
KANIGARAN - Bank Jatim Cabang Probolinggo memberikan bantuan 2000 alat rapid test kepada Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Program bantuan Bank Jatim Peduli senilai lebih dari Rp 200 juta diserahkan oleh Direktur Utama Bank Jatim Busrul Iman kepada Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Kamis (30/7) siang.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 30 at 12.06.47“Kami terdorong untuk ikut membantu sebagai bentuk kepedulian kepada masyarakat dalam program CSR. Dalam hal ini Bank Jatim menyerahkan 2000 alat rapid test,” ujar Busrul Iman, dalam sambutannya.

Direktur Busrul juga berharap kepada pengusaha dan seluruh lapisan masyarakat untuk dapat memanfaatkan layanan Bank Jatim semaksimal mungkin. “Kami berkewajiban meningkatkan layanan. Dan, kehadiran kami memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat,” imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin menjelaskan, menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 melaksanakan berbagai tahapan menangani penyebaran virus. Salah satunya dengan testing awal secara menyeluruh menggunakan rapid test.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 30 at 12.06.46Bila hasil rapid test reaktif maka akan dilakukan swab untuk hasil yang pasti. “Rapid test tentu saja sangat berguna sebagai testing secara luas. Untuk tujuan mempersempit penyebaran COVID 19, terus mendeteksi agar masyarakat tidak terpapar COVID 19,” kata wali kota.

Meskipun pemerintah telah menganggarkan pembelian rapid test, kata Habib Hadi, namun itu tidak cukup tanpa kerjasama dan bantuan dari stakeholder lainnya. “Untuk itu, kami berterimakasih kepada Bank Jatim yang telah memberikan CSR-nya berupa 2000 alat rapid test,” tegasnya.

Wali Kota berharap, bantuan alat rapid test dapat memberikan semangat dan mendorong serta memperkuat Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo dalam menjalankan tugasnya. “Kami tidak melihat besar kecil atau banyak sedikitnya. Yang penting tepat guna,” ujar Habib Hadi yang saat itu juga berpesan agar semua pihak memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang protokol kesehatan.

Penyerahan CSR di gedung Puri Manggala Bhakti Kantor Wali Kota Probolinggo itu dihadiri Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Pemimpin Cabang Bank Jatim Probolinggo Wawan Budi R serta sejumlah kepala OPD terkait. (famydecta)


Bank Jatim Probolinggo handed out 2,000 rapid test kits to Probolinggo city administration. Bank Jatim Peduli assistance program worth more than IDR 200 million was handed over by the Managing Director of Bank Jatim Busrul Iman to Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin on Thursday (30/7).

"We are encouraged to help as a form of concern for the people in the CSR program. In this case, Bank Jatim handed over 2,000 rapid test kits," said Busrul Iman in his speech.

Director Busrul also hopes that entrepreneurs and all levels of society can take full advantage of Bank Jatim services. "We have an obligation to improve our service. And, our presence provides benefits to the people," he added.

Meanwhile, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin explained that it is very important for the city’s COVID-19 task-force team to carry out various stages in dealing with the spread of the virus. One of them is with thorough initial testing using a rapid test.

If the rapid test results are reactive, a swab will be carried out for definite results. "Rapid test is of course very useful as a broad test. For the purpose of narrowing the spread of COVID 19, we must continue to detect so that people would not be exposed to COVID 19,” said the mayor.

Even though the government has budgeted for the purchase of rapid tests, said Habib Hadi, it is not enough without the cooperation and assistance of other stakeholders. "For that, we are grateful to Bank Jatim for providing its CSR in the form of 2000 rapid test kits," he said.

The Mayor hopes that the rapid test kits can encourage and strengthen the efforts made by the task-force team in carrying out its duties. “We don't see the amount of assistance. The important thing is to be efficient,” said Habib Hadi, who at that time also urged all parties to educate the public about health protocols.

The handover of CSR at the Puri Manggala Bhakti in the city hall was attended by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Branch Manager of Bank Jatim Probolinggo Wawan Budi R as well as a number of related working units heads. (alfien_tr)