
Menanggapi capaian inflasi bulan Juli 2020 Kota Probolinggo sebesar 0,16 persen yang dipicu oleh komoditas penyumbang terbesar dalam laju inflasi, yakni sekolah dasar, Asisten Perekonomian dan Pembangunan Kota Probolinggo Amin Fredy didampingi Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Dasar Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Probolinggo Budi Wahyu Riyanto, mengatakan, tarif sekolah menjadi salah satu penyumbang tertinggi laju inflasi di Kota Seribu Taman. Meskipun kegiatan belajar mengajar selama pandemik Covid-19, dilakukan secara virtual dan jarak jauh.

"Akhir bulan Juli 2020, biaya pendaftaran sekolah merangkak naik signifikan disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, salah satunya wabah pandemik Covid-19," tuturnya saat ditemui, Rabu (19/8) usai memimpin Rilis Inflasi Bulan Juli 2020 bersama Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID) di Radio Suara Kota FM.

WhatsApp Image 2020 08 19 at 15.59.21Kenaikan iuran Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan ( SPP), khususnya yang terjadi di beberapa sekolah swasta yang ada di Kota Probolinggo, menurutnya, karena ada komponen gaji guru yang tidak tercukupi dan imbas dari adanya refocusing terkait penangan Covid-19, dimana sekolah menaikkan SPP karena kebutuhan yang cukup besar di sekolah swasta.

"Biaya sekolah tidak berubah, tapi di beberapa sekolah swasta memang ada peningkatan. Hal itu karna ada pergantian Tahun Ajaran baru,. Sehingga pengamat kebijakan publik menilai hal itu karena pihak sekolah yang harus tetap menggaji para gurunya," katanya
Seperti diketahui, pada bulan Juli 2020, Kota Probolinggo mengalami inflasi sebesar 0,16 persen dengan indeks harga konsumen (IHK) sebesar 103,89 persen. Inflasi itu disumbang oleh biaya pendaftaran Sekolah Dasar ini turut memberikan andil inflasi sebesar 2,49 persen.

“Oleh karenanya andil terbesar terjadinya inflasi di Kota Probolinggo adalah Sekolah Dasar. Kelompok ini pada Juli 2020 mengalami kenaikan indeks dari 101,25 pada Juni 2020 menjadi 103,77 pada Juli 2020,” ujar Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Probolinggo Adenan.

Pria asal Lamongan itu juga mengatakan tingkat inflasi tahun kalender Juli 2020 sebesar 1,25 persen dan tingkat inflasi tahun ke tahun (Juli 2020 terhadap Juli 2019) sebesar 1,89 persen.

"Inflasi year-on-year pada Juli 2020 sebesar 1,25 persen dan angka itu lebih rendah dibanding inflasi year-on-year di tahun 2019 sebesar 1,89 persen," ujarnya.

Dari delapan kota IHK di Jawa Timur tercatat empat kota mengalami inflasi dan empat kota mengalami deflasi. Inflasi tertinggi terjadi di Kota Probolinggo sebesar 0,16 persen diikuti oleh Kota Malang inflasi sebesar 0,06 persen, kemudian inflasi terendah Kabupaten Jember dan Kabupaten Banyuwangi inflasi sebesar 0,01 persen. (Sonea)


Responding to the inflation report reaching to 0.16% in July 2020, Assistant for Economy and Development of Probolinggo city, Amin Fredy accompanied by the Head of Basic Education division of Education and Culture Agency, Budi Wahyu Riyanto, said that school fees have been one of the major contributors to the high rate of inflation in the city. This could happen despite teaching and learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, conducted virtually and remotely.

"At the end of July 2020, the cost of school enrollment has increased significantly caused by a variety of things, one of which is COVID-19 pandemic," he said when met on Wednesday (19/8) after leading the Release of Inflation in July 2020 with Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) on Suara Kota Radio FM.

An increase in school fees, in particular, occurred in some private schools in the city, in his opinion, was due to the inability of the school to fulfill the component of the teacher salaries. And, the impact of the budget refocusing as a response to COVID-19 handling, has caused the schools to raise the fees to fulfill the needs of the private schools.

"The cost of school has not changed, but in some private schools, there is indeed an increase. This is because the New School Year will start soon. So, observers of public policy concluded that the increase was because the school must pay the teacher salaries," he said.

As is known, in July 2020, Probolinggo City records 0.16% inflation with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reaches to 103.89%. The major contributor to inflation was the elementary-school fees with 2.49% inflation.

“In conclusion, the major contributor to inflation in the city is Elementary School. This group in July 2020 increased the index of 101,25 in June 2020 to be 103,77 in July 2020,” said the Head of the Probolinggo city's Statistics Center, Adenan.

He also said the rate of inflation for the calendar year in July 2020 was at 1.25% and the rate of inflation year to year (July 2020 to July 2019) was 1.89%.

"Inflasi year-on-year pada Juli 2020 sebesar 1,25 persen dan angka itu lebih rendah dibanding inflasi year-on-year di tahun 2019 sebesar 1,89 persen," ujarnya.

Of the eight CPI cities in East Java, it was recorded that four cities recorded inflation and four cities experienced deflation. The city with the highest inflation recorded was Probolinggo city by 0.16% followed by Malang city 0.06%, Jember Regency and Banyuwangi Regency 0.01% inflation recorded. (alfien_tr)