
KEDOPOK – Musim hujan mulai melanda berbagai daerah termasuk di Kota Probolinggo. Untuk menanggulangi bencana terjadi di wilayahnya, Forum Koordinasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkopimda) setempat menggelar apel kesiapsiagaan penanggulangan bencana sekaligus mengecek kesiapan alat dan personil.

Apel yang dilaksanakan di halaman kantor Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) di Jalan Mastrip, Senin (6/1) dihadiri Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo dan Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya serta OPD terkait.

Peserta apel terdiri dari personil TNI, Polri, BPBD, Tagana, Satpol PP, Damkar dan Linmas. Total seluruh tim dalam siaga bencana sebanyak 350 personil. Armada dan peralatan pun telah disiapkan diantaranya truk, perahu karet, 5 motor trail, 5 gergaji mesin dan 4 mesin pompa. Posko berupa tenda pun telah didirikan di halaman kantor BPBD.

“Cuaca sudah mulai meningkat. Ke depan nantinya akan lebih ekstrim lagi. Jika curah hujan tinggi wilayah selatan akan terdampak dari aliran sungai dari atas (kabupaten). Saya minta selalu cek kondisi di sungai itu apakah berpotensi banjir atau tidak,” ujar Habib Hadi-panggilan wali kota.

Apel kesiapsiagaan yang dibentuk bersama TNI, Polri, relawan dan OPD terkait, wali kota berharap jika terjadi hal-hal buruk dapat segera tertangani. “Semoga apa yang sudah pernah terjadi di beberapa tahun lalu, mulai dari wilayah kabupaten sampai Pantai Permata Pilang tidak terjadi kembali. Karena normalisasi sungai sudah dilakukan,” katanya.

IMG 20200106 WA0027Wali Kota Habib Hadi juga mengajak masyarakat untuk lebih peduli terhadap lingkungannya. Sebab, beberapa titik genangan air terjadi di Kota Probolinggo disebabkan karena masih adanya tumpukan sampah yang menghambat drainase.

“Mari kita menjaga lingkungan agar tidak terjadi banjir dan bencana yang tidak kita inginkan. Tanpa kebersamaan tidak cukup untuk menanggulangi semua permasalahan yang ada,” ajak Habib Hadi kepada warganya.

Sementara itu, Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya menjelaskan pihaknya sudah memetakan mana-mana saja kawasan di Kota Probolinggo yang rawan terjadi bencana banjir. “Kami sudah menyiapkan 350 personil gabungan, yang siap bertindak ketika bencana terjadi. Tentunya, kita berdoa agar Kota Probolinggo dan sekitarnya terhindar dari bencana,” terangnya.

Selain banjir dari wilayah selatan, Kota Probolinggo juga mewaspadai banjir di daerah Kampung Dok, Kecamatan Mayangan. Permukiman yang ada di paling utara dekat laut, yang kerap banjir jika air laut meninggi ditambah genangan air akibat hujan. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city’s Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) held a roll call as preparation of handling a disaster and to check the readiness of equipment and personnel. It was held to anticipate any disaster that might happen as the rainy season has started in several regions including in Probolinggo city.

The roll call held in the front yard of the Regional Disaster Management Board (BPBD) office on Jl Mastrip, on Monday (6/1) was attended by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Military District Commander (Dandim) 0820 Lieutenant Colonel Imam Wibowo and the Probolinggo Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, along with related working units. 

The participants were among others the personnel of Indonesian Army Forces (TNI), Police Unit, BPBD, Public Order Agency (Satpol PP), Fire Fighters and Community Protection (Linmas). Totally, 350 people were participating in the roll call. Any equipment has been prepared including trucks, rubber boats, 5 trail motors, 5 chainsaw, and 4 pump engines. Several tents have also been set at the front yard of the BPBD.

“The weather has started to improve; it would be more extreme than before. The southern region of the city would be affected by the flow of the river from above (regency) when the rainfall is high. I ask the related working units to always check the condition of the river whether it has the potential to flood or not,” said the mayor, popularly known as Habib Hadi.

On the roll call, the mayor hopes that bad things could be immediately managed. “Hopefully, what has happened before would not happen since we have done river normalization,” he said.

Mayor Habib Hadi also asks people to have more concern about the environment. Several puddles have been spotted in the city due to waste blocking the drainage.

“Let us keep the environment clean to avoid the flood or other disasters. It needs togetherness to solve all problems that appeared,” the mayor asks the people.

Meanwhile, the Probolinggo city Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya explained, his side has mapped the areas vulnerable to flood. “We have prepared 350 joint forces who will be ready to make an action when a disaster occurred. Certainly, we pray there would be no disaster in the city,” he said.

Apart from the flood coming from the southern area, the city is also alert on the flood that might happen in Kampung Dok, Mayangan Sub-district. The settlement located in the north area of the city, close to the sea, is vulnerable to flood when the seawater has risen and puddles due to rainfall. (alfien_tr)