
KANIGARAN – Ada saja cara para jurnalis di Probolinggo memperingati Hari Pers Nasional tahun 2020 ini. Senin (10/2) pagi, mereka menggelar upacara peringatan HPN dengan mengundang Forum Koordinasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkopimda), di Halaman Museum Probolinggo, Jalan Suroyo.

Uniknya, semua petugas upacara adalah jurnalis baik dari media cetak dan elektronik. Perwira Upacara Irfan (Indosiar), Komandan Upacara M Hisbullah Huda (Memorandum), Ajudan Saifullah ( Pengibar bendera adalah Risky Putra Dinasti (Radar Bromo), Muhammad Ali Gufron (, Muhammad Angga (tadatodays). Pembawa acara Yuli Anisah (Radio Suara Kota-Diskominfo). 

Petugas Pembaca Pembukaan UUD 1945 Rhomadona (Protv), Pembaca Kode Etik Jurnalistik Rahmad Soleh (nusadaily), Pembaca Doa Ikhsan Mahmudi ( Sementara itu, Inspektur Upacara Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya. 

IMG 20200210 WA0012Hadir dalam upacara tersebut Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo, Ketua DPRD Abdul Mujib, perwakilan Kejari, Ketua MUI Kiai Nizar Irsyad.

Dalam amanatnya, Kapolres Ambariyadi mengapresiasi upacara yang dilaksanakan para jurnalis tersebut. “Pembacaan UUD, pancasila dan kode etik jurnalistik untuk diserap, dicermati. Inilah pers Kota Probolinggo yang kita banggakan,” ujarnya.

AKBP Ambariyadi menambahkan, pers siap bersama-sama seluruh komponen, sama-sama bekerja dalam satu tujuan khususnya Kota Probolinggo lebih aman dan kondusif. Pers yang bertanggung jawab, lanjutnya, adalah benteng terbaik untuk menolak berita hoax dan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat pada pers.

“Mari bersama-sama bersinergi menjaga kamtibmas wilayah Probolinggo tetap menjadi aman, kondusif serta mendukung iklim investasi bangsa dan Negara khususnya Kota Probolinggo,” terang kapolresta.

Mengakhiri upacara tersebut, ada juga penampilan musikalisasi puisi jurnalis yang dibacakan Ridhowati Saputri (Radar Bromo) dan Amelia Subandi (Protv). Isi musikalisasi puisi itu menggambarkan tentang profesi jurnalis yang dilihat dari berbagai sudut pandang.

IMG 20200210 WA0013Usai upacara, dilanjutkan pemotongan tumpeng dan penyerahan hadiah kue tart dari Wali Kota Habib Hadi kepada perwakilan jurnalis di Basecamp Jurnalis, yang satu komplek dengan Museum Probolinggo.

Di kesempatan itu, Habib Hadi berharap jurnalis Probolinggo selalu menyajikan berita yang mengedukasi karena masyarakat dapat memilah serta memilih berita mana yang benar. “Ayo bersama membangun kota, mengenalkan wisata yang ada. Dengan kebersamaan ini bisa membangun Kota Probolinggo, mari saling bersinergi,” tuturnya.

Wali kota juga mengaku kagum dengan pelaksanaan upacara yang dilaksanakan pagi itu. Tidak hanya upacara ini saja, rangkaian HPN 2020 akan berlangsung pada 17 Februari mendatang, yaitu penanaman pohon anggur. (famydecta)


The journalists of Probolinggo city have a unique way in commemorating National Press Day 2020. They held a flag ceremony on Monday (10/2) to commemorate the event, inviting the member of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda at the Probolinggo Museum.

The unique is that all the flag-ceremony officers were journalists both from printed and electronic media. The commissioned officer was Irfan (Indosiar), M Hisbullah Huda (Memorandum) acted as the commander, with Saifullah as the adjutant. The flag raisers were Risky Putra Dinasti (Radar Bromo), Muhammad Ali Gufron (, and Muhammad Angga (tadatodays). A broadcaster of Suara Kota Radio, Yuli Anisah was also involved in the ceremony as the master of ceremony.

Rhomadona (Protv) acted as the reader of the 1945 Constitution opening, while Rahmad Soleh (nusadaily) read the Ethics Code of Journalist. Ikhsan Mahmudi who is the journalist of has a duty to read the prayer. The last, but not the least, the Probolinggo City Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya acted as the Inspector.

Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Commander of District Military Command 0820 Imam Wibowo, the DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib, and other members of Forkopimda have also appeared on the event.

In his speech, Police Chief Ambariyadi appreciated the flag ceremony held by the journalists. “The reading of the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila, and journalist code of ethics must be practiced in daily life. This is the press we are proud of,” he said.

He added the press along with other elements must cooperate for a mission, to create Probolinggo a safe and conducive city. Press with full responsibility is the best fortress to deny hoaxes and increase the people’s trust towards press.

“Let us together to make a synergy to maintain the social security in the city to support investment climate in the nation, especially in Probolinggo city,” he said.

At the end of the ceremony, the journalist also performed a musical poetic performance by RidhowatiSaputri (Radar bromo) and Amelia Subandi (Protv). It tells about the profession of journalists taken from any point of view.

After the ceremony, a cake was presented by Mayor Habib Hadi to the journalists. On this occasion, the mayor hopes the journalists can share educative news because people can choose the right news. “Let us together to develop the city, to promote the tourist destination we have. By having togetherness, we can develop the city as expected,” he said.

The mayor also admitted he was impressed with the flag ceremony held by the journalists. In commemorating the National Press Day, the journalist will also have another event including planting grapes as the city icon. (alfien_tr)