
KANIGARAN -Tim Satgas Penanganan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo melakukan berbagai upaya memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus corona. Hal yang tegas diberlakukan adalah seluruh warga dilarang mudik ke Kota Probolinggo.

“Sesuai petunjuk Bapak Wali Kota, Kota Probolinggo sudah menerapkan beberapa langkah yang awalnya check point, sekarang menjadi pengalihan arus. Ini (langkah) hasil kerjasama dengan pihak terkait seperti Polres Probolinggo Kota, Kodim dan Yon Zipur,” ujar Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri.

Untuk itu, bekerjasama dengan TNI-Polri-Satpol PP-Dinas Perhubungan melakukan penyisiran dengan mempersempit arus kendaraan dari luar kota tidak boleh masuk Kota Probolinggo. Penyempitan itu dilakukan di perempatan Pilang dan pertigaan Randupangger.

Bagi pengendara yang akan menuju Situbondo – Banyuwangi, dialihkan melewati jalur selatan. Demikian pula pengendara yang akan menuju ke Pasuruan-Surabaya tidak boleh masuk kota.

Jika dengan penyempitan jalan masuk kota masih ada yang lolos, maka screaning dilakukan di tingkat RT dan RW. Apabila mengetahui ada warganya yang baru datang dari luar kota, maka wajib dilaporkan dan dibawa ke tempat karantina di SMK Negeri 2.

Wawali juga menegaskan, rata-rata pasien yang ditemukan merupakan hasil kerja sama antara masyarakat, RT dan RW. Sebab, Kota Probolinggo mempunyai tim satgas COVID yang menjangkau hingga kecamatan, kelurahan hingga RT dan RW.

Pintu masuk di stasiun pun dipastikan tidak ada pemudik yang datang. Sebab, tidak ada pergerakan kereta api yang beroperasional hingga waktu tertentu. Sedangkan di Terminal Bayuangga, tim gabungan pemantauan COVID-19 juga sudah siap.

Bagaimana dengan jalur laut? Menurut wawali, pihak Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan dan KSOP punya protap dan prosedur yang sudah dijalankan sehingga tahu pergerakan orang yang masuk ke kota baik dari Indonesia atau luar negeri.

“Pada kenyataannya, sudah sedikit warga yang masuk dari pintu-pintu tersebut. Intinya, Kota Probolinggo tidak menerima pemudik. Dan, apa yang sedang kami terapkan akan terus kami benahi untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID 19 ini. Insyaallah, kami sudah siap,” tegas Wawali Subri yang mewakili Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, dalam vidcon malam itu.

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pengantaran konsumsi ke tenaga kesehatan di tempat karantina


Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan P2KB, ada 40 orang yang saat ini sedang menjalani masa karantina di SMK Negeri 2, di Jalan Mastrip. Mereka berasal dari berbagai daerah seperti Jakarta, Sidoarjo, Malang, Jambi dan TKI dari Maldives. Beberapa diantaranya berniat mudik dan pulang kampung.

“Karantina pemudik memang tempatnya seperti itu dan harus diterima. Namun kami menyiapkan hak-hak untuk pemudik setiap harinya, bahkan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara rutin,” jelas Subri.

Subri menambahkan, meski belum diketahui kapan pandemi COVID 19 akan berakhir, namun masyarakat diminta untuk selalu mematuhi anjuran yang disampaikan pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah.

“Selain pemerintah, kesadaran masyarakat juga sangat diperlukan. Dengan mengikuri instruksi dan peraturan yang sudah disampaikan pemerintah maka insyaallah badai ini pasti berlalu. Aamiin,” tuturnya penuh harap. (famydecta)


The Task-Force Team for Handling COVID 19 in Probolinggo city has carried out many efforts to break the chain of the spread of the coronavirus. What was firmly enforced was that prohibiting people from going home to Probolinggo City.


"According to the mayor's direction, Probolinggo city has implemented a number of measures including carrying out checkpoints, before changing it into traffic rerouting. This is the result of collaboration with related stakeholders including local police unit, military district command, and Yon Zipur," said Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri.

Therefore, in collaboration with the TNI-Polri-Satpol PP-Transportation Agency, the government conducts the tracking by limiting the flow of vehicles from outside the city to not get into Probolinggo City. This was done at the intersection of Pilang and Randupangger T-junction.

The motorists who will go to Situbondo - Banyuwangi, will be diverted through the southern lane. Likewise, motorists who will go to Pasuruan-Surabaya may not get into the city.

If one escapes the policy, then it would be the neighborhood organization’s authority to make a report if they find any people who have just come from out of town, taking them in quarantine at SMK Negeri 2.

The Vice Mayor also emphasized that many reports being filed were the result of collaboration among the community, neighborhood organizations RT and RW. Probolinggo City has a COVID task-force team that reaches out to the sub-districts, urban villages, and RT/RW.

It also has been confirmed that there are no home comers at the entrance gate of the train station, since PT. KAI has stopped its operational schedule. At Bayuangga bus station, the joint COVID-19 monitoring team is also ready.

How about the sea lane? According to the Mayor, the Port Health Office and KSOP have procedures that have been carried out so that they know the movement of people entering the city from Indonesia or abroad.

"Few people were found to getting into the city through these accesses. The thing is the city does not accept ‘mudik’ travelers. And, what we are implementing will continue to improve our efforts to break the chain of COVID 19. God willing, we are ready," Vice Mayor Subri said representing Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, in the video conference.

Based on data of the Health Agency, there are 40 people currently undergoing quarantine at SMK Negeri 2. They were from various regions including Jakarta, Sidoarjo, Malang, Jambi, and Indonesian Migrant Worker (TKI) from the Maldives. Some of them intend to go to their hometown.

"This is the procedure the ‘mudik’ travelers have to follow. We prepare the rights for travelers, and even providing them with routine health checks," explained Subri.

Subri added, although it is not yet known when the COVID 19 pandemic will end, people are asked to always comply with the recommendations submitted by the central and regional governments.

"Besides the government, public awareness is also very important. By following the instructions and regulations that have been submitted by the government, God willing, this storm will pass. Aamiin," he said hopefully. (alfien_tr)