang dapat langsung memberikan respon,” bebernya.

Wali Kota juga mengimbau tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat terkait pemakaian tempat ibadah. Ia menyarankan selesai ibadah shalat untuk menggulung karpet. “Karena ini merupakan peringatan internasional dari WHO, gulung karpet usai shalat. Alangkah baiknya kita membawa sajadah (alas shalat) sendiri dari rumah, tetap shalat seperti biasanya berjamaah di masjid,” urainya.

Upaya pemkot mencegah Covid-19 mendapat dukungan penuh dari Polresta. Kabag Operasi AKP Kompol Hermawanto Tjahyono menyampaikan pihaknya telah membuat satuan tugas yang melibatkan para Camat, Kapolsek, Danramil, Lurah, puskesmas, dan tokoh agama serta tokoh masyarakat. Menurutnya, melalui satgas ini, dapat disampaikan kepada masyarakat untuk tak lagi melakukan jabatan tangan atau cipika-cipiki (cium pipi kanan, cium pipi kiri). Namun, hal tersebut dapat diganti dengan salaman modern sembari dirinya mencontohkan salaman yang dimaksud diikuti tepuk riuh peserta yang hadir dalam ruangan itu.

Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo mengatakan dirinya tinggal menunggu perintah kepala daerah, jika nantinya Kota Probolinggo diberlakukan system lockdown. Namun, hal demikian hingga saat ini masih tidak perlu dilakukan, karena menurutnya Kota Probolinggo merupakan kota dengan lalu lalang jujukan kota-kota lain yang melintasinya sehingga dapat mempengaruhi perekonomian. “Tidak perlu panic buying. Kodim siap untuk melaksanakan penindakan jika terjadi penimbunan/pembatasan persediaan barang-barang. Kami mengimbau pada masyarakat untuk cerdas menyikapi Covid-19, namun tetap harus waspada,” tegasnya.

Kasi Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara (Datun) Kejari Elan Jaelani menekankan pada pidana di lembaga pemasyarakatan (lapas) kota. Menurutnya, kondisi lapas saat ini penuh dan ada penanganan secara khusus terhadap penghuni lapas terkait Covid-19. Dirinya juga kerap bolak balik ke Jakarta, menggunakan transportasi umum (terminal atau bandara). “Kami berasal dari pusat, bekerja di daerah. Kami siap membantu Dinkes memeriksa kesehatan penghuni lapas dan pegawai kejaksaan sendiri,” tuturnya.

IMG 20200316 WA0027Panitra Muda Hukum Pengadilan Negeri M. Heru mendukung penuh program pemerintah kota dalam upaya pencegahan Covid-19. Menurutnya, kantornya tetap membuka pelayanan karena pengadilan negeri setiap harinya melakukan sidang, baik pidana maupun perdata. “Kami setiap hari melakukan sidang. Saat sidang kami antisipasi dengan pemberian masker dan antiseptic agar penyebaran Covid-19 tidak terlalu besar,” bebernya.

Dalam kesempatan itu pula diajarkan bagaimana cara membuat hand sanitizer oleh Plt Dinas Kesehatan P2KB dr. Nurul Hasanah Hidayati. Menurutnya bahan-bahan yang digunakan masih terjual bebas di apotik maupun toko bahan kimia dengan harga yang masih terjangkau. (dewi)

The efforts of anticipation and prevention of coronavirus Covid-19 have been conducted as Probolinggo municipal administration held a meeting with Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) on Monday (16/3) at Orin Resto. The meeting was held after the municipal administration decided to close the school for an unidentified period of time.

The meeting was directly led by Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, accompanied by Regional Secretary drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, the assistants, head of working units, and the religious and public figures in the city.

As a preventive effort, two officers of the Health Agency have been summoned to check the body temperature of all invitees and make them use hand sanitizer. An invitee whose temperature has reached 38.5? C was allowed to leave the meeting for home.

The head of National Unity and Politics, Ahmad Sudiyanto stated the event was held to hold silaturahmi (Islamic brotherhoods) among the Forkopimda, religious and public figures, and as a media for them to have communication and information.

In his speech, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin said his side has decided to close the school starting from Monday (16/3) for the next 14 days for preventing the Covid-19 spread. “The step we need to take for the prevention, including to close the schools, is taken to break the chain of the spread of the novel coronavirus Covid-19. With the policy to close the schools, please don’t make an assumption that there is a confirmed positive patient for the virus in the city,” he said seriously.

According to Habib Hadi, other things need to get attention is to maintain health, consume nutritious food that can boost immunity. “Adopt Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (PHBS). The regional hospital has also prepared isolation rooms for Covid-19 suspects, for an anticipative effort. Hopefully, there would be no patients who need to be isolated. Contact the call center 112 if the people want to have more information about the virus. We have assigned officers of the Health Agency who can give a direct response,” he explained.

The mayor has also urged the religious and public figures to clean the worship facilities regularly. He urges them to roll the carpet up after having a prayer. “Because this has been an international warning issued by WHO, just bring your own prayer rug and have a prayer at the mosque as usual,” he explained.

The efforts made by the Probolinggo municipal administration to prevent the spread of Covid-19 have been fully supported by the City Police Unit. The head of Operation Department, Hermawanto Tjahyono said his side has formed a task force involving the head of sub-districts, sub-district police unit, military unit, the head of urban villages, community health centers, religious and public figures. The task force has a duty to have dissemination on not shaking hands with others. It can be changed with modern greetings to minimize close contact with other people.

Military Commander 0820 Imam Wibowo said his side will support the policy made by the head of the region. Related to lockdown policy, Imam said that the policy is not necessary since it will affect the economy. “No need to do panic buying. The District Military Unit is ready to act against people who hoard stuff for personal interest. We urge the people to be smart and alert in facing the Covid-19,” he said.

The representative of the city’s State Prosecutor, Elan Jaelani has emphasized on the condition of the penitentiary. According to him, the penitentiary is in full capacity and special treatment has been conducted to respond to the spread of Covid-19. “We are ready to help the Health Agency to check the health of the prisoners, as well as the employees of the State Prosecutors,” he said.

The clerk of the state court, M. Heru has full supports to the program made by the municipal administration in preventing the Covid-19. To him, his office still opens the public service related to the trial as scheduled. “We hold a trial every day. At the trial, we do several anticipations including giving free masks and hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of Covid-19,” he explained.

On the occasion, the acting head of the Health Agency made a demonstration on how to make hand sanitizers. The materials needed are easy to get and the price is still affordable. (alfien_tr)