KANIGARAN – Dokter dan paramedis yang menangani pasien COVID-19 di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh Kota Probolinggo berharap masyarakat bisa jujur menceritakan riwayat perjalanan mereka. Dengan begitu, maka petugas dapat melakukan langkah tepat memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19 di lingkungannya.
Itulah salah satu pesan dokter dan paramedis, saat video conference (vidcon) dengan Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya dan Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo, Senin (13/4) di Command Center Posko COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo.
“Kejujuran masyarakat ke fasilitas kesehatan sangat penting. Menutupi riwayat perjalanan akan melukai petugas kesehatan,” ujar Uswatun Khasanah, perawat ruang isolasi RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh.
Ia pun bersyukur kepada pemerintah yang sudah memberikan support kepada dirinya dan teman-temannya. “Alhamdulillah teman-teman sehat. Terima kasih kepada manajemen, tidak ada diskriminasi kami bisa bekerja dengan nyaman,” imbuhnya.
Saat ditanya wali kota tempat karantina untuk tenaga kesehatan, Uswatun pun menyetujuinya. “Kami mendukung karantina tenaga kesehatan untuk menghindari keluarga kami agar tidak terdampak setelah pulang kerja,” imbuhnya.
dr Anung Sri Handayani mengungkapkan terima kasih atas support materil dan non materil dari pemerintah. Ia mengaku pada umumnya tidak ada kesulitan yang berarti, namun ada beberapa hal yang harus mendapat perhatian seperti Alat Pelengkap Diri (APD) dan obat-obatan.
Dokter spesialis paru ini pun mendukung adanya rumah singgah Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) untuk isolasi mandiri. “Harapan kami, tidak mendoakan banyak pasien. Kami mewaspadai beberapa kasus yang akan terjadi,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Ulfa Nur Fadila, perawat lainnya menuturkan kondisi pasien sudah stabil dan telah dilakukan tindakan sesuai prosedur. “Kami minta ukuran APD agak besar bapak,” ujar Ulfa kepada wali kota.
Eki, salah satu perawat laki-laki yang bertugas di ruang isolasi menceritakan selama menjalankan tugas disarankan tidak boleh stress. “Kami harus happy terus. Menambahkan juga soal ukuran APD kalau bisa XL. Untuk gizi yang didapat dari RSUD sangat-sangat mencukupi, banyak dari luar juga beri dukungan kami berupa makanan dan minuman,” cetus Eki disambut raut muka lega wali kota.
“Kami juga tidak terpengaruh isu di media sosial, tanggapan di luar kami tidak masalah,” tegas Eki.
Sementara itu, Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dr Abraar HS Kuddah menambahkan, setiap perawat yang tugas di ruang isolasi selalu datang dan pulang dengan baju yang berbeda. “Kami rolling, ga semua perawat tugas disana, biar tidak stress. Saya bangga dengan mereka, kerja dengan tulus. Mereka teman-teman, saudara kita semua yang harus bahagia dan senang,” pesannya.
Habib Hadi: Dokter dan Paramedis Adalah Pahlawan
Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin memang berkeinginan untuk mengetahui kondisi dokter dan paramedis di RSUD berplat merah itu. Ia berharap petugas bisa bekerja dengan tenang dan tidak mengkhawatirkan apapun.
“Mereka ada pahlawan. Kami, pemerintah akan melakukan yang terbaik. Saya akan ada di depan, anda semua tetap fokus merawat pasien. Butuh tempat istirahat atau stay kami siapkan supaya kalau pulang ke rumah tidak khawatir,” kata Habib Hadi.
Kunci utama penanganan kesehatan bagi masyarakat adalah dokter dan tenaga medis. Masyarakat pun harus menjaga diri demi keselamatan semua pihak. “Pemerintah menyiapkan sedemikian rupa dan mengantisipasi hal buruk mudah-mudahan tidak terjadi. Masyarakat wajib jaga diri, jaga keluarga untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19,” tutur wali kota.
Kepada dokter dan tenaga medis, Habib Hadi berpesan agar selalu beraktivitas dengan tenang. “Sesuai harapan dokter dan tenaga medis, masyarakat harus sampaikan apa adanya, jujur dan jangan ditutup-tutupi. Bicara apa adanya agar bisa mengambil langkah tepat,” serunya.
Kapolres AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya berharap dokter dan tenaga medis tetap penuh semangat dengan kedisiplinan dalam melakukan penanganan sesuai SOP kesehatan. “Sehingga teman-teman tetep sehat, tetap bisa berjuang memberikan kesembuhan pada pasien yang ditangani karena jumlah tenaga kesehatan terbatas. Tetap semangat, biarkan yang di ring 2 dan 3, saya bersama Bapak Wali Kota dan Bapak Dandim yang menangani,” katanya.
