
KANIGARAN - Sejumlah jurnalis mendeklarasikan Aliansi Jurnalis Probolinggo (AJP) yang digelar bertepatan dengan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila, Kamis (1/10) siang di Taman Maramis, Kecamatan Kanigaran, Kota Probolinggo.

Giat itu digelar dengan mematuhi aturan protokol kesehatan, diantaranya pengecekan suhu tubuh, menggunakan masker dan menjaga jaga satu sama lain. Hal itu cukup beralasan, karena kondisi pandemi akibat virus corona masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.

Ketua AJP Slamet Fahrul Mozza dalam laporannya mengatakan, AJP berkomitmen menjaga kebebasan pers, memenuhi hak masyarakat atas informasi, menjunjung kode etik jurnalistik, bekerja secara profesional, dan berjuang demi kesejahteraan jurnalis. “Saya selaku Ketua AJP tidak ingin terjadi gesekan antar sesama Jurnalis, kita harus kompak,” katanya.

WhatsApp Image 2020 10 01 at 11.22.20Sementara itu, Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin melalui Asisten Administrasi Umum (Asdum) Budiono Wirawan, dalam sambutannya menyampaikan bahwa sebagaimana diketahui, pers adalah pilar ke empat dalam demokrasi di Indonesia setelah eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif. “Saya berharap, pers ini nantinya mampu menjadi pilar ke empat dalam demokrasi kita, sehingga aspirasi dan kepentingan masyarakat tercover dengan baik,” ujarnya.

Budi menambahkan, peran pers dewasa ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap terhadap perkembangan pemberitaan pembangunan dan pemerintahan. Untuk itu, lanjutnya, ia berharap insan pers yang ada di Kota Probolinggo dapat menjalankan perannya dengan baik. “Semoga pers yang tergabung dalam AJP ini dapat bersinergi dengan Pemkot Probolinggo dengan baik,” harapnya.

Pada kesempatan itu, Budi juga mengajak insan pers senantiasa memupuk kesadaran dalam berkomitmen untuk selalu menjalankan kode etik jurnalistik, menjaga marwah organisasi, kredibilitas, integritas dan profesionalitas.

“Mari bersinergi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Kota Probolinggo. Karena insan pers juga mempunyai peran dalam pembangunan daerah. Termasuk menekan sebaran berita hoax yang sangat mempengaruhi masyarakat. Kami tunggu program-programnya,” tandasnya.

Giat itu berlangsung khidmat dan singkat. Dimana Asdum didampingi Staf Ahli Didik Sunaryoto, Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Diskominfo) Aman Suryaman dan perwakilan Forum Komunikasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkopimda) Kota dan Kabupaten Probolinggo, menyematkan seragam AJP, berupa rompi warna merah dan putih dengan kombinasi batik di bagian tengahnya, kepada Ketua AJP Slamet Fahrul Moza, dan melepas balon ke udara sebagai bentuk sinergitas AJP dengan Pemkot Probolinggo dan Forkopimda.

Deklarasi AJP “Berbagi dan Berbuat” merupakan organisasi yang pertama kali terbentuk sejak 3 bulan lalu, tepatnya pada tanggal 14 Agustus 2020. Secara aklamasi AJP ditetapkan di salah satu tempat di Kecamatan Kedopok Kota Probolinggo pada tanggal 20 Agustus 2020, dan di nahkodai oleh Slamet Fahrul Mozza. (Sonea)


Several journalists have issued a declaration on behalf of the Probolinggo Journalists Alliance (AJP) which was held to coincide with Pancasila Reverence Day on Thursday (1/10) at Maramis Park, Kanigaran Sub-district, Probolinggo City.

It was held under health protocols, including checking body temperature, wearing masks, and performing physical distancing. The measure was reasonably taken as the COVID-19 pandemic is still accelerating.

Chairman of AJP Slamet Fahrul Mozza in his report said the alliance is committed to protecting press freedom, fulfilling the public's right to have access to information, upholding the journalistic code of ethics, working professionally, and fighting for the welfare of journalists. "As the chairman of AJP, I don't want any friction to generate among fellow journalists. We have to be solid," he said.

Meanwhile, Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin through Assistant for General Administration Affairs Budiono Wirawan, said that the press is the fourth pillar in democracy in Indonesia after the executive, legislative, and judiciary. "I hope that the press will be able to become the fourth pillar in our democracy so that the aspirations and interests of the people could be well covered," he said.

Budi added that the role of the press is very influential in the information of development and government. Therefore, he continued, he hoped that the press in Probolinggo City could carry out their roles well. "Hopefully the press who are members of AJP can have good collaboration with Probolinggo city administration," he hoped.

On that occasion, Budi also asked the members of the press to be aware in having commitment to always implementing the journalistic code of ethics, maintaining organizational morale, credibility, integrity, and professionalism.

"Let's work together to improve the welfare of the people of Probolinggo City. Members of the press also have a role in regional development. This includes preventing hoax news, which greatly affects the community, from spreading. We are waiting for the programs," he said.

The event was held solemnly and brief. Also present at the event was the Expert Staff Didik Sunaryoto, the Head of the Communication and Information Technology Agency (Diskominfo) Aman Suryaman, and representatives of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Probolinggo City and Regency. Budi Wirawan also managed to symbolically dress the chairman of AJP in a uniform, a red and white vest with a combination of batik in, and release balloons into the air as a form of synergy between AJP, Probolinggo city administration, and Forkopimda.

The AJP Declaration "Sharing and Doing" is an organization that was formed for the first time 3 months ago, on August 14, 2020. By acclamation, AJP was established in a place in Kedopok sub-district, Probolinggo City on August 20, 2020, and was led by Slamet Fahrul. Mozza. (alfien_tr)