
PROBOLINGGO – Kamis (25/6), Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo mulai menyalurkan sembako bagi masyarakat terdampak COVID 19 tahap II melalui program Jaring Pengaman Sosial (JPS) di lima kelurahan. Setelah melalui verifikasi, jumlah penerima JPS tahap II berkurang hingga 3.765 orang.

Diketahui, pada tahap I (bulan Mei) JPS berupa beras 5 kg; mie instant 20 bungkus dan gula 1 kg atau minyak 1 liter disalurkan kepada 40.458 penerima di lima kecamatan. Sedangkan tahap II berupa beras 15 kg disalurkan kepada 36.693 penerima. Jenis bantuan pun dirubah sesuai aspirasi dari masyarakat.

IMG 20200625 WA0035“Jumlah antara tahap I dan II memang berbeda, cenderung berkurang karena dilakukan verifikasi ulang data penerima agar tidak ganda dengan bantuan dari pusat dan juga Provinsi Jawa Timur,” ujar Kepala Dinas Sosial dan PPA, Zainullah.

Pada penyaluran perdana tahap II ini, Wakil Wali Kota Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri bersama Kepala Dinsos dan PPA Zainullah memantau penyaluran ke beberapa kelurahan. Ada lima kelurahan yang menyalurkan sembako di hari yang sama (25/6) yaitu Kelurahan Wonoasih; Jrebeng Lor; Kebonsari Wetan; Tisnonegaran dan Kedung Galeng.

Di Kelurahan Wonoasih, dilaporkan penerima JPS sebanyak 597 sedangkan jumlah sebelumnya sekitar 700 penerima. Di Jrebeng Lor saat tahap I 1.520 menurun menjadi 1.163 pada tahap II. Untuk Kebonsari Wetan dari 1.061 menjadi 674, sementara itu di Tisnonegaran dari 782 penerima menjadi 612.

Selama penyaluran bantuan, semua warga menerapkan protokol kesehatan COVID 19. Mereka wajib memakai masker, mencuci tangan, diukur suhu badan dan menjaga jarak antara satu dengan yang lain. Pihak kelurahan pun mengatur jadwal kedatangan warga agar tidak terjadi penumpukan.

IMG 20200625 WA0037Saat bertemu dengan warga, Wawali Subri menyampaikan beberapa hal, antara lain masyarakat diminta tidak menjual beras bantuan. Pasalnya, pihak TNI-Polri dan masyarakat akan ikut mengawasi pembagian tersebut. “Semua akan ikut mengawasi takut ada yang dibantu tapi tidak dimanfaatkan sesuai peruntukannya,” katanya.

Wawali menegaskan, wujudkan rasa syukur atas bantuan pemerintah dengan memerangi COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo supaya tidak bertambah meningkat. Masyarakat harus punya kesadaran bersama pemerintah memutus mata rantai COVID 19.

“Ayo memakai masker karena obatnya belum ditemukan. Obatnya itu ya disiplin. Pemerintah sekarang masih sabar, tapi selanjutnya kalau tidak patuh akan ada tindakan tegas. Ke depan yang tidak pakai (masker) akan dipegang TNI, Polri, Satpol PP. Jangan meremehkan, musuhnya ini (COVID 19) tidak kelihatan,” ujar Subri.

IMG 20200625 WA0034Yang menarik, saat di Kelurahan Tisnonegaran, Wawali Subri sempat bertanya apakah warga mau menerima bantuan dampak COVID 19. Sontak banyak warga yang menjawab tidak mau. “Tidak, Pak. Tidak mau dibantu terus, pengen segera normal,” sahut sejumlah warga.

“Ya, bantuan ini ada karena COVID 19. Betul itu, buat apa dibantu kalau tidak bisa hidup normal?,” jawab Subri. Untuk itu, ia berharap kepada masyarakat untuk mematuhi aturan protokol kesehatan pemerintah dan berdoa agar wabah ini segera berakhir. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration has distributed the staple-food packages on Thursday (25/6), to people impacted by COVID 19 in five urban villages, as the second stage of the Social Safety Net (JPS) program is started. After going through verification, the number of recipients decreased to 3,765 people.


As is known, in stage I (May) the program distributed packages in the form of 5 kg of rice; 20 packs of instant noodles, and 1 kg of sugar or 1 liter of oil to 40,458 recipients in five sub-districts. Meanwhile, in the second stage, it was changed into 15 kg of rice, distributed to 36,693 recipients. The change was made to respond to people’s aspirations.

"The number of recipients in stages I and II are different. It tends to decrease due to the re-verification of recipient data so that they will not get double assistance from the central government and also from the Province of East Java," said the Head of Social and PPA Service, Zainullah.

At the first distribution of stage II, Probolinggo Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri together with the Head of Social Affairs and PPA Zainullah monitored the distribution to several urban villages. Five sub-districts distributed the packages on the same day (25/6), including Wonoasih; Jrebeng Lor; Kebonsari Wetan; Tisnonegaran and Kedung Galeng urban village.

The different number of recipients in the first and second stages is described as follows: Wonoasih (700-597); Jrebeng Lor (1,520-1,163); Kebonsari Wetan (1,061-674), and Tisnonegaran (782-612).

The distribution process has also applied COVID-19 health protocols, with people required to wear masks, wash their hands, perform physical distancing, and had their body temperature checked. The urban village also arranged the schedule for taking the assistance so that there would be no crowd at the location.

When meeting the residents, Vice Mayor Subri conveyed several things, including the community being asked not to sell the assistance. The reason is, the TNI-Polri and the community will participate in monitoring the distribution. "All will participate in the monitoring of the assistance," he said.

He emphasized that people need to be grateful to have the assistance and, therefore, have to combat the pandemic in the city. People must be aware of the pandemic and, along with the government, break the chain of COVID-19 transmission.

"Let's wear a mask because the vaccine has not been found. The key is discipline. The government is still patient, but if the people do not comply, firm action will be applied. In the future, those who don’t wear masks will be arrested by the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP. Don't underestimate this pandemic, as the virus is invisible," said Subri.

An interesting moment happened when Subri asked a question to the residents in Tisnonegaran urban village. He asked whether the residents would like to always receive the assistance. Many said No. "No. We don’t want to receive assistance. We want (the situation) to be back normal," said a number of residents.

"Yes, this assistance is provided due to COVID 19. That's right, that will be useless when you receive the assistance, but can't live normally," Subri replied. Therefore, he hopes that people will comply with the government’s call to adopt health protocol and pray that the pandemic will soon end. (alfien_tr)