Sama halnya kapolres, Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo pun menyatakan apresiasi yang luar biasa bagi mereka yang berada di baris terdepan menangani pasien COVID-19. “Tidak usah berpikir yang lain. Untuk situasi di luar, kami akan berusaha menetralisir masyarakat yang membuat stigma negatif. Saya bersama kapolres dan wali kota akan memberikan edukasi pada masyarakat. Tenaga kesehatan ujung tombak yang akan merawat kita semua. Terima kasih dan tetap semangat,” tutur dandim. (famydecta)
Doctors and paramedics who deal with COVID-19 patients in dr. Mohamad Saleh Hospital, Probolinggo, expects people can honestly tell their travel history. That way, the medical officer can take the right measures to break the chain of COVID-19 spread.
That was one of the messages of doctors and paramedics, during a video conference (vidcon) with Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Chief Police AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya and Commander Lieutenant Colonel Inf Imam Wibowo, on Monday (13/4) at the Command Center of the COVID 19 Post in Probolinggo City.
"Honesty of the people to health facilities is very important. Covering the travel history will hurt medical workers," said Uswatun Khasanah, a nurse in the isolation room of regional hospital dr. Mohamad Saleh.
She was also grateful to the government for providing support to the medical workers. "Thank God, we are all healthy. Thanks to management, there is no discrimination and we can work comfortably," she added.
When the mayor asked about the quarantine place for medical workers, Uswatun agreed. "We support the quarantine for the medical workers to avoid our families from being affected after returning from work," she added.
dr. Anung Sri Handayani expressed thanks for the material and non-material support from the government. She admitted that in general there were no significant difficulties, but there were some things that needed attention such as the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and medicine.
This pulmonary specialist also supports the plan to provide a halfway house alike for COVID-19 suspects (PDP) so that they can have self-isolation. "We do not hope that there would be many patients, but it’s just a cautious measure," she said.
Meanwhile, Ulfa Nur Fadila, another nurse said the patient's condition was stable and action had been taken according to the procedure. "If possible, we ask a bigger size of PPE," Ulfa told the mayor.
Eki, one of the male nurses who served in the isolation room said that during carrying out the task it was suggested not to be stressed. "We have to be happy all the time. And, about the PPE, we need the XL size. We also have good nutrition here, and many people have donated in the form of food and drinks," Eki said, greeted with a relief expression of the mayor.
"We are also not affected by issues on social media, it’s not a problem," said Eki.
Meanwhile, Acting Director of regional hospital dr. Mohamad Saleh, dr. Abraar HS Kuddah added every nurse who works in the isolation room has different schedules with different clothes. "We are rolling, not all nurses are on duty there, so that they are not stressed. I am proud of them, working sincerely. They are friends, all of us who have to be happy and happy," he advised.
Habib Hadi: Doctors and Medics are Heroes
Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin wanted to know the condition of doctors and paramedics at the regional hospital. He hopes they can work calmly and not worry about anything.
"They are heroes. We, the government will do our best. I will take care of the rest, all of you stay focused on treating the patients. If you need a place to rest or stay, we will prepare for it so that when you go home you all don't need to worry," said Habib Hadi.
The main keys to handling health for the community are doctors and medical workers. The community must take care of themselves for the safety of all people. "The government is preparing in such a way as to anticipate bad things that hopefully will not happen. The community must take care of themselves, protect the family to break the chain of COVID-19 spread," said the mayor.
To the doctor and medical workers, Habib Hadi advised them to always move calmly. "Following the expectations of doctors and medical workers, the public must convey what it is, be honest, and don't cover it up. Speak as is so the medical workers can take the right steps," he exclaimed.
The Probolinggo City Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya hopes that doctors and medical workers will continue to be enthusiastic with discipline in handling according to health SOP. "So that our friends, the medical workers remain healthy, can struggle to provide healing to patients treated because the number of health workers is limited. Keep your spirits up, let me with the mayor and the commander of the military district do the rest," he said.
Like the police chief, the commander of military district Dandim 0820 Lt. Col. Inf. Imam Wibowo also expressed extraordinary appreciation for those at the forefront of dealing with COVID-19 patients. "Don't think about anything else. For the rest, we will try to neutralize the people who create a negative stigma. Together with the police chief and mayor, we will provide education to the community. Medical workers are the spearhead who will take care of us all. Thank you and keep your spirits up," said the commander. (alfien_tr)