
KANIGARAN – Di tengah semakin menyebarnya COVID 19 di wilayah Jawa Timur, Gubernur Khofifah Indar Parawansa menggelar video conference dengan 38 kepala daerah di kabupaten/kota, Jumat (27/3). Sejumlah hal disampaikan gubernur terkait penanganan dan dampak COVID 19 di Jawa Timur.

Khofifah menjelaskan, berbagai kebijakan yang dibuat Provinsi Jawa Timur tergantung payung hukum dalam memutuskan gugus tugas pencegahan pemberantasan COVID 19. Dalam melaksanakan kebijakan daerah harus menunggu juknis/juklak dari pemerintah pusat.

IMG 20200327 WA0055Enam regulasi sebagai proses pengambilan keputusan masing-masing antara lain keputusan BNBP tentang penetapan status keadaan tertentu darurat bencana; Keputusan Presiden RI tentang pencegahan penanganan COVID 19; Inpres Nomor 4 tahun 2020 tentang refocusing kegiatan realokasi, anggaran serta PBJ dalam rangka percepatan penanganan COVID 19.

Kemudian Peraturan Menteri Keuangan tentang penyaluran penggunaan dana hasil DAK, DID tahun anggaran 2020 dalam rangka penanganan COVID 19; SE Menpan RB nomor 19 tahun 2020 dan SE Mendagri tentang pencegahan penyebaran di lingkup Pemerintah Daerah.

“Di luar upaya pencegahan ini, kita di Provinsi Jawa Timur, selain gugus tugas utama, kita menyiapkan 4 gugus tugas lainnya. Gugus promotif-preventif, tracing, kuratif serta dampak sosial ekonomi,” ujar Khofifah yang saat video conference didampingi Wagub Emil Dardak Elistianto dan Sekda Provinsi Jawa Timur serta pejabat terkait.

Gugus preventif seperti penyemprotan disinfektan dan kebutuhan APD (alat pelindung diri), gugus kuratif lebih pada isolasi khusus, sedangkan gugus tracing terkait data pasien yang disebutkan jika ada kasus positif yang mengumumkan ada pemerintah pusat.

“Gugus ke empat dampak sosial ekonomi ada beberapa skema yang disiapkan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah provinsi. Saya yakin bupati dan wali kota sudah siapkan dan melaksanakan penyemprotan disinfektan bersama. Bersama-sama kita atasi dampak COVID 19 harus konsultasikan kebijakan dalam menggunakan dana,” kata gubernur.

IMG 20200327 WA0052video conference di command center milik Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo dihadiri Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Sekda dr Ninik Ira Wibawati dan kepala OPD terkait. Kepada sejumlah media, Sekda Ninik menjelaskan apa yang disampaikan Gubernur Khofifah dalam video conference selama dua jam itu.

“Disarankan bupati-wali kota membentuk ruang observasi, di Kota Probolinggo Bapak Wali Kota sudah menyiapkan tempat yang dibutuhkan. Nanti pada saatnya, Bapak Wali Kota akan menyampaikan ya,” ujar drg Ninik.

Menurutnya, Dinas Kesehatan sudah bekerja dari puskesmas setiap kali ada informasi kedatangan warga dari luar kota, khususnya kota zona merah. Bahkan melalui kecamatan membuat edaran untuk RT/RW sehingga cepat terdeteksi ketika ada tamu dari daerah terjangkit. Pihak puskesmas punya petugas untuk melakukan epidemologi.

“Sosial ekonomi, Bapak Wali Kota akan menyiapkan dan menugaskan Dinas Sosial DKUPP dan Dinas Pertahankan melakukan identifikasi,” katanya. Mantan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan ini juga mengimbau masyarakat yang ada saudara, tetangga yang baru dari kota zona merah untuk segera melaporkan ke puskesmas agar dilakukan tracking. (famydecta)


Amid the COVID-19 outbreak in the East Java province, Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa held a video conference with 38 regional heads of city/regency on Friday (3/27). Several things were conveyed by the governor related to the handling and impact of COVID-19 in East Java.

Khofifah explained that various policies made by the provincial government depended on the legal basis in establishing a task force for the eradication of COVID-19. In implementing regional policies, they have to wait for technical/operational guidelines from the central government.

The six regulations as a decision-making process are BNBP's decision regarding the determination of the status of a particular state of disaster emergency; Republic of Indonesia's Presidential Decree on prevention of handling COVID 19; Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2020 concerning refocusing of reallocation, budgeting, and PBJ activities in the context of accelerating the handling of COVID-19.

Then, the Regulation of Minister of Finance on the distribution of the use of funds from the DAK, DID the fiscal year 2020 in the context of handling COVID-19; Circular Letter of Menpan RB number 19 of 2020 and Circular Letter of Home Affairs Minister on prevention of spread in the scope of Local Government.

"Beyond this prevention effort, we in East Java Province, in addition to the main task force, we are preparing 4 other task forces. The promotive-preventive group, tracing, curative and socio-economic impacts," said Khofifah who during the video conference was accompanied by Vice Governor Emil Dardak Elistianto, the Secretary of East Java Province, and related officials.

Preventive groups have a duty to spraying disinfectants and PPE (personal protective equipment) requirements, curative groups are more on special isolation while tracing groups related to patient data that is tested positive for the virus, before being published by central government’s task force.

"The fourth one, socio-economic group; several impacts schemes are prepared by the central and provincial government. I am sure the regent and mayor have prepared and carried out joint disinfectant spraying. Together we overcome the impact of COVID-19, and we must consult policies in using funds," the governor said.

The video conference at the command center of Probolinggo municipal administration was attended by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Regional Secretary Dr. Ninik Ira Wibawati and the head of the related working units. To a number of media, Secretary Ninik explained what Governor Khofifah said in the two-hour video conference.

"It is recommended that the regents and mayors to form an observation room, and the mayor has prepared it. Later on time, the mayor will publish it in detail," said drg. Ninik.

According to her, the Health Agency has been working on handling the COVID-19; the community health center (puskesmas) has been filing the data of people coming from other cities, especially from the red zone. The sub-district offices have even issued a circular letter for neighborhood organizations RT / RW to report any guest or residents who just got back from infected areas. Puskesmas has officers to conduct epidemiology.

"In socio-economic affairs, the mayor will prepare and assign Social Affairs Agency, DKUPP, and Agriculture, Food Security, and Fisheries Agency to do identification," she said. She also urged the community whose relatives or neighbors just got back from the red-zone areas to report to the puskesmas for immediate tracking. (alfien_tr)