
KANIGARAN – Hasil swab terhadap Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) di Kota Probolinggo akhirnya keluar. Dua orang warga dinyatakan terkonfirmasi positif COVID 19 dan sudah dirawat di ruang isolasi RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh, sejak beberapa hari lalu. Kondisi keduanya pun kini membaik.

Dengan begitu, per tanggal 7 April, terdata ada 174 Orang Dalam Pengawasan dan 1 Pasien Dalam Perawatan (PDP) yang sudah sembuh. Diinformasikan, pasien yang terkonfirmasi adalah bapak dan anak. Salah satu dari mereka tertular COVID 19 usai mengikuti pelatihan Petugas Kesehatan Haji Indonesia (PKHI) di Surabaya pada bulan Maret lalu. Di Kota Probolinggo ada 6 orang mengikuti pelatihan, namun 5 orang sudah dites hasilnya negatif.

IMG 20200407 WA0083“Ini harus kami sampaikan kepada masyarakat, ada dua yang terkonfirmasi positif. Kondisinya sudah semakin membaik, sudah lepas infus dan mudah-mudahan segera sembuh. Masyarakat jangan panik,” jelas Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin, saat rilis melalui telekonferensi, Selasa (7/4) sore di Command Center.

Petugas dari Dinas Kesehatan pun sudah bergerak cepat dengan melakukan tracking untuk mengetahui siapa saja yang sudah melakukan kontak dengan dua warga tersebut. Di tempat kerjanya serta lingkungannya pun sudah di-rapid test dan hasilnya negatif.

IMG 20200407 WA0084Melihat perkembangan tersebut, pencegahan penularan COVID 19 tidak bisa dilakukan sendiri tanpa kebersamaan dengan seluruh masyarakat. Wali kota berharap kepedulian masyarakat untuk menjaga diri sendiri dan keluarga.

“Ikuti anjuran pemerintah. Kami bersama kepolisian dan TNI sudah melakukan tindakan, berpatroli membubarkan keramaian dan tempat kongkow karena itu sangat berbahaya. Jaga diri agar tidak terpapar virus korona,” tegas Habib Hadi- sapaan wali kota dalam telekonferensi yang juga dihadiri unsur Forkopimda Kota Probolinggo itu.

Kini pemerintah mewajibkan seluruh masyarakat yang beraktivitas di luar rumah untuk menggunakan masker. Warga Kota Probolinggo pun diminta untuk memahami dan melaksanakan kebijakan tersebut. “Jangan dibuat istilah tidak penting. Ini penting untuk semuanya. Kalau masyarakat tidak mengikuti, kami tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa,” terang wali kota.

Sementara itu, Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya menegaskan, pemerintah-kepolisian-TNI tidak akan pernah lelah memberikan nasihat. “Jangan bosan, capek denger kami ngomong. Setiap hari kami akan memberi imbauan, patroli, penyemprotan. Semua kami lakukan demi warga,” katanya.Kapolres pun bersyukur di Kota Probolinggo ada 40 wilayah baik itu perumahan, kampung, lingkungan yang sudah melakukan karantina tingkat lokal. Melakukan pengamanan mandiri di lingkungan masing-masing.
“Ada yang disemprot antiseptik, disinfektan, pos swadaya yang tujuannya mengurangi atau memutus penyebaran virus korona ini,” tutur AKBP Ambariyadi.

Hal senada disampaikan Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo, bahwa institusinya siap mendukung kebijakan wali kota dan satgas. “Harapan kami bahwa masyarakat semakin disiplin dalam melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. Jangan panik, jaga kesehatan, jaga jarak dan jangan lupa berdoa,” pesannya.

Sedangkan Kajari Yeni Puspita berpendapat, pemerintah sudah mengimbau secara maksimal, dana sudah disiapkan. Namun, apabila masyarakat tidak bisa menjaga dan tidak mematuhi imbauan maka pencegahan yang dilakukan akan sia-sia.

“Tenaga kesehatan tidak berbendung apabila masyarakat banyak yang kena. Ruang isolasi tidak akan bisa menampung. Bagaimana pun caranya kita harus memutus rantai penyebaran dengan menjaga jarak, cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir, tetap di rumah saja,” seru kajari perempuan ini. (famydecta)


The swab test result towards the Patient under Supervision (PDP) in Probolinggo city has finally published. Two residents of the city have been confirmed positive for coronavirus COVID-19 and now being treated at isolation room of regional hospital dr Mohammad Saleh for couple days. Both are now in a good condition of health.


As of April 7th, there are in the city 174 Persons under Investigation (ODP), 1 Patient under Supervision (PDP) who have recovered. The patients confirmed positive for the virus are father and son. One of them was infected by the virus after participating in a training for Indonesia Haj Health Officers (PKHI) in Surabaya in last March. In the city, 6 people participating in the training with 5 of them have been tested negative for coronavirus.

“We need to publish the recent situation to the public, we have now two people confirmed positive for the virus. They are in good condition of health and hopefully, they will soon recover. People do not need to panic,” Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin said in a teleconference meeting at Command Center on Tuesday (7/4).

The Health Agency’s officers have moved quickly to trace anyone who might have close contact with the two people. The rapid test has been carried out at their working place and on neighborhood with the result was negative.

Looking at the situation, the prevention of COVID-19 from spreading cannot be carried out without the participation of all people. The mayor hopes people can increase their awareness.

“Follow the government’s instructions. We, along with the police and military unit have made an action, carrying out a patrol to certain locations. Take care of yourself and beware of getting infected by the virus,” the mayor said.

At the moment, the government has obliged the people doing their outside activities to wear a mask. Probolinggo city residents are urged to understand and do the instruction. “Don’t take this problem easy. It’s very important for all of us. If you don’t follow the instructions, then nothing we can do,” the mayor added.

Meanwhile, the city police chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya stated the government would not be tired to urge people to follow the instruction. “Don’t be bored with listening to our appeal. Every day, we will do the patrol, giving instructions, and do the disinfectant spraying. All we do si for the people’s sake,” he said. He is also grateful that 40 areas in the city have carried out local quarantine, having independent security in their neighborhood.

“Some do disinfectant spraying, and others carry out a checkpoint examination to reduce and even break the chain of the virus spread,” Ambariyadi said.

The Commander of District Military 0820 Imam Wibowo has also stated that his side will be ready to support the policy of the government and the task-force team. “We hope that people are getting more disciplined in carrying out health protocol. Don’t panic, maintain your health, apply physical distancing, and pray for us,” he said.

Meanwhile, the head of State-owned Prosecutor, Yeni Puspita said that the government has made maximum efforts with the budget to handle the pandemic has been prepared. Yet, if people do not follow the government’s instructions, then the preventive efforts will be useless.

“We have limited medical workers and facilities. What we need to do now is to break the chain of the spread by doing physical distancing, washing hands with soap, and stay at home,” she said. (alfien_tr)

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