
MAYANGAN - Seiring dengan terbitnya Perwali 79 tahun 2019 tentang pengurangan penggunaan kantong plastik dan instruksi Wali Kota nomor 188.55/1/inst.425.012/2019, tentang penanganan sampah di wilayah permukiman. Wakil Wali Kota Soufis Subri  berharap ada aksi nyata  sebagaimana amanat perda kota probolinggo nomor 5 tahun 2010 tentang pengelolaan sampah, dimana Pemerintah Daerah melalui dinas terkait bertanggung jawab terhadap keberadaan sampah di TPS diangkut ke TPA.

d4f1fa05 c4f8 4e26 82e7 ffe44215cc99Hal ini diungkapkan Wawali dalam peringatan Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional (HPSN) 2020 di TPA Bestari, Jum’at(28/2) pagi. Hadir pula Sekda Ninik Ira Wibawanti, Asisten, Kepala OPD, Camat, Lurah dan para stakeholder peduli lingkungan. Secara simbolis, Wawali menyerahkan helm kepada staf DLH sebagai tanda dilaunching program bike to work, mulai Jum’at (6/3) mendatang. Pemberlakuan ini setiap Jum’at minggu I, bagi semua pegawai pemkot yang jarak dari rumah ke kantor kurang dari 4 km.

Dalam kesempatan itu juga digelar demo penggunaan kantong singkong ramah lingkungan sebagai pengganti kantong plastik. Disebut kantong singkong karena memang terbuat dari tepung singkong yang diolah berbentuk seperti tas kresek, namun lebih halus dan lembut. Kantong singkong ini aman karena apabila tidak digunakan bisa dibuang di tanah dan terurai menjadi kompos dalam waktu 3 bulan.

Demo oleh Agit Punto Yuwono, dari PT Inter Lestari Jakarta tentang kantong singkong dimulai dari cara membuatnya serta pembuktian jika berbeda dengan plastik/kresek biasa. Mulai dari dibakar, disterika hinggadimasukkan dalam air panas, kantong singkong tetap aman digunakan.

Wawali berkeinginan, agar penggunaan kantong singkong ini bisa diimplementasikan di Kota Probolinggo untuk mengurangi sampah plastik. Dengan begitu masalah sampah sudah bisa tertangani di tingkat rumah tangga.

“Penyadaran bagi masyarakat hendaknya terus dilaksanakan, sehingga masyarakat mengerti akan pengelolaan lingkungan utamanya pengelolaan sampah secara benar dan baik. Kami berharap lembaga pendidikan dan mitra DLH ikut berperan aktif, sebagai motivator dan fasilisator  penggerak lingkungan dalam pengelolaan sampah,” pintanya.

93a5eacb f0ed 4af3 9be0 22aa648e52ddMasih kata Subri, diperlukan pembinaan dan peningkatan kinerja pada Dinas lingkungan Hidup untuk mewujudkan inovasi baru tentang pengelolaan sampah menjadi bernilai ekonomis. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan Pakta Integritas peduli lingkungan antara wawali, sekda, kepala OPD, dancamat se-kota.

Wawali  juga meninjau stand pameran daur ulang dari perwakilan sekolah adiwiyata (SMKN 3, MAN I, SMKN 1, MAN 2), forum masyarakat peduli sungai (Formalis), Papesa, Komunitas peduli lingkungan,  kampung daur ulang re, re, re. Terakhir menyaksikan demo penggunaan alat penyapu jalan elektrik guna mempermudah menyedot sampah yang sulit dijangkau. (yuli)


As the Mayoral Regulation No 79 of 2019 on Reduction of The Use of Plastic Bag and Mayoral Instruction No 188.55/1/inst.425.012/2019 on Waste Management in Settlement has been issued, Probolinggo Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri expects a real action to be conducted. The regional government through the related working units is responsible to waste management being loaded to the landfill.

This was stated by the vice mayor in the commemoration of National Waste Care Day (HPSN) 2020 at the Bestari Landfill on Friday (28/2). On the event attended by Regional Secretary Ninik Ira Wibawati, assistants, the head of working units, the head of sub-districts and urban villages and other stakeholders who care about environment, Subri handed over symbolically a helmet to a staff of Environment Agency to mark the launching of bike-to-work program, starting on the next Friday (6/3). The program will be implemented on the first Friday of the month and will be effective for all employees whose home is less than 4 km away from the office.

On the occasion, a friendly cassava-bag demonstration was held to replace the plastic bag. It was called cassava bag because it is made of cassava flour, processed in the form of a bag, with a soft texture. The bag is an eco-friendly product and can be decomposed in three months.

The demo performed by Agit Punto Yuwono, a representative of Inter Lestari, Ltd, Jakarta was started with the making process. Then it was then continued with testing the durability of the bag. It was burnt, ironed, and being put into hot boiling water. The bag survived.

The vice mayor wants the cassava bag can be promoted to reduce the plastic bag, as well as to handle the household waste that has been serious problems in the city.

“We need to make the people aware of this issue so that they will understand the environmental management, especially on good waste management. We hope educational institutions and Environment Agency partners to be active as motivators and facilitators in promoting waste management,” he asks.

It needs guidance, Subri continued, and performance improvement in the Environment Agency to materialize innovation of economic-value waste management. The event was then continued with signing the Integrity Pact of environment care among the vice mayor, regional secretary, the head of working units, and the head of sub-districts of the city.

The vice mayor also observed the booths of recycling exhibitions presented by adiwiyata schools (SMKN 3, MAN 1, SMKN 1, MAN 2), and other communities who care about the environment, before watching the demo of electric road sweeper to ease the process of taking the waste on the road. (alfien_tr)