
KANIGARAN - 63 atlet dari 9 cabang olahraga (cabor) berprestasi di Kota Probolinggo mendapatkan bonus uang tunai dari KONI setempat. Bonus tersebut diserahkan secara simbolis oleh Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin kepada perwakilan cabor, pelatih dan atlet di Ruang Transit Kantor Wali Kota, Kamis (16/7) pagi.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 16 at 09.03.37 1Untuk cabor berprestasi dapat Rp 3 juta; pelatih Rp 4 juta dan atlet Rp 1,5 juta. Sembilan cabor berprestasi yaitu renang, selam, catur, atletik, bridge, taekwondo, panjat tebing, wushu dan tenis lapangan.

“Pemberian penghargaan ini untuk atlet, pelatih dan cabor yang berprestasi tahun 2019. Ada 63 atlet dari 9 cabor. Mereka berprestasi baik di event kejurda, kejurwil dan kejurnas,” ujar Ketua KONI Kota Probolinggo Siswadi.

Sementara itu, Wali Kota Habib Hadi menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada perwakilan atlet, pelatih, cabor dan KONI karena sudah menjadi kebanggaan warga Kota Probolinggo. Ia juga berterimakasih atas upaya KONI yang terus menerus mencetak generasi muda, menampung bakat olahraga prestasi yang dimiliki anak-anak Kota Probolinggo.

“Kondisi saat ini membuat apa yang sudah direncanakan pada tahun 2020 tidak bisa berjalan sesuai yang diharapkan. Selain pandemi COVID 19 juga ada pengurangan anggaran. Sejak Maret 2020 ada pengurangan anggaran bagi OPD, lembaga bahkan hibah lainnya,” jelas Habib Hadi.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 16 at 09.03.37Kendati demikian, wali kota meminta KONI dapat merubah pola dan terus melatih, sambil menunggu KONI membuat kebijakan agar kegiatan tetap berjalan dengan mengedepankan protokol kesehatan.

“Jangan ada multitafsir kalau pemerintah kota dan KONI tidak care. Tapi, karena situasi dan kondisinya memang begini. Cabor, pelatih dan atlet harus bisa saling memahami. Namun saya berharap KONI tidak kehilangan bibit-bibit atlet unggulan,” terang wali kota.

Pada kesempatan itu, Habib Hadi juga mengingatkan KONI agar kembali membuat MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) dengan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Disdikbud) Kota Probolinggo agar siswa berprestasi dapat bersekolah di tempat yang diinginkan.

“Itu harapan saya, agar adik-adik yang punya prestasi ini sekolah di tempat yang diinginkan dengan jalur prestasinya. Karena prestasi mereka juga patut diapresiasi,” pesan wali kota yang ingin segera punya meja untuk tempat atlet catur berlatih di rumah dinasnya. (famydecta)


63 athletes from 9 sports (sports) with great achievement in Probolinggo city received cash bonuses from the local Indonesian Sports Council (KONI). Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin symbolically handed over the bonus to sports representatives, coaches, and athletes at the transit room of the city hall on Thursday (16/7).

For sports with achievement, it received IDR 3 million; coaches worth IDR 4 million; and athletes worth IDR 1.5 million. The nine sports claiming great achievements include swimming, diving, chess, athletics, bridge, taekwondo, rock climbing, wushu, and tennis.

"This award is given to athletes, coaches, and sports showing great achievements in 2019. There are 63 athletes from 9 sports. They did well in the sports events Kejurda, Kejurwil, and National Championship events," said the Chairman of the Probolinggo City KONI, Siswadi.

Meanwhile, Mayor Habib Hadi expressed his appreciation to representatives of athletes, coaches, sports, and KONI because they have become the pride of the residents of Probolinggo City. He was also grateful for KONI's efforts to continuously produce the younger generation, accommodating the sports talent of the children.

"The current conditions make what has been planned in 2020 cannot be executed as expected. Apart from the COVID-19 pandemic, there has also been a reduction in the budget. Since March 2020 there has been a reduction in the budget for working units, institutions, and even other grants," explained Habib Hadi.

Nevertheless, the mayor asked KONI to change patterns and continue to train, while waiting for KONI to make policies so that activities can be continued by prioritizing health protocols.

"There should be no multiple interpretations stating that the city administration and KONI have no attention to sports development. We must understand the current condition. Sports, coaches, and athletes must be able to understand each other. But I hope KONI will not lose the talents of superior athletes," explained the mayor.

On that occasion, Habib Hadi also reminded KONI to make another MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Probolinggo City Education and Culture Agency so that outstanding students can go to the school where they want to go to.

"That is my hope so that the students who have achievements can go to school they want to go to, because their achievements must be appreciated,” said the mayor who wants to have a table for chess athletes to train at his official residence. (alfien_tr)

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