
PROBOLINGGO – Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo terus berupaya memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakatnya tentang pentingnya menerapkan protokol kesehatan menuju tatanan kebiasaan baru. Seperti yang dilakukan Wakil Wali Kota Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri, Jumat (7/8) pagi, saat gowes bersama sejumlah kepala Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD).

IMG 20200807 WA0037Berangkat dari kantor wali kota, gowes dibarengi bagi-bagi masker itu menuju Jalan Suroyo – Alun-alun – Jalan Ahmad Yani – Jalan Basuki Rahmat lalu berhenti di Pasar Mangunharjo. Sejumlah pedagang pasar, pengunjung dan warga melintas yang kedapatan tidak memakai masker langsung diberi serta wajib dipakai.

Gowes berlanjut ke Pasar Randupangger. Pemandangan serupa pun terjadi, masih ada saja warga yang tidak memakai masker. Yang mengejutkan adanya sikap acuh dua pemuda penjual jajanan pukis di pasar tersebut. Saat ditegur, mereka pun tegas mengaku tak perlu pakai masker.

Namun sikap kedua pemuda berubah saat didatangi oleh Wawali Subri. “Mana maskernya? Tolong pakai masker ya, sampean ini jualan nanti malah droplet (ludah) masuk ke dalam dagangannya,” kata wawali.

“Oiya pak, ketinggalan tadi,” kilah pemuda tersebut. Dua masker pun diberikan kepada keduanya lalu dipakai. “Nah, pakai. Mudah-mudahan nanti tambah laris dagangannya,” imbuh wawali lagi.

IMG 20200807 WA0038Kemudian menyusuri Jalan Serma Abdurahman, kebetulan ada warga yang menggelar hajatan. Sayangnya, hampir semua warga yang hadir di acara itu tidak memakai masker dan jaga jarak. Wawali Subri kembali turun dan menghampiri yang punya gawe.

“Sebaiknya semua pakai masker. Nanti kalau ada petugas memantau, tidak pakai masker atau menerapkan protap kesehatan nanti dibubarkan karena sekarang ini sedang COVID 19,” imbau wawali. Masker pun dibagikan kepada mereka yang datang ke rumah tersebut.

Gowes berlanjut ke Jalan Panglima Sudirman – Jalan Pahlawan dan berhenti di Pasar Baru. Edukasi dan bagi masker pun kembali dilakukan di pasar terbesar di Kota Probolinggo. Rombongan juga berhenti di Pasar Krempyeng di Jalan Cokroaminoto. Selepas itu rute Gladak Serang – Jalan TGP dan Taman Maramis – Jalan Maramis – Jalan AIS Nasution – Jalan Soekarno Hatta – Jalan Dahlia – Jalan Mawar – Jalan Cempaka – Jalan Panjaitan – Jalan Panglima Sudirman – kembali ke kantor wali kota.

IMG 20200807 WA0035Ketika di Jalan TGP, kembali didapati warga punya hajatan (saat pengajian) yang semuanya tidak memakai masker. Duduknya pun saling berdekatan. Wawali Subri dan Camat Kanigaran Agus Riyanto langsung membacakan surat pernyataan yang ditandatangani penanggung jawab kegiatan (empunya acara).

“Dalam suratnya sudah jelas. Jika tidak jaga jarak, cuci tangan dan tidak pakai masker maka penanggungjawab kegiatan tidak keberatan jika kegiatan dibubarkan paksa. Karena apabila ada satu atau dua orang yang kena (COVID 19) bisa menularkan yang lain,” imbau Wawali Subri.

Masker pun segera dibagi kepada masyarakat yang hadir. “Depadeh ngerteh, buleh ngeman ka panjengan. Romangsah tanggung jawab ke masyarakat. (Sama-sama mengerti, kami perhatian ke masyarakat. Merasa bertanggungjawab ke masyarakat). Camat dan lurah akan ngecek lagi apa masih seperti ini. Mohon maaf akan kami bubarkan,” tegas Subri.

Saat wawali memberikan imbauan, kebetulan petugas KUA tiba di rumah warga tersebut. Petugas KUA menyampaikan hal serupa, jika warga tidak menerapkan protokol kesehatan KUA bisa pulang dan tidak melanjutkan acara.

“Dari pemerintah ada aturan, Kemenag ada aturan. Jika tidak menerapkan protokol COVID 19 maka mudin akan pulang,” terang wawali diamini petugas KUA. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration continues to provide education to people about the importance of implementing health protocols in the ‘new normal’ era. One of the efforts was shown by Probolinggo Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri on Friday (7/8) when he had a bike riding with a number of heads of working units (OPD).

Departing from the mayor's office, the biking ride headed for Jalan Suroyo - city square - Jalan Ahmad Yani - Jalan Basuki Rahmat before stopped at the traditional market Pasar Mangunharjo. While having the ride, the entourage was also distributing free masks to people caught not wearing one.

The ride continued to the traditional market Pasar Randupangger. Many people caught not wearing masks at the location. What a surprise moment when a street vendor was caught not wearing a mask, admitted that there is no need to wear one.

However, the attitude of the vendor changed when Vice Mayor Subri approached him. "Where's your mask? Please wear one. You may spray invisible droplet to the food you are selling," said the vice mayor.

"I’m sorry. I missed it," said the young man. Two masks were given to him. "Wear it. May your food sold out," added the vice mayor.

Along Jalan Serma Abdurahman, the entourage found an event was being held where most people at the event not wearing a mask nor performing physical distancing. Vice Mayor Subri came back down and approached those who held the event.

"We recommend that everyone wear a mask. Otherwise, the officials will force to stop the event as the COVID-19 pandemic is still accelerating," the vice mayor appealed. He also distributed free masks to people coming to the event.

The ride continued to Jalan Panglima Sudirman - Jalan Pahlawan and stopped at traditional market Pasar Baru. Education and distribution of masks were again carried out at the largest market in the city. The group also stopped at Krempyeng Market on Jalan Cokroaminoto. After that, they moved to roundabout Gladak Serang - TGP Street and Maramis Park - Maramis Street - AIS Nasution Street - Soekarno Hatta Street - Dahlia Street - Mawar Street - Cempaka Street - Panjaitan Street - Panglima Sudirman Street - returns to the mayor's office.

While on Jalan TGP, the entourage again found residents having a wedding event, all of whom did not wear masks, sit close to each other. Vice Mayor Subri and the Head of Kanigaran Sub-district Agus Riyanto immediately read out a statement signed by the person in charge of the event.

"The circular letter is clear. It states that if you don't perform physical distancing, wash your hands nor wear a mask, then the event will be forcibly dissolved. This can be a new cluster of COVID-19 transmission," said Vice Mayor Subri.

Masks were immediately distributed to the people attending the event. "We all need to understand. We care about people and are responsible for them. The sub-district head and urban village head will have a check. If nothing changes, the event will be forcibly stopped," said Subri.

When the vice mayor gave an appeal, the KUA officer arrived at the resident's house. The officer conveyed the same thing, if the residents did not apply the health protocol, they could go home and not continue the event.

"The city administration and Religious Ministry Office has regulation regarding the health protocols amid COVID-19. If you don't apply the COVID-19 protocol, the marriage registrar will return home,” explained the vice mayor. (alfien_tr)