
MAYANGAN – Per hari Kamis (4/6), RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh Kota Probolinggo merawat tujuh pasien COVID 19 di ruang isolasi khusus. Pasien yang berasal dari berbagai klaster penularan COVID 19 itu dalam keadaan sehat. Selain penanganan medis, para pasien juga diajak berolahraga hingga menjalani konseling atau rehabilitasi secara mental.

Ruang isolasi untuk pasien COVID 19 sangat tertutup dan tidak ada ruangan terbuka. Untuk itu, tim tenaga kesehatan (nakes) mengagendakan olahraga bersama setiap Selasa dan Jumat. Pekan ini menjadi kali pertama agenda olahraga dan berjemur itu dilaksanakan di rooftop gedung isolasi.

c7efff64 4667 4229 805f e7e4e72baad8Aktivitas di luar ruangan terbuka itu berlangsung selama 30 menit, dimulai pukul 08.30 hingga 09.00. “Mereka (pasien) sangat senang sekali karena bisa melihat matahari secara langsung,” ujar Koordinator Ruang Isolasi COVID 19, Ulfa Nur Fadila.

Teknis menuju ke rooftop gedung juga menerapkan physical distancing dari lantai 2 ke lantai 3. Tempat duduk juga telah diatur berjarak. Lagu yang diputar dari handphone nakes disambungkan ke mic speaker portabel. Instruktur senam pagi bergiliran dari para nakes.

Ya, olahraga ringan dan berjemur ini untuk mendapatkan manfaat sinar ultraviolet dan vitamin D. 15 menit olahraga, 15 menit berjemur. “Selain meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, kegiatan ini sedikit membantu untuk refreshing. Walaupun tidak bisa keluar dari ruang isolasi secara bebas, mereka merasa gembira dan senang,” jelas dr Anung Sri Handayani, dokter spesialis paru RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh.

Dari video dan foto yang di-share, nampak nakes menggunakan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) lengkap. Menurut dr Anung, sepanjang jalan yang sudah dilintasi pasien pun dilakukan penyemprotan disinfektan. Lift yang digunakan petugas dan pasien dibedakan, namun di dalam lift pasien tetap ada petugas yang memandu, pasien tidak dibiarkan pergi sendiri.

Alhamdulillah 7 pasien ini dalam keadaan sehat. Pasien pun merasa senang. Pasien dengan kondisi baik diajak olahraga ringan, yang perlu perawatan intensif tidak kita ajak. Dan, senam olahraga ini selain untuk pasien juga untuk nakes. Kami kan juga harus tetap menjaga kondisi tubuh agar tetap sehat,” sambungnya.


Konseling untuk Pasien COVID 19

Selain olahraga ringan dan berjemur di matahari pagi, pasien COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo juga mendapat konseling. Hal ini diberikan supaya pasien bisa menceritakan keluh kesahnya, apa yang dipikirkan, karena ketika terpapar COVID 19 banyak pasien merasa tidak mudah menghadapinya secara emosi.

“RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh membantu dengan konseling. Ada konselor klinis, ada dokter psikiater. Pasien yang kondisinya reaktif dilakukan konseling atau rehabilitasi secara mental,” terang dr Anung Sri Handayani, Sp.P.

a860702b f2cd 4842 9c07 045108c64e23Hal ini juga dibenarkan oleh Ulfa Nur Fadila, Koordinator Ruang Isolasi COVID 19, sehari-hari pasien juga diajak refreshing oleh lulusan S2 psikolog. “Dikasih TTS (teka teki silang), mewarnai atau kami fasilitasi bagaimana perasaan mereka (pasien). Kami suruh nulis nanti kami respon,” imbuhnya.

dr Anung mengungkapkan, rasa sesalnya ketika ada stigma negatif pasien COVID 19. Sebenarnya, pasien COVID 19 sama seperti pasien pada umumnya tetapi perawatannya harus isolasi. Mereka bisa berbaur tetapi dengan protokol kesehatan yang tepat, seperti saat olahraga bersama nakes, nakes wajib memakai APD lengkap.

Ia juga berharap, laju pertumbuhan pasien COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo tidak melonjak seperti daerah lain. Masyarakat wajib menjaga Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), jaga jarak, pakai masker dan tidak keluar rumah.

“Teman-teman di puskesmas dan Dinas Kesehatan sudah preventif. Imbauan Bapak Wali Kota supaya masyarakat tetap menjaga jarak, menggunakan masker semoga membuat jumlah penyebaran COVID 19 semakin terkendali, pasien segera sembuh semua dan Kota Probolinggo bisa bebas COVID 19,” harapnya.

Pasalnya, saat ini ada tiga pasien yang swab pertamanya negatif. Jumat (5/6) dijadwalkan swab kedua, jika negatif maka pasien tersebut bisa dinyatakan sembuh. “Ya, tiga pasien yang satu kali swabnya negatif. Mereka bisa dinyatakan sembuh dan pulang jika dua kali swab negatif berturut-turut,” tutur dr Anung lagi.

