
MAYANGAN – Kota Probolinggo menggelar kampanye penggunaan dan pembagian Jatim Bermasker dalam rangka penerapan adaptasi kebiasaan baru untuk mendukung percepatan penanganan COVID 19 dan pemulihan ekonomi nasional. Kampanye yang diinisiasi Polres Probolinggo Kota dengan melibatkan berbagai komunitas ini dilaksanakan di halaman Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan (KSOP) Probolinggo, Kamis (10/9) pagi.

IMG 20200910 WA0029Kampanye ditandai dengan apel yang dihadiri Wakil Wali Kota Mochammad Soufis Subri, Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Ketua DPRD Abdul Mujib, perwakilan anggota forkopimda, kepala KSOP, Manager Pelindo III, FKUB, MUI serta kepala OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) terkait. Peserta apel terdiri dari TNI – Polri, Satpol PP, jajaran Bea Cukai, KSOP, komunitas dan koordinator Kampung Tangguh Semeru (KTS).

Sebelum menandatangani pernyataan, anggota KSOP membacakan  pakta integritas diikuti seluruh yang hadir. Kesepakatan itu berbunyi seluruh elemen masyarakat Kota Probolinggo menyatakan “Sanggup mematuhi dan mentaati serta melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. Sanggup dan sukarela membantu pemerintah mencegah dan memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo. Sanggup bersama dengan masyarakat menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan tidak melanggar protokol kesehatan. Sanggup dengan simpatisan akan menjadi pelopor protokol kesehatan”.

IMG 20200910 WA0031Pernyataan itu kemudian ditandatangani oleh Wawali Subri, Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Ketua DPRD Abdul Mujib, Kasdim 0820, perwakilan Pengadilan Negeri, Kejaksaan, Ketua MUI dan perwakilan FKUB. Dilanjutkan penyematan rompi dan penyerahan masker simbolis diberikan oleh forkopimda kepada semua komunitas peserta apel.

Dalam amanatnya, kapolresta menegaskan melalui kampanye ini semua elemen masyarakat punya tekad yang sama yaitu sehat. Dengan momen ini menjadi momentum bersama untuk menjawab pertanyaan masyarakat tentang kapan corona berakhir dan sampai kapan pelaksanaan tugas yang beresiko ini berlangsung.

“Karena COVID 19 belum ada vaksinnya, ya sampai obatnya belum ditemukan semua harus disiplin menjalankan protokol kesehatan. Cuci tangan, memakai masker di semua kegiatan dan menjaga jarak,” ujar kapolresta.

AKBP Ambariyadi juga menyingung kenapa pelaksanaan kampanye dilaksanakan di pelabuhan. Yakni, untuk mengingatkan bahwa Kota Probolinggo punya pelabuhan yang menjadi pusat ekonomi. “Semua ingin ekonomi pulih, jadi masyarakat harus sehat. Kalau tidak sehat, tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Ayo satukan perasaan hati kita bahwa Kota Probolinggo milik semua, bukan hanya milik Pemkot, TNI dan Polri saja,” katanya.

IMG 20200910 WA0032“Ayo edukasi masyarakat dan keluarganya karena COVID ini nyata. Banyak tokoh masyarakat kita yang tertular dan benar-benar sakit. Sampaikan kepada semuanya bahwa biaya perawatan COVID 19 ini mahal. Vitamin mahal, obat mahal perawatan mahal. Disamping sarana yang kurang. Kita hanya punya 40 kamar ruang isolasi di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh,” lanjut kapolresta kelahiran Banyuwangi ini.

Untuk itu, peran serta semua masyarakat untuk mendukung pemerintah dengan menjaga kesehatan. “Kondisi (pandemi) sudah luar biasa susah sekarang ini. Sudah 7 bulan. Jangan bosan mengingatkan, enak-enak cari kerja tapi menulari keluarga di rumah. Harapan saya, ayo sehat,” pesan mantan Kasubdit I Direskrimsus Polda Jawa Timur.

Sasaran kampanye ini adalah komunitas sebagai jaringan dari sistem di masyarakat. Pemerintah memberdayakan komunitas untuk menyadarkan secara internal. “Karena keterbatasan personil Satpol PP, TNI dan Polri maka kami melibatkan komunitas. Kami rasa ini lebih mudah dan efektif. Kami tidak bosan mengingatkan masyarakat bahwa sehat itu penting, COVID 19 itu nyata,” tegas kapolresta.

