
KANIGARAN - Senin (27/7) siang, Pangdam V Brawijaya Mayjen TNI Widodo Iryansyah melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Kodim 0820 Probolinggo. Kedatangannya disambut Wakil Wali Kota Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri; Wakil Bupati Probolinggo Timbul Prihanjoko; Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya; Kapolres Probolinggo AKBP Ferdy Irawan; Dandim 0820 Probolinggo Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo; Kajari Yeni Puspita, Kepala Bakesbagpol Ahmad Sudiyanto dan Plt. Dinas Kesehatan P2KB dr Nurul Hidayati.

IMG 20200727 WA0052Selanjutnya Pangdam V Brawijaya memberikan arahan kepada segenap jajaran TNI Kota Probolinggo di Aula Rapat Kodim 0820. “Selain kunjungan kerja, saya harus memberikan motivasi dan support kepada prajurit-prajurit saya. Saya memberikan arahan kepada Babinsa dan Danramil karena merekalah orang-orang terdepan dalam menghadapi penyebaran COVID 19. Alhamdulillah Kota dan Kabupaten  Probolinggo  angka penyebaran COVID 19 tidak cukup tinggi, sehingga saya sangat cukup senang melihat para Babinsa dan Danramil masih sehat semuanya. Itu artinya mereka betul-betul bisa menerapkan protokol ” ungkap Widodo penuh ramah.

Menurutnya, Babinsa yang usianya rata-rata di atas 45 tahun, tetapi mereka memiliki semangat yang luar biasa, imunnya bagus, dari semangat itulah mereka terselamatkan dari COVID 19. Lebih jauh Pangdam juga mengimbau kepada seluruh masyarakat Kota Probolinggo untuk benar-benar menerapkan protokol kesehatan dalam menghadapi new normal.

IMG 20200727 WA0055Sementara itu, Wawali Subri mengatakan dalam kunjungannya, Pangdam V Brawijaya memberikan arahan internal kepada jajaran TNI Kodim 0820 terkait COVID 19. Pada kesempatan itu, wawali juga melaporkan kondisi perkembangan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo.

“Bagaimana pola kerjasamanya antara TNI/Polri dan pemerintah kota. Alhamdulillah apa yang kami sampaikan mendapatkan semacam apresiasi ya, karena kami memiliki kedekatan antara TNI/Polri dan selama ini tidak ada data-data yang ditutup-tutupi. Kalau sampai meningkat grafiknya, itu sudah kami sampaikan kepada panglima. Memang menurut beliau COVID ini tidak hanya menjadi permasalahan di Kota Probolinggo saja, tetapi Jawa Timur bahkan Indonesia,” ujar Subri.

Dandim menerangkan berdasarkan hasil kunjungan kerja Pangdam Widodo, diperlukan sinergitas bersama antara TNI dan Polri untuk bekerja sama menghadapi COVID 19. “Selain kunjungan kerja, Pangdam menjalin silaturahmi dengan forkopimda. Memberikan pengarahan dan semangat kepada seluruh anggota, bahwa dalam menghadapi COVID 19 ini kekuatan TNI dan Polri sangat dibutuhkan, dalam melaksanakan tugasnya tetap menerapkan faktor keamanan, keselamatan dan kesehatan pribadi,” tegas Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo. (dewi)

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Brawijaya Military commander (Pangdam V) Mayor General Widodo Iryansyah made a working visit to Military District Command (Kodim) 0820 Probolinggo. His arrival was welcomed by the Vice Mayor of Probolinggo, Mochammad Soufis Subri; Vice Regent of Probolinggo Timbul Prihanjoko; Probolinggo City Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya; Probolinggo Police Chief AKBP Ferdy Irawan; Dandim 0820 Probolinggo Lt. Col. Inf Imam Wibowo; Head of District Attorney Yeni Puspita, Head of Bakesbagpol Ahmad Sudiyanto and acting head of Health Agency, dr. Nurul Hidayati.

Pangdam V Brawijaya gave directions to all ranks of the Probolinggo City TNI at the 0820 Kodim Meeting Hall. "Apart from working visits, I have to provide motivation and support to my soldiers. I gave directions to Babinsa and Danramil because they are the people at the forefront in dealing with the spread of COVID-19. Alhamdulillah, the spread of COVID-19 in Probolinggo city/regency is under control, so I am very happy to see that all Babinsa and Danramil are still healthy. That means they can really implement the protocol,” said Widodo.

According to him, Babinsa whose average age is over 45 years, but they have extraordinary enthusiasm, good immunity, from that spirit they were saved from COVID 19. Furthermore, the Pangdam also appealed to all people of Probolinggo City to really implement health protocols ahead of the new normal era.

Meanwhile, Vice Mayor Subri said during his visit, Pangdam V Brawijaya gave internal direction to the ranks of the TNI Kodim 0820 regarding COVID-19. On that occasion, he also reported the condition of COVID-19 development in Probolinggo City.

"The cooperation of TNI / Polri and the city administration must be improved. Alhamdulillah, what we convey gets a kind of appreciation, yes, because we have a close relationship with the TNI / Polri and so far no data has been covered up. If the graphic showing an increase, we will tell the commander. Indeed, according to him, COVID-19 is not only a problem in Probolinggo City but East Java and even Indonesia, ”said Subri.

Military District commander explained that based on the results of Pangdam Widodo's working visit, a joint synergy between the TNI and Polri is needed to work together to deal with COVID 19. “Apart from working visits, the Pangdam maintains a good relationship with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda. Providing direction and encouragement to all members, that in dealing with COVID 19, the strength of the TNI and Polri is very much needed, in carrying out their duties, they still apply the factors of personal security, safety, and health," said Lieutenant Colonel Inf Imam Wibowo. (alfien_tr)