
KANIGARAN – Dinas Kesehatan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana Kota Probolinggo menggelar rapid test kepada pengunjung di dua pertokoan di Jalan Dr Sutomo, Selasa (19/5) pagi. Selain itu, rapid test juga dilakukan kepada forkopimda dan kepala OPD di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo.

WhatsApp Image 2020 05 19 at 10.56.50 1Salah satu pengunjung yang menjalani rapid test saat tiba di pertokoan adalah Avina, pelajar asal Kecamatan Gending, Kabupaten Probolinggo. Ia datang bersama kakak perempuannya. Keduanya sama-sama tidak keberatan mengikuti tes untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID 19 itu.

“Saya kesini mau beli baju buat lebaran. Iya saya tahu sebenarnya tidak boleh keluar. Semoga saja hasilnya tidak reaktif, kalau positif saya akan mengikuti anjuran dari pemerintah,” ujar Avina.

Empat orang petugas berpakaian APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) lengkap melakukan tes di tiga titik berbeda. Dua di pertokoan terbesar di Kota Probolinggo dan satu tim di Puri Manggala Bakti, tempat rapid test para pejabat. Termasuk di antaranya Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri dan anggota forkopimda ikut tes.

Setelah di tes tekanan darah menggunakan alat khusus, mereka yang diperiksa akan diambil sampel darahnya untuk kemudian di-tes apakah menunjukkan reaktif atau non reaktif. Wali Kota Habib Hadi sempat menyaksikan pengambilan sampel darah pengunjung dan karyawan di salah satu pertokoan.

WhatsApp Image 2020 05 19 at 10.23.02Katanya, rapid tes ini merupakan pencegahan dan pendeteksian untuk mengetahui seberapa luas penyebaran COVID 19. “Kami menyediakan 150 rapid tes, jika ada yang reaktif maka kami akan mengambil langkah cepat. Mudah-mudahan saja hasilnya non reaktif semua,” ujar wali kota.

Sementara itu, dihubungi terpisah, Plt Kepala Dinkes P2KB dr NH Hidayati mengungkapkan rapid test ini dilakukan kepada masyarakat dan pejabat karena semua orang dapat terpapar COVID 19. Sebanyak 49 rapid test kepada pejabat dan forkopimda hasilnya non reaktif.

“Untuk hasil pemeriksaan sampling di dua pertokoan semuanya non reaktif,” ujar dr Ida, sapaan Plt Kepala Dinkes P2KB tersebut. Diketahui, di dua pertokoan tersebut petugas men-sampling sebanyak 25 orang dan 50 orang. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city’s Health Agency conducted a rapid test on visitors of two department stores in Jl Dr. Sutomo on Tuesday (19/5). Besides, the rapid test was also conducted on government officials including the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda and the head of working units in the city.


One of the visitors undergoing a rapid test was Avina, a student from Gending Sub-district, Prooblinggo Regency. She was with her sister when both willingly took the rapid test to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“I’d like to buy clothes. I already know that it’s too risky to go shopping. May the result is non-reactive. Otherwise, I will follow what the government tells to do,” Avina said.

Four medical workers wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) conducted the test in three spots, two in the stores, and another one in Puri Manggala Bhakti hall where the government officials undergo the same test.

After checking the blood pressure, the medical workers then took a blood sample of the visitors to be tested. Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin monitored the blood-sample taking process on the visitors and employees of the store.

He said the rapid test was conducted to stop the spread and detect the widespread of COVID-19. “We provide 150 rapid-test kits. If one found reactive, a quick measure must be carried out. Hopefully, all of them showing the non-reactive results,” the mayor said.

Meanwhile, the Acting Head of Health Agency, dr NH Hidayati revealed the rapid test was conducted because anyone can be infected with the coronavirus. And, 49 rapid test conducted on the officials and Forkopimda shows the non-reactive result.

“And, thank God, the result of rapid test in two department stores is showing non-reactive as well,” dr Ida said. At the two stores, the medical workers took a blood sampling to 25 and 50 people. (alfien_tr)