Sementara itu, Wawali Subri menjelaskan selama 7 bulan forkopimda berkoordinasi, bersinergi bahu membahu untuk menyusun strategi memutus mata rantai COVID 19. “Kita semua tidak boleh lengah, lelah, dan putus asa. Maka kegiatan ini terus dilaksanakan agar masyarakat sadar bahwa COVID 19 belum selesai, perekonomian juga terus bergerak. Masyarakat harus diberi pemahaman dan kesadaran melalui komunitas bahwa ekonomi tetap tumbuh dengan protap kesehatan yang terus ditingkatkan,” jelasnya.

Kegiatan pagi itu dilanjutkan dengan bagi-bagi masker kepada masyarakat, nelayan dan ABK (Anak Buah Kapal) di kawasan Pelabuhan Tanjung Tembaga. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city conducted a campaign for using and distributing masks called Jatim Bermasker (East Java in Masks) in implementing the adaptation of ‘new normal’ to support the acceleration of handling COVID-19 and the recovery of the national economy. The campaign, which was initiated by the Probolinggo City Police Unit, involving various communities, was held at the Probolinggo Port Authority (KSOP), on Thursday (10/9).

The campaign was marked by a roll call attended by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Probolinggo City Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib, representatives of Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda members, Head of KSOP, Manager of state-owned port operator Pelindo III, FKUB, MUI and the head of the related working units. The participants involved TNI - Polri, Public Order Agency (Satpol PP), Customs and Excise, KSOP, communities, and the coordinators of resilient village Kampung Tangguh Semeru (KTS).

Before signing a statement, the KSOP members read the integrity pact, followed by all those present. The agreement reads that all elements of the Probolinggo City community state of being "Able to comply with and obey and implement health protocols. Willing and volunteering to help the government to prevent and break the chain of COVID-19 transmission in Probolinggo City. Able to work together with the community to adopt a clean lifestyle and not to commit health protocol violations. Willing to work with sympathizers to become a pioneer of health protocol”.

The statement was then signed by Vice Mayor Subri, Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib, Kasdim 0820, representatives of the District Court, the Prosecutor’s Office, Chairman of MUI, and FKUB representatives before being followed by the pinning of the vest and the handover of symbolic masks given by Forkopimda to all the participants of the roll call.

In his speech, the police chief emphasized that through this campaign, all elements of society have the same determination of being healthy. With this moment it becomes a common momentum to answer public questions about when the coronavirus outbreak will end and how long the implementation of this risky task will take place.

"There is no vaccine for COVID-19, and until then, everyone must be disciplined in carrying out health protocols. Wash hands, wear masks in all activities, and keep your distance," said the police chief.

AKBP Ambariyadi also mentioned why the campaign was being held at the port. This was to recalling that Probolinggo city has a port that would be the center of the economy. "Everyone wants the economy to recover, so people must be healthy. Otherwise, you cannot do anything. Let's unite our hearts. Probolinggo city belongs to all, not only to the city administration, TNI, and Polri," he said.

"Let's educate the public and their families because COVID-19 is real. Many of our community leaders are exposed to several symptoms. Tell everyone that the cost of treating COVID-19 is expensive. Vitamins, drugs, and health care are all expensive. Besides the lack of facilities, we only have 40 isolation rooms at dr. Mohamad Saleh Hospital,” continued the Banyuwangi-born police chief.

Thus, the participation of all people to support the government by maintaining health is urgently required. "The condition (pandemic) is extremely difficult right now. It's been 7 months. Don't get bored of reminding others to stay alert although we are now in the ‘new normal’ era. Let’s get healthy,” said the former Head of Sub-Directorate I of the East Java Provincial Police's Direskrimsus.

The target of this campaign is the community as a network of systems in society. The government empowers communities to make them internally aware. "Due to the limited personnel of Satpol PP, TNI, and Polri, we also invite the community. We think it's easier and more effective. We are not tired of reminding the public that being healthy is important, COVID-19 is real," said the police chief.

Meanwhile, Vice Mayor Subri explained that for the last 7 months, Forkopimda has been coordinating and working together to formulate a strategy to break the chain of COVID-19. "We must all not be careless, tired, and hopeless. This will continue to be carried out so that people are aware that COVID-19 has not ended, and the economy will keep moving. People must be given an understanding and awareness through the community that the economy continues to grow with improving health protocols being set," he explained.

The event was continued with the distribution of masks to the community, fishermen, and ship crew members in the Tanjung Tembaga Port area. (alfien_tr)