
KANIGARAN – Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo tidak mau lagi penyebaran COVID 19 semakin meluas di wilayahnya. Jika sebelumnya pemudik bisa melakukan isolasi mandiri di rumah, saat ini kebijakan tersebut sudah tidak berlaku. Semua pemudik yang datang dari luar kota menuju Kota Probolinggo harus menjalani karantina.

Hal ini tegas disampaikan Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin saat video conference (vidcon) dengan media yang juga disiarkan secara langsung di akun resmi Facebook Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo, Sabtu (18/4) malam dari Command Center Kantor Wali Kota.

covid19probolinggo3Keputusan ini diambil oleh wali kota, lantaran bertambahnya pasien confirm COVID 19 per tanggal 18 April malam. Update data COVID 19 menyebutkan, Orang Dalam Pemantauan (ODP) ada 215, dengan rincian selesai pemantauan 155 dan masih dalam pemantauan 60. Untuk Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) ada 4, 1 selesai pengawasan, 3 dalam pengawasan.

Nah, angka positif COVID 19, ada 4 orang. Satu sudah sembuh dan pulang, satu pasien lama yang belum sembuh. Serta ada dua pasien baru asal Kecamatan Wonoasih. Dua pasien ini adalah suami istri yang hasil swabnya baru keluar Sabtu malam.

Disampaikan oleh Jubir Satgas COVID 19, dr Abraar HS Kuddah dalam vidcon, bahwa sang suami mempunyai riwayat perjalanan atau pemudik dari luar pulau Jawa. Suami tersebut datang dalam keadaan sehat dan masih proses melakukan isolasi mandiri di rumah. Di hari ke 10 isolasi, sang istri yang sudah punya riwayat penyakit kencing manis menunjukkan gejala batuk, demam dan sesak napas, kemudian dirujuk ke RSUD untuk rapid tes. 

Hasil rapid tes istri negatif, sedangkan hasil milik suami positif. Tim kesehatan lalu melakukan tes swab kepada keduanya. Hasilnya, baru turun Sabtu (18/4) yang menyatakan keduanya positif COVID 19. “Dua orang anak pasien yang kontak erat dengan pasien akan dilakukan rapid tes dan swab mulai Minggu (20/4),” kata dr Abraar.

“Melihat kondisi ini, maka langkah baru, semua pemudik harus karantina. Berlaku juga untuk pemudik yang ditemukan oleh masyarakat. Masyarakat harus pro-aktif melaporkan, pemudik akan dibawa ke tempat karantina dan dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan,” tegas Habib Hadi.

Menurut wali kota, yang menjadi garda terdepan dalam mencegah penularan COVID 19 adalah masyarakat sendiri. Ia pun mempersilakan RT, RW jika ada warga datang dari luar kota untuk melapor dan dibawa ke karantina untuk meminimalisir penyebaran. “Tanpa kebersamaan, pemerintah tidak akan bisa,” sambungnya.

Habib Hadi juga meminta masyarakat untuk tidak panik dan selalu menjaga kesehatan. “Harus bisa membentengi lingkungan kita, diri kita dan keluarga kita. Ayo kita kompak supaya bisa menangani bersama-sama,” seru mantan anggota DPRD Provinsi Jawa Timur dan DPR RI ini.

IMG 20200418 190120Kejujuran masyarakat pun dapat menekan penyebaran virus ini, dengan menceritakan secara benar saat berada di check point. Pemudik yang terpaksa tetap mudik pun harus siap dikarantina di tempat khusus yang telah disediakan. Pemudik tidak usah takut karena di tempat karantina pemerintah menjamin semua makanan, minuman, vitamin hingga ada jadwal rutin berolahraga selama masa karantina.

Saat ditanya ada warga yang bekerja pulang pergi dalam kurun waktu tertentu, wali kota berpesan agar mereka lebih peduli dengan keluarganya. Yaitu dengan cara tidak pulang dulu ke rumah hingga masa pandemi ini usai.

Vidcon yang berlangsung hingga pukul 19.30 itu juga diikuti Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri; Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wahyudi; Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya; Ketua DPRD Abdul Mujib; Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati dan tim satgas COVID 19. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration has no intention to make COVID 19 to be more widespread in its territory. If previously the home comers could carry out self-isolation at home, the policy is now no longer valid. All travelers who come from out of town to Probolinggo must undergo quarantine.


This was stated firmly by Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin during a video conference (vidcon) with the media which was also broadcast live on the official Facebook account of the Probolinggo City administration on Saturday (4/18) from the Command Center of the mayor's Office.

This decision was taken by the mayor, due to the increasing number of patients confirming COVID 19 as of April 18 evening. Update of COVID 19 data states, there are 215 People under Monitoring (ODP), with details of 155 completed monitoring and 60 are still being monitored. 4 COVID-19 suspects are being supervised with 1 patient who has completed supervision, and 3 others are under supervision.

4 people are confirmed positive for COVID-19. One has recovered and gone home, one patient who has not yet recovered, and there are two new patients from Wonoasih Sub-District. Two of these patients are husband and wife whose swab results just came out on Saturday evening.

COVID 19 Task Force Spokesman, Dr. Abraar HS Kuddah in the vidcon, said the husband has a history of traveling from outside the island of Java. The husband came in good health and was still in the process of doing a self-isolation at home. On the 10th day of isolation, the wife who had a history of diabetes showed symptoms of cough, fever, and shortness of breath and was referred to the hospital for a rapid test.

The wife's rapid test result was negative, while the result of the husband's positive. The health team then carried out swab tests on both of them. The result came out on Saturday (18/4) which states both are positive COVID 19. "Two children of patients who are in close contact with patients will be subjected to rapid tests and swabs starting Sunday (20/4)," said Abraar.

"Seeing this condition, then a new step, all travelers must be quarantined. This also applies to travelers caught by the community. The community must be pro-active in reporting that travelers will be taken to quarantine and health checks will be carried out,” said Habib Hadi.

According to the mayor, the people who became the front guard in preventing transmission of COVID 19 were the people themselves. He also invited neighborhood organizations RT, RW to make a report if they find any residents came from outside the city to be taken into quarantine to minimize the spread. "Without togetherness, the government cannot do this," he continued.

Habib Hadi also asked the public not to panic and always maintain their health. "We must be able to fortify our environment, ourselves, and our families. Let's be compact so that we can handle it together,” exclaimed the former member of the East Java Provincial Parliament and the Indonesian Parliament.

Community honesty can reduce the spread of this virus, by telling the truth while at the checkpoint. Travelers who are forced to remain homecoming must be ready to be quarantined in a special place that has been provided. Travelers do not need to be afraid because, in quarantine, the government guarantees all food, drinks, and vitamins as well as a regular schedule of exercise during the quarantine.

When asked if there were residents who have to work out of town within a certain time, the mayor advised that they care more about their families. That is by not going home first until the pandemic period is over.

Video conference which lasted until 19.30 was also participated in by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri; Military District Commander 0820 Lt. Col. Inf Imam Wahyudi; Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya; DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib; Regional Secretary Drg Ninik Ira Wibawati and COVID 19 Task Force Team. (alfien_tr)