
MAYANGAN – Ramainya pengunjung pusat perbelanjaan di Kota Probolinggo beberapa hari terakhir menjadi sorotan masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Maklum saja, di tengah pandemi COVID 19 seperti saat ini masih banyak masyarakat yang berbelanja kebutuhan pokok atau membeli pakaian.

Sejumlah pesan pun disampaikan Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin saat menerima kedatangan manajemen KDS (salah satu departemen store), Senin (11/5) di lobi kantor wali kota. Siang itu, wali kota didampingi Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri dan Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati.

WhatsApp Image 2020 05 11 at 13.11.53Intinya, wali kota ingin mencari solusi yang terbaik. “Tetaplah diatur bagaimana caranya, kami mengeluarkan kebijakan dan manajemen pusat perbelanjaan bisa saling berdiskusi. Tadi Pak Wakil (Wawali Subri) sudah selesai rapat dan akan membuat Surat Edaran untuk menguatkan jalannya protap agar masyarakat lebih paham,” jelasnya.

Sementara itu, hasil rapat Wawali Subri bersama unsur TNI, Polri, dishub, satpol pp, kesbang dan dkupp menghasilkan beberapa poin penting. Antara lain, semua pusat perbelanjaan/pertokoan wajib menerapkan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) COVID 19 seperti wajib memakai masker, thermo gun, cuci tangan memakai sabun dan air, hand sanitizer, bilik disinfektan dan physical distancing.

Pengelola harus menerapkan alur antrean ke lantai satu dan lantai berikutnya, membatasi kapasitas pengunjung yang masuk 100 sampai dengan 200 orang atau menyesuaikan kondisi. Kelengkapan sarana prasarana berupa portal parkir, alat komunikasi dan tenaga yang cukup.

“Mereka juga harus menyiapkan petugas internal untuk mengawasi pengunjung. Kami juga berencana menutup jalan pendukung di Jalan Dr Sutomo agar satu pintu saja dari selatan untuk mencegah kemacetan,” ungkap Wawali Subri.

Guna memaksimalkan penerapan aturan tersebut, lanjut wawali, akan dilakukan supervisi sewaktu-waktu oleh tim gabungan. “Kemudian pengelola toko kami minta menyiapkan APD yang cukup bagi seluruh pegawainya. Dan, apabila semua aturan ini tetap dilanggar terpaksa pemerintah akan menutup operasionalnya,” imbuh Subri, saat ditemui usai rapat.

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Pusat Perbelanjaan Mulai Batasi Konsumen

Manager KDS Hendra Sentosa menjelaskan, sejak pagi tadi (11/5), tempatnya sudah melakukan pembatasan konsumen yang masuk. Bahkan, pihak keamanan pun sempat geger dengan pembeli karena melarang mereka masuk ke toko.

“Mulai hari ini (11/5) kami coba membatasi konsumen yang datang. Lonjakan konsumen ini terjadi sejak libur Waisak dan bertepatan saat weekend. Kebijakan pembatasan dari pemerintah ini kami rasa sudah betul. Jujur saja, kena lonjakan ini kami shock juga. Teman-teman yang bertugas juga ada rasa takut,” terang Hendra kepada wali kota.

WhatsApp Image 2020 05 11 at 15.49.30 1Menurut Hendra, konsep yang dilakukan KDS adalah merubah teras toko yang biasanya digunakan untuk parkir sepeda motor, dirubah untuk tempat antrean masuk dengan dipasang tenda. Pintu keluar dan pintu masuk pun lebih terjaga. Sebelum masuk toko pengunjung wajib mencuci tangan di wastafel yang sudah disediakan. Sedangkan antrean kasir juga lebih diperketat jarak satu dengan yang lain.

“Tadi (pagi) supermarket tidak terlalu ramai, ada 10 keluar dan 10 masuk. Tadi juga banyak yang tidak mau mengantre dan memilih pulang, ya kami tidak apa-apa. Satu minggu ini kami akan trial and error untuk mengatur polanya. Kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin dan tentunya kami juga menjaga teman-teman tenaga kerja,” katanya.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi pun menegaskan, agar semua pengunjung wajib menggunakan masker. Jika tidak memakai segera dipersilahkan pulang dan tidak diperkenankan masuk ke pusat perbelanjaan. “Saya juga minta kasir pakai sarung tangan, karena uang juga bisa jadi sumber penularan,” pesannya. (famydecta)


The huge number of people visiting shopping centers in Probolinggo city in the last few days has worried the people and local government. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many people visit shopping centers to buy basic needs or clothes.


Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin conveyed several messages to the management of the KDS department store as they had a meeting at the lobby of the mayor’s office on Monday (11/5).

The mayor would like to find the best solution. “You must have a procedure, following a health protocol. We, the government, make a policy, and the management of the shopping center can discuss on it. The vice mayor has held a meeting and will issue a circular letter to strengthening the protocol so that people will follow it,” he explained.


Meanwhile, the meeting of Vice Mayor Subri with related stakeholders has resulted in some important points. Among others, all shopping centers must adopt Standard of Operational Procedure (SOP) of COVID-19 including wearing a mask, thermal gun, washing hands using soap and water, using hand sanitizer, providing a disinfectant chamber, and apply physical

The management must have a queue flow to the first and second floor, limiting the number of visitors, and also provide adequate facility including parking portal, communication tools, and human capital.

“They also must deploy an internal officer to watch the visitors. We also have a plan to close a certain supporting street in Jalan Dr Sutomo to prevent any traffic jam,” Vice Mayor Subri said.

To maximize the rule, the vice mayor continued, supervision will be carried out by a joint team. “We ask the management to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all employees. And, if they break the rule, the government has no option but to close the shopping center,” Subri added.


Shopping Centers to Restrict Consumers

Manager of KDS Department Store, Hendra Sentosa explained his side has restricted the number of visitors at the store starting from this morning (11/5). The security forces even had a dispute with the visitors for not allowing them to get into the store.

“Starting today, we restrict the number of consumers. The rising number of consumers has occurred since Waisak and it was on the weekend. The policy to restrict consumers is the right thing to do. Honestly, we were shocked by the rising number of consumers. Amid the pandemic, our employees are also afraid of serving a large number of consumers,” Hendra told the mayor.

According to Hendra, the concept applied by KDS is to change the storefront yard into a queue area. The entrance and exit gate will be more secured. Before entering the store, the consumers must wash their hands in the available washstands. The queue line in the cashier will also be tightened by applying physical distancing.  

“Thanks to the restriction system, the crowd can be controlled, 10 visitors, coming and out. Many people were going home instead of taking a queue. That’s fine with us. In the coming week, we will have a trial to set the path. We will try as maximum as possible to apply the system, and surely this is for our employees’ sake as well,” he said.

Mayor Habib Hadi stated that all visitors must wear a mask. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to get into the store facility. “I also ask the cashier to wear hand gloves because money can be the virus transmission,” he said. (alfien_tr)