PROBOLINGGO – Berbagai upaya dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo agar perbaikan pipa PDAM segera terselesaikan. Yang terbaru, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin telah menandatangani surat untuk Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa dan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang terkait permohonan bantuan.
Asisten Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Amin Fredy bersama tim PDAM Kota Probolinggo mendapat mandat dari Wali Kota Habib Hadi untuk mengawal upaya itu. “Ini namanya upaya, kami minta bantuan ke gubernur maupun Kementerian PUPR kaitan dengan kondisi pipa induk PDAM yang rusak. Kami usulkan ke menteri kalau ada bantuan sarana prasarana. Misalnya, bantuan tangki air agar bisa tersalur ke masyarakat,” jelas Amin.
Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo juga memohon bantuan revitalisasi pipa air ke kementerian. “Dengan model pergantian atau pipa mana yang harus diganti. Karena ini membutuhkan teknologi yang lumayan,” ujar Amin yang hari ini (11/2) telah menemui Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Sumber Daya Alam Provinsi Jawa Timur.
Surat itu ditujukan ke gubernur, tembusan ke Dinas PUD SDA. Kemudian surat kedua permohonan ke Kementerian PUPR melalui Balai Permukiman Prasarana Jawa Timur.
Meski begitu, surat tersebut tetap harus diajukan ke Kementerian PUPR di Jakarta agar memberikan keputusan atas surat permohonan tersebut.
“Upaya-upaya ini kami lakukan, karena sudah sangat prihatin kondisi PDAM. Masyarakat juga akhirnya terdampak. Kami tidak menutup mata, pipa itu sudah dilas dan tertutup tapi begitu mendapat tekanan langsung retak. Mohon doa dari warga untuk segera tuntas,” sambung mantan Kepala Dinas PUPR itu.
Dalam kunjungannya ke provinsi, Amin Fredy pun mendapat masukan, jika mau revitalisasi pipa PDAM maka harus segera membuat DED (Detail Engginering Design). Masukan ini akan disampaikan kepada wali kota mengingat penganggaran tahapan revitalisasi harus disiapkan dahulu.
Masifkan Bantuan Droping Air Bersih
Sementara itu, karena kedaruratan yang terjadi, BPBD Kota Probolinggo berkoordinasi dengan BPBD lintas daerah dan mendapat bantuan armada. Antara lain 2 unit (5000-6000 liter) dari BPBD Kabupaten Probolinggo; 1 unit (5000 liter) dari Kabupaten Pasuruan; 1 unit (5000 liter) dari Kota Pasuruan dan 1 unit (8000 liter) dengan 15 personil dari Yon Zipur.
“Ini adalah bentuk sinergi lintas instansi dan alhamdulillah mendapat respons. Sudah sejak pukul 10 pagi tadi hingga sekarang (pukul 17.00) masih keliling di wilayah kota. Data sasaran kami ikut dari 112 dan PDAM supaya tidak tumpang tindih,” jelas Kepala Pelaksana BPBD Kota Probolinggo Sugito Prasetyo.
Saat ditanya sumber air yang diambil oleh truk-truk tangki tersebut, Sugito menjelaskan untuk Yon Zipur dari Umbulan Winongan, BPBD Kabupaten Probolinggo dari air bawah tanah kantornya yang sudah layak minum. Sedangkan truk tangki lain ambil dari tandon PDAM di Tegalsiwalan.
Untuk besok (13/2), Sugito berkoordinasi dengan PDAM untuk memetakan sasaran droping air bersih ke sejumlah wilayah di Kota Probolinggo.
“Alhamdulillah bantuan ini sangat diharapkan masyarakat. Namun kendalanya, karena armada cukup besar maka kesulitan masuk ke gang-gang kecil namun PDAM sudah menentukan titik-titik mana,” ungkap Sugito lagi. Sore ini, truk tangki dari Dinas PUPR dan Permukiman juga ikut turun. (famydecta)
Probolinggo municipal administration has made many efforts to finish the burst pipe maintenance immediately. For the latest update, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin has sent a letter to East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawangsa and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, asking for assistance.
The Assistant for Economy and Development Affairs, Amin Fredy and the city’s PDAM have been ordered to monitor the progress of the letter being sent. “This is one of our efforts; we ask for assistance to the governor and Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing related to the burst pipe. We ask for assistance from the ministry to give us water tanks, for example,” Amin explained.
The municipal administration has also asked for assistance in revitalizing water pipe to the ministry. “By replacing the broken pipe, because it needs quite a technology system,” said Amin who today has met the East Java Public Works and Natural Resources Agency (PUD SDA).
The letter is sent to the governor, copied to PUD SDA. The second letter is sent to the Ministry of PUPR through East Java Infrastructure Settlement Center.
“The efforts we made are due to the latest condition of the pipe which eventually has cost to the inconvenience of the people. The thing is that the pipe has been welded, but it cannot hold the water pressure, and then broken. Let’s hope the maintenance would be finished soon,” added the former head of the city’s Public Works and Spatial Planning.
In his visit to the provincial government, Amin Fredy was suggested to make a Detail Engineering Design (DED) revitalize the pipe. The suggestion will be offered to the mayor since the municipal administration has to prepare for the budget.
Dropping Clean Water Carried Out Massively
Meanwhile, due to the emergencies, Probolinggo city’s Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has made coordination with other BPBD to get water tank assistance including 2 units (5,000-6,000 liters) from Probolinggo regency BPBD; 1 unit (5,000 liters) from Pasuruan regency; 1 unit (5,000 liters) from Pasuruan city, and 1 unit (8,000 liters) with 15 personnel of Yon Zipur ready to help the dropping.
“This is called multi-sector synergy and Thank God, we got a positive response. From 10 am until 5 pm, the water has been dropped to several locations in the city, as we confirmed with the data of call center 112 and PDAM,” said the acting head of BPBD, Sugito Prasetyo.
Sugito confirmed that the water dropped are taken from water source Umbulan Winongan, groundwater, and water stock of PDAM at Tegalsiwalan.
Tomorrow (13/2), Sugito will make coordinate with PDAM to map the target of water dropping to several locations in the city.
“Thank God, this is what the people expect. We have challenges in providing access for the heavy vehicles to go into the alleys, but PDAM has pinpointed the locations,” Sugito added. This afternoon, the water tank of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency will also take part in dropping water. (alfien_tr)