
MAYANGAN – Jumat (31/7), seluruh umat Islam akan merayakan Hari Raya Idul Adha di tengah pandemi COVID 19. Shalat berjamaah di lapangan dan masjid pun telah diperbolehkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Namun, masyarakat diminta tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan.

“Shalat Idul Adha diperbolehkan. Pesan kami, tetap kedepankan protokol kesehatan. Beribadah boleh tapi protokol kesehatan harus diterapkan agar semua berjalan sesuai harapan. Sehingga harapan antara pemerintah dan masyarakat dapat berjalan beriringan,” ungkap Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 30 at 16.10.30Itulah yang disampaikan Wali Kota Habib Hadi saat penyerahan hewan kurban dari Pemkot Probolinggo kepada masyarakat, di Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH), Kamis (30/7) sore. Tahun ini hewan kurban yang diserahkan kepada masyarakat sebanyak 6 ekor sapi dan 22 ekor domba.

Sama halnya imbauan shalat Idul Adha, pemotongan hewan kurban pun wajib menerapkan protokol kesehatan untuk menjaga satu sama lain. Ada hewan kurban yang dipotong di RPH atau di masjid dan mushola harus higienis dan sesuai syariat Islam.

“Jangan sampai berjubel. Diatur sedemikian rupa. Semua mekanisme pembagian kami serahkan ke masing-masing panitia pemotongan hewan kurban. Pesan saya, tetap kedepankan protokol kesehatan. Lebih baik sama-sama menjaga dari pada lalai,” seru Habib Hadi.

Hewan kurban yang diserahkan sore itu berasal dari uang pribadi wali kota, kepala OPD serta ASN di Pemkot Probolinggo. Penerima hewan kurban dari unsur organisasi masyarakat (ormas), pengasuh pondok pesantren, takmir masjid dan mushola, lembaga pendidikan serta panti asuhan.

Wali kota menyadari banyak yang berharap hewan kurban, namun penerima dibuat bergiliran setiap tahunnya. “Mudah-mudahan tahun depan bisa bertambah lagi. Tanpa disuruh, tanpa diajak, semakin banyak yang berkurban,” katanya. (famydecta)

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 30 at 16.10.31


“Eid al-Adha prayer is allowed. Our message is to keep up the health protocol. Worship is allowed but health protocols must be implemented so that everything goes as expected. The hope between the government and the community can go hand in hand," said Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin.

That was conveyed by Mayor Habib Hadi during the handover of sacrificial animals from the Probolinggo city administration to the community, at the Slaughterhouse (RPH), Thursday (30/7) afternoon. This year, the number of sacrificial animals given to the community was 6 cows and 22 sheep.

Similar to the appeal for Eid al-Adha prayers, the slaughter of sacrificial animals are also required to apply health protocols to protect each other. Sacrificial animals slaughtered in the slaughterhouses or in mosques or small mosques musholla must prioritize hygiene and perform according to Islamic law.

“Don't get crowded; it must be arranged in such a way. We leave all the distribution mechanisms to each committee for slaughtering the sacrificial animals. Stick to the health protocol. It is better to guard together to avoid unexpected things,” said Habib Hadi.

The sacrificial animals that were handed over that afternoon were funded by the mayor, head of working units, and civil servants in Probolinggo city administration. Recipients of sacrificial animals are those of elements of community organizations (ormas), caregivers of Islamic boarding schools, caretakers mosques and musholla, educational institutions, and orphanages.

The mayor realized that many expected to receive the sacrificial animals, but the recipients were made in turns every year. "Hopefully, next year the number can be increased. "Without being asked, without being invited, more people make sacrifices," he said. (alfien_tr)