
KANIGARAN – Pencegahan dan penanganan COVID 19 dipersiapkan sedemikian rupa oleh Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Mulai dari penyediaan anggaran, sarana prasarana, tenaga medis hingga sejumlah kegiatan untuk memerangi virus dari Wuhan, Tiongkok ini.

Seperti dijelaskan Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin dalam rilisnya bersama media melalui telekonferensi, Selasa (7/4), nampak kesiapan pemerintah setempat berjuang melawan penyebaran virus yang sudah menjangkiti dua warganya ini. 

IMG 20200407 WA0110Dari sisi anggaran, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo telah menyiapkan dana miliaran. Penggunaan Biaya Tidak Terduga (BTT) dari dua OPD, Dinas Kesehatan sebesar Rp 919.070.000 dan RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh Rp 150 juta, total senilai Rp Penggunaan BTT ini sesuai Perwali 15 tahun 2020 tentang tata cara pemberian dan pertanggungjawaban BTT untuk tanggap darurat dalam rangka penanggulangan bencana non alam dan percepatan penanganan COVID 19.

Kemudian anggaran Dinas Kesehatan Rp 18.433.000.000 dan RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh Rp 9.894.610.000, total dana sebesar Rp 28.327.610.000. Telah ditetapkan dalam Perwali 32 tahun 2020 tanggal 2 April 2020 tentang perubahan kedua atas perwali 235 tahun 2019 tentang Penjabaran APBD TA 2020.

Sesuai dengan instruksi Presiden dan Mendagri, Pemkot Probolinggo refocusing kegiatan 26 OPD yang akan dialihkan untuk BTT. Seluruh total dananya mencapai lebih dari Rp 57 Miliar. 

Terkait kesiapan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh ada 14 orang dokter spesialis, 8 orang dokter umum dan 23 orang paramedis. Jumlah SDM ada 45 orang. Sedangkan di Dinkes ada 12 dokter umum, 12 orang paramedis dan 87 surveilans (total ada 111 orang). 

Untuk personel lapangan dari BPBD 52 orang; Satpol PP 167 orang; Polres Probolinggo Kota 30 orang; Kodim 0820 30 orang; Dipertahankan 15 orang dan Yon Zipur 30 orang. Total mencapai 480 orang.

IMG 20200407 WA0112Bentuk kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan antara lain, penyediaan logistik penanganan darurat COVID 19; Melakukan penyemprotan disinfektan ke fasilitas umum; Menyediakan tempat cuci tangan di tempat umum; Mengadakan surveilans terhadap kelompok beresiko; Pemantauan terhadap karantina mandiri terhadap kelompok beresiko; Melakukan tracking terhadap kelompok yang beresiko;  Melakukan rapid test kepada kelompok yang beresiko (83 orang); Melakukan skrining kepada masyarakat yang ke faskes baik swasta maupun negeri; Melakukan skrining saat arus mudik.

Sebagai upaya mitigasi, Dinas Kesehatan juga punya upaya mitigasi dan upaya pemulihan. Sejumlah OPD seperti Satpol PP pun menjalankan tugas memberikan edukasi pada masyarakat terkait cuci tangan, belajar di rumah, sosial distance di ruang publik, operasi gabungan di pusat perbelanjaan hingga penjagaan pos pendataan pedagang.

Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) melaksanakan penyemprotan disinfektan mulai 20 Maret – 3 April 2020 ada 191 titik sasaran. Seperti tempat ibadah, terminal, kantor pemerintahan, sekolah, panti asuhan, ruang publik dan sebagainya. Dinas PUPR dan Kawasan Permukiman menyediakan 25 wastafel portabel di pasar tradisional. 

Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin menjelaskan, sejumlah tempat sudah disiapkan untuk menangani COVID 19. Seperti 20 ruang isolasi di RSUD, 20 ruangan di Puskesmas Wonoasih. “Kami juga menyediakan pos karantina petugas, supaya petugas tidak terpapar virus korona,” terangnya.

Pos karantina petugas medis di Samudera Mina, paramedis di Guest House PPI. Bagi petugas lapangan, BPBD, Satpol PP, Kodim, Polresta dan Yon Zipur ada tempat karantina PPU depan DLH dan rusunawa. “Untuk karantina pemudik di SMK Negeri 2, kami akan menyiapkan alas untuk tidur. Semoga saja tidak terisi, semua masyarakat sehat,” harap Habib Hadi. 

Terkait jaring pengaman sosial yang terdampak COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo berjumlah sekitar 14 ribu orang yang terdiri dari berbagai profesi. “Saat ini masih verifikasi faktual oleh kecamatan dan kelurahan. Data ini diluar penerima manfaat PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan) dan BDT (Basis Data Terpadu),” kata wali kota.

Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo juga berencana melakukan pembatasan jam operasional tempat usaha di malam hari. Rencana ini akan segera ditindaklanjuti dengan surat edaran dalam sepekan ke depan.

“Karena ini untuk kebaikan kita semua. Dan, yang penting untuk bisa mendeteksi kedatangan warga dari luar kota adalah RT-RW harus melindungi lingkungannya masing-masing. Sampaikan kalau harus ke pelayanan kesehatan dulu untuk pengecekan atau hubungi saja call center 112,” jelas mantan anggota DPR RI itu.

Rilis bersama wartawan melalui telekonferensi itu dihadiri Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo, Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Kajari Yeni Puspita, Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Jubir Satgas dr Abrrar HS Kuddah dan Plt Dinkes dr NH Hidayati.

Posko Pencegahan dan Penanganan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo akan dibuat di rumah dinas wali kota, di Jalan Panglima Sudirman. “Mudah-mudahan ujian, musibah ini cepat berlalu dan keluarga kita terhindar dari virus korona,” harap Wali Kota Habib Hadi. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration has made preventive efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. These include preparing for the budget, facilities, medical workers, and other activities to fight against the coronavirus.


As was explained by Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin on a press release via teleconference on Tuesday (7/4). The local government shows its readiness to fight against the virus spread which has infected two people.

On the budget, the city administration has prepared billions of budget. The Use of Unexpected Cost (BTT) from two working units worth to IDR 1,069,070,000 has been prepared. This is based on Mayoral Regulation No 15 of 2020 on the guideline of disbursing and accountability of BTT for emergency status in mitigating non-natural disaster and accelerating the handling of COVID-19.

Then, the budget of Health Agency and regional hospital dr Mohammad Saleh worth to IDR 28,327,610,000 have also been prepared as the Mayoral Regulation No 32 of 2020 dated April 20th, 2020 on Second Amendment of Mayoral Regulation No 235 of 2019 on Formulation of 2020 Local Budget has been issued.

Based on Presidential Instruction, the local government has been refocusing the budget of 26 working units and will be reallocated for BTT. Totaly, there would be a budget worth to IDR 57 billion.

On the human capital, 14 specialist doctors, 8 general practitioners, and 23 paramedics are available at the regional hospital. Meanwhile, the Health Agency has 12 general practitioners, 12 paramedics, and 87 people doing surveillances.

For the field officers, 52 officers from Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency, 167 officers of Public Order Agency, 30 police officers, 30 military officers, 15 officers of Agriculture Agency, and 30 officers of Yon Zipur, with the total of 480 people have been also prepared.

The city administration has carried out several activities including providing the logistics for handling the emergency of COVID-19, spraying disinfectant to public spaces, installing portable washstands at public spaces, doing monitoring to the high-risk infected groups, monitoring the independent quarantine of high-risk infected groups, tracing the virus spread, carrying out a rapid test to high-risk infected groups (83 people), doing screening to the people having health examination to both state and private health facilities, and doing screening to people going back to their hometown.

As an effort, the Health Agency has also carried out recovery efforts. Several working units including Public Order Agency have been giving education to the people to wash hands frequently, study at home, apply social distancing, and also carry out joint operations at shopping centers and checkpoint posts.

Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) carry out disinfectant spraying starting from March 20th – April 3rd, 2020 at 191 spots including worship places, bus station, government offices, schools, and public spaces. Public Works Agency, meanwhile, has installed 25 portable washstands at traditional markets.

Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin explained several locations has been prepared to handle COVID-19 including 20 isolation rooms at the regional hospital, 20 rooms at community health center Puskesmas Wonoasih. “We also provide a quarantine post for the officers so that they would not be infected by the virus,” he said.

The quarantine post for the medical workers is at Samudra Mina, paramedics are at Guest House PPI. For the field officers, several places including PPU and low-cost apartment have also been prepared for them. “For the ‘mudik’ travelers, we have prepared SMKN 2 as a quarantine post; we have provided the post with the bed,” Habib Hadi said.

Related to those people getting economically impacted by the outbreak, approximately 14 thousand people, the city administration has prepared for certain measures. “At the moment, a factual certification is still carried out by the urban-village and sub-district offices. The data is excluded from those who have received PKH and BDT,” the mayor said.

Probolinggo city administration is planning to restrict the operational hours of shopping centers, restaurants, and other places of business in the evening. The plan is going to be followed up by issuing a circular letter in the coming week.

“This is for the sake of all people. And, the most important thing is to detect any people coming from out of town; the neighborhood organizations must protect their territory. Report to a health facility if they find any people coming from out of town or they can contact call center 112,” he said.

The checkpoint post will be available in the mayor’s official residence. “We hope the pandemic can be soon ended and we can prevent the virus from spreading,” Mayor Habib Hadi hopes. (alfien_tr)