KANIGARAN - Upaya pencegahan dan penyebaran COVID 19 terus digencarkan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Kamis (30/7), Rapat Koordinasi Tim Pencegahan dan Penanganan Konflik Sosial Kota Probolinggo bersama Forum Koordinasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkopimda) digelar sesuai protokol kesehatan, di Command Center Kantor Wali Kota.
Rakor yang dipimpin langsung Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin didampingi Wakil Wali Kota Mochammad Soufis Subri, Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, anggota Forkopimda, bersama kepala OPD itu saling memberi saran dan masukan.
“Perlu saya sampaikan bahwa saat ini Kota Probolinggo masuk zona oranye, artinya resiko penyebaran tinggi dan potensi virus tidak terkendali, transmisi lokal mungkin bisa terjadi dengan cepat dan transmisi dari imported case mungkin terjadi secara cepat. Terbukti angka positif baru masih terus bertambah setiap harinya yang membuktikan tim kesehatan melakukan tracing dengan tepat,” buka Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, pagi itu.
Ya, masyarakat harus menyadari bahwa COVID 19 merupakan ancaman nyata dan sangat berbahaya karena sampai dengan saat ini jumlah kasus di Indonesia terus bertambah. Lebih dari seratus ribu orang dinyatakan positif dan lebih dari empat ribu orang telah meninggal dunia.
Terkait hal itu, pemerintah telah menggelontorkan anggaran yang cukup besar untuk mengatasi pandemi tersebut, terutama prioritas kesehatan maupun dampak sosial lainnya, namun sampai dengan saat ini kita masih belum tahu sampai kapan virus ini akan berakhir.
“Banyak masyarakat yang melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari dengan mengabaikan protokol kesehatan. Di pasar-pasar tradisional, pasar minggu, pertokoan, Bundaran Gladak Serang, tempat nongkrong anak-anak muda di Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) dan fasilitas umum lainnya masih sering kita jumpai kerumunan warga yang tanpa jaga jarak, tidak memakai masker,” ungkap wali kota.
Menyikapi hal ini, langkah-langkah edukasi pada masyarakat tentang protokol kesehatan harus tetap dijalankan selama vaksin belum ditemukan. Berdasar informasi yang beredar, pemerintah baru akan memproduksi vaksin secara masal sekitar bulan Januari 2021.
Wali kota pun mengingatkan pada jajaran dibawahnya untuk tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan setelah terjadi penambahan kluster baru perkantoran. “Saat ini ada ASN di beberapa OPD yang terkonfirmasi positif, sehingga perlu adanya pengaturan kembali jam kerja agar tidak menimbulkan kluster baru di perkantoran yang semakin meluas,” ujarnya.
Sementara itu Kapolresta Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya diwakilkan oleh Kabag Ops AKP Kompol Hermawanto Tjahyono menjelaskan tentang kerjasamanya dengan Kodim 0820, Pol PP memantau Kota Probolinggo dalam aktivitas kehidupan new normal baik pagi maupun malam hari.
Selanjutnya, Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo menerangkan dalam rangka pencegahan dan penyebaran COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo, ia dan jajarannya melakukan sidak, imbauan serta memberikan sanksi sosial.
“Perlu pemahaman lagi, kami memberikan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat bagaimana penyebaran COVID 19 itu dan bagaimana resikonya. Mengacu pelaksanaan ibadah shalat Idul Adha besok (31/7), saya menyarankan agar takbir keliling malam hari ditiadakan dan pelaksanaan shalat Idul Adha tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan,” urai dandim.
Selanjutnya, Wawali Subri meminta pada forum ini mengimbau kepada para pengusaha di Kota Probolinggo untuk membuat aturan atau regulasi terkait pencegahan dan penyebaran COVID 19. Jika tidak izin usaha dengan sangat terpaksa akan dicabut.
Lebih jauh wawali juga mengungkap kasus pemulasaran jenazah COVID 19 agar tidak menimbulkan stigma negatif, maka diperlukan kesiagapan aparat keamanan seperti TNI/Polri dan Pol PP atas kasus seperti itu.
“Saya berharap di Kota Probolinggo tidak ada kejadian seperti itu (penolakan jenazah COVID 19), saya sangat mengapresiasi sinergi yang baik antara gugus tugas COVID 19, aparat keamanan, tenaga kesehatan serta tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat agar tidak menimbulkan kekhawatiran yang berlebihan,” tegasnya. (dewi)
Probolinggo city administration continues to intensify the efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. A coordination meeting of the Probolinggo City Social Conflict Prevention and Management Team with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) was held according to health protocols, at the Command Center of the city hall.
The meeting which was led directly by Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin accompanied by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, a member of Forkopimda, together with the working units head gave an opportunity for each other to deliver suggestions and input.
"I need to convey that Probolinggo city is now categorized as orange zone, meaning that the risk of transmission is quite high and the potential of the virus is out of control; local transmission and transmission from imported cases may occur quickly. It is proven that new positive numbers are still increasing every day which proves that the health team is doing tracing properly," Mayor of Hadi Zainal Abidin opened the meeting that morning.
People must aware that COVID-19 is a real threat and very dangerous because until now the number of cases in Indonesia continues to grow. More than one hundred thousand people have tested positive and more than four thousand have died.
In this regard, the government has spent a large enough budget to combat the pandemic, especially priorities for health and other social impacts, but until now we still don't know how long this virus will end.
"Many people carry out their daily activities by ignoring health protocols. In traditional markets, shops, the Gladak Serang Roundabout, a hangout for young people in the Green Open Space (RTH), and other public facilities, we still often encounter crowds of residents who are without performing physical distance, not wearing masks," said the mayor.
In response to this, steps to educate the public about health protocols must be carried out as long as a vaccine has not been found. Based on information circulating, the government will have mass production of vaccines in January 2021.
The mayor also reminded his subordinates to continue implementing health protocols after the addition of new office clusters. "Currently there are civil servants in several working units that have been confirmed positive, so it is necessary to rearrange working hours so as not to create new clusters in offices that are expanding," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Probolinggo City Police, AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, represented by the Head of Ops AKP Kompol Hermawanto Tjahyono explained his collaboration with Kodim 0820, Public Order Agency to monitor the city in new normal life activities.
Furthermore, Military District commander Dandim 0820 Lt. Col. Inf Imam Wibowo explained that in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the city, he and his staff carried out investigations, appeals, and gave social sanctions.
"We need more understanding, we provide dissemination to the people about the spread of COVID-19 and what the risks are. Referring to the implementation of the Eid al-Adha prayer tomorrow (31/7), I suggest that the activities on the eve of Eid Al-Adha be abolished and the implementation of the Eid al-Adha prayer continues to apply the health protocol," explained the Dandim.
Furthermore, Vice Mayor Subri asked the forum to appeal to entrepreneurs in the city to make rules or regulations related to the prevention of COVID-19 transmission. Otherwise, the business license will be forcefully revoked.
Furthermore, he also revealed the case of burying the COVID-19 dead body so as not to cause a negative stigma, it is necessary to prepare security apparatus such as the TNI / Polri and Public Order Agency for such cases.
"I hope that in the city, there would be no such incident (refusal of the body of COVID 19), I really appreciate the good synergy between the COVID-19 task force, security forces, healthcare workers as well as religious and community leaders to provide understanding to the people so as not to cause concern, which is getting excessive," he said. (alfien_tr)