
KANIGARAN - Menjadi model, kini bukan hal tabu. Berkarir di dunia fashion, bisa ditunjukan mulai dari anak-anak hingga kalangan dewasa. Seperti sembilan anak perwakilan Finalis Jawa Timur Puteri Cilik dan Puteri Remaja 2020 yang sempat berkunjung ke kantor Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo, Kamis (10/9).

Mereka semua tercatat sebagai siswi di jenjang Sekolah Dasar, SMP dan SMA di Kota Probolinggo dan berhasil membuktikan dirinya mampu bersaing dengan peserta lainnya di ajang pencarian bakat. Kedatangan mereka untuk meminta restu Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin secara khusus dan masyarakat Kota Probolinggo secara umum.

IMG 20200910 WA0039Ke sembilan finalis itu adalah Zivana Athaya Putri (10) siswi SDN Mangunharjo 12 , Desti Imah Amalillah Hafi (11), siswi kelas 5 SDN Tisnonegaran 1, Athania Syahputri Lisdiah (13) SMPN 10 Probolinggo, Arifa, Tsaabitah Alya Almaas Djodi Putri (13) SMPN 2 Probolinggo, Gavrila Freya Sasmita (13) SMPN 5 Probolinggo, Felicia SMAN 2 Probolinggo, Kenzi Septivira (16) SMAN 2 Probolinggo dan Putri Qaila M.Z (14) SMPN 4 Probolinggo.

Pasalnya, besok mereka akan berangkat ke Jember guna melalui tahapan selanjutnya yakni prelimeneri dan grand final. “Tujuan kedatangan kami hari ini adalah, ingin meminta restu membawa harum nama Kota Probolinggo di ajang Puteri Cilik dan Puteri Remaja 2020 kepada Wali Kota Probolinggo,” ujar Subhan, koordinator ke 9 finalis.

IMG 20200910 WA0041Selain itu, menurut Subhan, para finalis itu saat ini, tengah mempromosikan event Puteri Cilik Indonesia 2020 melalui sosial media (sosmed), dalam hal ini Instagram (Ig).” Jadi melihat juga bagaimana peserta finalis ini mengkampanyekan diri di event ini. Karena sekarang ini zamannya kan dunia sosmed,” katanya.

Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin didampingi Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Diskominfo) Kota Probolinggo Aman Suryaman menyambut baik kunjungan itu. Habib Hadi berpesan agar ke sembilan finalis tetap semangat dalam mengikuti rangkaian proses pemilihan ajang tersebut.

“Saya mengikuti (lamanya rangkaian proses pemilihan) dari bulan Januari lalu. Pasti capek, tapi harus tetap semangat, berikan yang terbaik yang kalian bisa dan jangan lupa berdoa,” pesannya.

Orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo itu pun bertanya perihal kesiapan masing-masing peserta dan kendala apa yang dihadapi dalam mengikuti ajang pencarian bakat ini. “Saya belum fasih berbahasa Inggris. Tapi hal itu justru memicu semangat saya untuk belajar lagi dan lebih giat lagi,” tandas salah satu peserta. (Sonea)


Being a model is now not taboo. A career in the world of fashion can be made by both children and adults. As was shown by nine children of representatives of East Java Finalists of Kids and Teen Age Girls 2020 who visited the city hall on Thursday (10/9).

They were all registered as students at the elementary, junior, and high school levels of Probolinggo city and managed to prove themselves capable of competing with other participants in a talent search arena. Their arrival was to ask for the blessing of Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin in particular and the people of Probolinggo City in general.

The nine finalists are Zivana Athaya Putri (10), SDN Mangunharjo 12 student, Desti Imah Amalillah Hafi (11), 5th grade student of SDN Tisnonegaran 1, Athania Syahputri Lisdiah (13) SMPN 10 Probolinggo, Arifa, Tsaabitah Alya Almaas Djodi Putri (13 ) SMPN 2 Probolinggo, Gavrila Freya Sasmita (13) SMPN 5 Probolinggo, Felicia SMAN 2 Probolinggo, Kenzi Septivira (16) SMAN 2 Probolinggo and Putri Qaila MZ (14) SMPN 4 Probolinggo.

They will head for Jember tomorrow for the next stages, the preliminary and grand final. "The purpose of our visit is to ask for the blessing of Probolinggo Mayor in protecting the reputation of the city in the event,” said Subhan, coordinator of the 9 finalists.

Besides, according to Subhan, the finalists are currently promoting an event Little Princess Indonesia 2020 through social media, which is Instagram (Ig). "We’d like to see how the finalist participants campaigned for themselves in this event because we are now in an era when social media is being mostly used,” he said.

Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin accompanied by the Head of the Probolinggo City Communication and Information Technology Agency (Diskominfo), Aman Suryaman, welcomed the visit. Habib Hadi urges the finalists to remain enthusiastic in participating in the series of the selection process for the event.

"I followed (the series of the selection process) from last January. You must be tired, but you have to keep your spirit up, give your best, and don't forget to pray,” he said.

The mayor also asked about the readiness of each participant and what obstacles they are facing during the talent-search event. "I'm not fluent in English. But it really motivates me to learn more and be more active," said one participant. (alfien_tr)