Adanya alat swab PCR yang dimiliki RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh Kota Probolinggo sangat membantu penanganan pasien COVID 19. Karena biasanya paling cepat hasil swab dari Surabaya diterima 7 hari bahkan pernah 11 hari karena overload.

“Dulu kami harap-harap cemas dan mempengaruhi psikologis pasien. Kalau sekarang cepat dapat hasilnya dan sangat-sangat membantu sekali,” terang dr Anung yang menjelaskan kesembuhan pasien juga tergantung dari imunitas dan komorbid (penyakit penyerta) pasien.

Ruang isolasi COVID 19 RSUD berplat merah ini terdiri dari 2 tim yang dibagi 14 hari masuk kerja, 14 hari off. Total nakes sekitar 32 orang. Saat on duty mereka harus pulang ke rumah karantina dan menjalani tes kesehatan sebelum dan sesudah bertugas. (famydecta)


As of Thursday (4/6), Regional Hospital RSUD Mohammad Saleh has 7 patients with COVID-19 under treatment at the isolation room. They are all in good condition. Besides having medical treatment, they also have daily exercise, counseling, and mental rehabilitation.


The isolation room for COVID-19 patients is tightly closed, and therefore, the medical workers take them to have exercise every Tuesday and Friday. This week is the first time they have the exercise on the rooftop of isolation building.

The outdoor activity was carried out in 30 minutes, starting from 8.30 - 9 am. “They were very delighted to have a sunbath,” said the Coordinator of the COVID-19 isolation room, Ulfa Nur Fadila.

Physical distancing measures were operated on their way to the rooftop. Putting a distance between the seats provided on the rooftop has also been applied. The song played on a cellular phone, connected to a portable speaker. The medical workers acted as the instructor.

The exercise was carried out to have sunbath to obtain vitamin D, with 15 minutes of exercise and another 15 minutes for exercise. “Besides increasing the immunity, the activity was for refreshing. Although they cannot go out freely, they were excited to have the exercise,” explained dr Anung Sri Handayani, a pulmonary specialist of RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh.

The medical workers wore complete protective gear. According to dr Anung, the route taken by the patients has been sprayed with disinfectant. The elevator used by the patients and medical workers were separated, with a medical worker prepared to guide the patient.

“Alhamdulillah (Thank God), the patients are in good health condition. They are excited. Those with good health condition were asked to have exercise. And, those who need intensive treatment stay in the isolation room. The medical workers also participated in the exercise. We (medical workers) also need to maintain our health,” she added.

Counseling Session for the Patients

Besides having an exercise and sunbath, the patients had a counseling session. In the session, they need to tell about their unrest since they have been infected with COVID-19 because it is not easy for them to face the situation emotionally.

“The hospital helps them with the counseling sessions. We have clinical counseling with a psychiatrist. The patients will have a counseling or mental rehabilitation,” said dr Anung Sri Handayani, Sp.P

This was confirmed by the Coordinator of COVID-19 Isolation Room, Ulfa Nur Fadila; they have daily refreshing activity provided by a psychology master graduation. “We give them crossword puzzles or counseling sessions to express their feeling. They write it on a paper and we give a response later on,” she added.

dr Anung revealed she regrets of what people think about the COVID-19 patients. There is no need to alienate the COVID-19 patients although they have to be treated in isolation. They can associate with others under strict health protocols.

She also hopes, the number of COVID-19 patients would not increase as other regions are. People are obliged to maintain Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (PHBS), to operate physical distancing measures, wear a mask, and prefer to stay at home.

“Our colleagues at the community health center and Health Agency have carried out preventive measures. The mayor always urges people to do physical distancing, wearing masks to control the spread of the virus. Hopefully, COVID-19 patients would soon be recovered and the city will have no new confirm cases,” she hopes.

In the meantime, three patients have undergone a swab test with negative results. They will have the second swab test on Friday (5/6). Should their second swab-test results come out negative; the patients will be declared recovered from coronavirus. “(after undergoing a treatment) These three patients were negative for the first swab test. They can be declared recovered from the virus and may return home if the second swab test showing another negative result,” said dr Anung.

The PCR swab-test kit the regional hospital has really helps the treatment of COVID-19 patients. By using the kits, the hospital can now get the swab-test results faster than sending them to Surabaya which needs 7-11 days due to overload.

“We used to be waiting, worried about the results and this can affect the patients psychologically. Now, we can have the results faster and it really helps the process,” said dr Anung who also explained the recovering process depends on the immunity and comorbidity of the patients. 

The COVID-19 isolation rooms at the regional hospital consist of two teams, with shift hours requiring 32 medical workers to carry out 14 days on duty and 14 days off duty. While on duty, they have to be in quarantine and undergo a health test before and after doing their duty.   (alfien_tr)