
KANIGARAN - Apel Hari Jadi ke 661 Kota Probolinggo berlangsung penuh warna dengan melibatkan berbagai etnis dan sejumlah komunitas yang ada di kota ini. Nampak etnis Jawa, Madura, Arab, Tionghoa dan komunitas nelayan dan petani ikut menjadi peserta apel di halaman kantor wali kota, Jumat (4/9) pagi.

“Perbedaan bukanlah kendala tetapi menjadi kunci kebersamaan Kota Probolinggo. Bersama-sama menggandeng semua, karena perbedaan menjadi kekuatan membangun Kota Probolinggo,” ujar Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 04 at 10.01.35Wali Kota Habib Hadi bersama istri Aminah Hadi Zainal Abidin memakai pakaian etnis Arab, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri dan istrinya, Diah Kristanti Subri kompak memakai baju etnis Tionghoa. Sedangkan anggota forkopimda dan kepala OPD mengenakan baju adat nusantara.

Dalam sambutannya, Habib Hadi mengungkapkan Hari Jadi ke 661 diperingati dengan rasa keprihatinan. Dimana semua negara, bangsa Indonesia dan masyarakat Kota Probolinggo harus mengalami cobaan menghadapi pandemi COVID 19.

Semula peringatan hari jadi yang biasanya berlangsung meriah tetapi tidak dengan tahun 2020 ini. Namun Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo tetap berupaya melaksanakan kegiatan untuk memeriahkan Hari Jadi ke 661 dengan menggelar serangkaian kegiatan. Dimulai apel, tasyakuran dengan makan bareng 16 ribu nasi bungkus, sidang paripurna, lomba vlog untuk OPD dan umum, launching rumah ibadah tangguh; penanaman serentak tanaman selor (sereh dan kelor) sebanyak 661 bibit.

Selanjutnya, tilik bayi yang lahir tanggal 4 September; hiburan melalui media sosial resmi Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo; talkshow forkopimda di Radio Suara Kota; gowes wisata lingkungan (sadar adaptasi kebiasaan baru), gelar tari teracak di Pantai Permata Pilang hingga bakti sosial.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 04 at 10.01.34Tema Hari Jadi ke 661 yaitu bersama mewujudkan Kota Probolinggo lebih baik untuk Indonesia maju. Melalui tema ini, pemerintah mengajak seluruh masyarakat untuk bersama-sama mewujudkan Kota Probolinggo yang lebih baik melalui program-program pembangunan yang telah dirancang selama jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang. Seperti rencana pembangunan rumah sakit baru di wilayah selatan pada bulan depan.

“Patut kita syukuri bahwa di saat ini penyelenggaraan pemerintahan Kota Probolinggo berjalan dengan lancar dengan berbasis kinerja. Kondisi sosial masyarakat Kota Probolinggo pun relatif aman dan kondusif,” katanya.

Dukungan segenap elemen masyarakat, POLRI-TNI, stakeholder, tokoh agama-tokoh masyarakat menjadi semangat kebersamaan untuk mewujudkan Kota Probolinggo yang lebih baik. Pemerintah setempat juga akan terus menggalang semangat kebersamaan untuk mengatasi permasalahan.

“Selalu berinovasi, berkreasi, berkarya di tengah berbagai suasana. Kondisi ekonomi, politik, sektor riil harus terus bergerak namun tetap beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru,” jelas Habib Hadi.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 04 at 10.03.40Wali Kota Probolinggo ke 20 ini juga mengingatkan masyarakat tetap disiplin menjalankan protokol kesehatan. Melalui ketua RT, RW, PKK, posyandu dan relawan kampung tangguh untuk dapat menyebarluaskan informasi ke masyarakat bahwa protokol kesehatan itu penting dan jangan lengah. Selalu pakai masker, menjaga jarak dan cuci tangan.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi menekankan bahwa membangun kota tidak bisa hanya diatasi satu orang, namun harus ada kebersamaan untuk memberikan masukan demi membangun Kota Probolinggo yang lebih baik lagi. “Alhamdulillah masyarakatnya kompak dan guyub,” serunya. Apel pagi itu ditutup dengan ucapan selamat dengan berbagai versi bahasa yang disampaikan Habib Hadi-Subri. (famydecta)


The 661st Anniversary of Probolinggo city took place in full color by involving various ethnicities and many communities in the city. Javanese, Madurese, Arab, Chinese, fishermen, and farmer communities participated in a roll call held at the city hall, on Friday (4/9).

"Diversity is not an obstacle but is the key to the togetherness to the Probolinggo city. Together with all, because diversity is, indeed, the strength to develop the city, "said Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin.

Mayor Habib Hadi and his wife Aminah Hadi Zainal Abidin wore ethnic Arabic clothes, while Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri and his wife, Diah Kristanti Subri, wore ethnic Chinese clothes. Meanwhile, the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) members and the head of the regional working unit wore traditional Indonesian clothes.

In his speech, Habib Hadi said that the anniversary was commemorated with concern as all countries, including Indonesia and the residents of Probolinggo City are now facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

The celebration which was usually held cheerfully must be carried out with health protocols in priority as the COVID-19 pandemic is still accelerating. However, Probolinggo city administration is still trying to carry out the event by holding a series of activities. Starting with the roll call, the city administration held other events including a festival of eating 16,000 packages of corn rice, plenary sessions, video blog competitions for regional working units and the public, launching of resilient worship places; simultaneous planting of 661 seeds of selor (lemongrass and moringa).

Babies born on Sept 4 were also being the attention of the city administration as the mayor paid a visit to them; entertainment which was live broadcasted on the official social media of the Probolinggo city administration; Forkopimda talk show on Radio Suara Kota FM; environmental tour (aware of adaptation to the new normal era), dance performances at Permata Pilang Beach, and social service were also being part of the celebrations.

The theme of the anniversary was Realizing a Better Probolinggo City for Onward Indonesia. Through the theme, the government invites all people to work together to create a better Probolinggo city through development programs that have been designed for the short, medium, and long term. This includes the plan to open a new hospital in the southern region in the coming month.

"We should be grateful that the Probolinggo city administration can do the duty well on a performance basis. The social conditions of the residents are relatively safe and conducive,” he said.

Support from all social elements, POLRI-TNI, stakeholders, religious leaders, and community leaders would be the spirit of togetherness to create a better Probolinggo city. The local government will also continue to build a spirit of togetherness to overcome problems.

"(to be) Always innovating, creating, and working in various situations. Economic conditions, politics, the real sector must continue to move but still to adapt to the new normal situation," explained Habib Hadi.

The 20th Probolinggo Mayor also reminded the public to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols. Through the heads of neighborhood unit RT, community unit RW, PKK, integrated health center posyandu, and resilient village volunteers, are expected to be able to disseminate information to the community that health protocols are important; wearing a mask, performing physical distancing, and washing hands with soap are habits people need to get used to.

Mayor Habib Hadi emphasized that developing a city cannot only be solved by one person, but there must be togetherness to provide suggestions for a better city. "Alhamdulillah, people are compact and in a harmony," he exclaimed. The roll call was ended with congratulations pronounced in various language versions delivered by Habib Hadi-Subri. (alfien_tr)