
MAYANGAN - Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (DKUPP) Kota Probolinggo melakukan tera ulang di SPBU Mayangan. Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin didampingi Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Kepala DKUPP Gatot Wahyudi di SPBU yang beralamat di Jalan Ikan Tongkol, Rabu (10/6) pagi.

“Pada intinya hasil pengujian terhadap 2 nozzle yang diminta untuk di tera/tera ulang sudah memenuhi BKD (batas kesalahan yang diizinkan) sesuai syarat teknis yang berlaku. Secara resmi hasilnya akan dituangkan dalam SKHP (Surat Keterangan Hasil Pengujian). Tera ulang sesuai ketentuan dilakukan berdasarkan permintaan dari pihak pemilik alat UTTP (Ukur Takar Timbang Dan Perlengkapannya) dalam hal ini atas permintaan dari pemilik SPBU,” jelas Gatot.

WhatsApp Image 2020 06 10 at 15.19.00Ya, petugas DKUPP melakukan tera/tera ulang pada nozzle 4 (premium) di sisi barat SPBU menggunakan Bejana Ukur Standar (BUS) berkapasitas 20 liter. Berdasarkan syarat teknis uji kebenaran harus memenuhi kurang lebih 0,5 persen. Berarti dinyatakan sah jika hasil pengujiannya berada dikisaran kurang dari lebih dari minus 100 mili liter dan kurang dari plus 100 mili liter.

Menurut Tamam, salah satu tenaga penera DKUPP nozzle 4 (premium) terdapat kerusakan papan penunjukan elektronik sehingga ia menyarankan agar flow 4 segera diperbaiki. Hal ini harus membuka segel dan menera ulang untuk pemeriksaan dan pembubuhan cap tanda tera (segel ulang).

Masih menurut Tamam, semua flow di SPBU Mayangan itu sudah pernah ditera ulang tahun lalu dan masih berlaku. Sehingga tidak perlu ditera ulang secara reguler dan masa tera/tera ulang adalah satu tahun. Yang ditera ulang hanya fokus pada flow yang ada perbaikan tersebut sesuai permintaan dari pemilik UTTP.

Ditemui usai tera/tera ulang, Nuning pemilik SPPBU Mayangan menyatakan dirinya sangat senang dengan keberadaan DKUPP yang memiliki staf kompeten di bidangnya.

WhatsApp Image 2020 06 10 at 15.18.59“Saya sangat senang sekali, karena pihak SPBU merasa dimudahkan dan difasilitasi untuk masalah tera mesin-mesin di SPBU, sehingga kalau ada apa-apa kita bisa melayani masyarakat dengan cepat dan saya sangat bangga itu,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya tera dilakukan oleh Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia, atas dasar permintaan dari pemerintah kabupaten atau kota, maka tera dalam dilakukan oleh masing-masing daerah. Saat ini DKUPP Kota Probolinggo memiliki tenaga penera (pengawas kemetrologian) sehingga tenaga penera tersebut bisa melakukan tera terhadap klien. Hal ini dapat mempercepat pengerjaan tera karena langsung dilakukan mandiri serta memangkas ongkos akomodasi (kendaraan, hotel) petugas penera dari Kementerian Perdagangan. (dewi)


The Probolinggo City Cooperative, Micro Business, Industry, and Trade Agency (DKUPP) conducted a re-examination at the Mayangan gas station. It was attended by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin accompanied by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Head of DKUPP Gatot Wahyudi at the gas station located at Jalan Ikan Tongkol, Wednesday (6/10) morning.


"Basically, the test results of 2 nozzles requested to be repeated have fulfilled the BKD (permitted error limit) following applicable technical requirements. Officially the results will be stated in SKHP (Certificate of Test Results). This was carried out based on a request from the owner of the UTTP (Measuring, Dosing, Weighing Devices, and their Outfits) tool," said Gatot.

The officers conducted a re-calibration on nozzle 4 (premium) on the western side of the gas station using a 20-liter capacity standard measuring vessel. Based on the technical requirements the test must meet approximately 0.5 percent. Means declared valid if the test results are in the range of less than minus 100 ml and less than plus 100 ml.

According to Tamam, one of the officers, nozzle 4 (premium) recruiters had an electronic appointment board damage so he suggested that flow 4 be repaired immediately. This should open the seal and retry for inspection and affixing with a stamped mark (re-seal).

Still, according to Tamam, all of the flow at the Mayangan gas station was re-examined last year and is still valid. So that it does not need to be reviewed regularly and the period for the recurring is one year. What is being reviewed is only to focus on the flow in which there is improvement according to the request of the UTTP owner.

Met after the test, Nuning, the owner of the Mayangan gas station, stated that she was very pleased with the presence of DKUPP who had competent staff in their fields.

"I am very happy because, with the help of DKUPP, the gas stations can solve the problem of the machine, so that we can serve the community quickly and I am very proud of it," she said.

Previously the test was carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia and based on requests from the regency or city administration; they now can do the test. DKUPP has a staff (metrological supervisor) so that they can do the test on clients. This can accelerate the construction of the test because it is directly carried out independently and saves the cost of accommodation (vehicles, hotels) Ministry of Trade needs if they have to do the test in the region. (alfien_tr)