
KANIGARAN – Setiap daerah punya cara untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID 19 di wilayahnya masing-masing. Tak terkecuali Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo yang menyiapkan berbagai rencana untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus yang dikhawatirkan dibawa oleh pemudik saat pulang ke kampung halamannya.

Rencana pertama, bagi warga yang mudik pulang ke Kota Probolinggo bakal dikarantina oleh pemerintah di lokasi yang telah disiapkan. Rencana kedua, jika tidak mau (karantina oleh pemerintah), maka harus melakukan karantina mandiri sesampainya di Kota Probolinggo. Saat karantina mandiri, semua lingkungannya tinggal akan diberi tahu bahwa yang bersangkutan masuk dalam ODP (Orang Dalam Pemantauan) selama 14 hari ke depan.

“Berkenan kami karantina, kami akan siapkan. Banyak opsi untuk penampungan sementara. Kami bisa menyewa tempat kos, rusunawa atau dalam jumlah besar kami siapkan di lembaga yang ada standar fasilitas mushola atau masjid dan sarana prasarana yang memadai lainnya,” tegas Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin, Minggu (5/4) disela kegiatannya di Alun-alun.

Namun, orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo ini berharap warga Kota Probolinggo yang merantau agar tidak mudik dulu. “Saya sangat berharap dan mengimbau tidak mudik dulu, tunggu selesai virus ini. Toh sekarang ada fasilitas video call atau lainnya. Anda tidak pulang bukan berarti memutus silaturahmi, tapi anda ikut andil melindungi keluarga,” seru Habib Hadi.

“Saat berangkat anda merasa sehat, tapi tanpa disadari saat berada dimana, anda membawa virus dan menular ke keluarga. Anda menjadi perantara pembawa virus. Jadi, tenang di tempat masing-masing sementara waktu untuk kebaikan kita semua,” sambung mantan anggota DPR RI ini.

Wali kota mengatakan, dengan tidak mudik bisa menjadi wujud rasa sayang kepada keluarga. “Mudah-mudahan masyarakat bisa paham. Dan, masyarakat ikut andil memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID 19. Arahan ini juga untuk semua ASN dan non ASN di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Selagi belum ada status virus korona mereda, seluruh ASN dan non ASN tidak boleh mudik,” tegasnya.

Sementara itu, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo pun sanggup (jika diperlukan) menyiapkan ruang isolasi bagi dokter, paramedis atau tenaga kesehatan sebagai garda terdepan menangani pasien, juga untuk anggota TNI, Polri, Satpol PP. Alasan disediakan tempat tersendiri agar bisa bekerja secara tenang dan keluarga di rumah tidak khawatir terpapar COVID 19. (famydecta)


Each region has a way to stop the spread of COVID-19, including Probolinggo city who has set few plans to break the chain of the virus spread that could possibly be brought by the ‘mudik’ travelers as they wish to leave for their hometown.

The first plan, the people who are going to return to Probolinggo city would be put under quarantine at certain locations that have been prepared by the city administration. The second one, they can have a self-quarantine at home. In doing self-quarantine, their neighborhood would be notified that the concerned are categorized as Persons under Investigation (ODP), and therefore need to be monitored for the next 14 days.

“Related to the quarantine, we have them prepared. We have many options for the locations. We can rent a boarding house, low-cost apartment, or for large capacity, we will use any facilities completed with small mosque mushola and other facilities,” Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin said on Sunday (5/4).

Yet, the mayor hopes Probolinggo city people making a living in the other towns not to returning to the city just yet. “I really expect and urge the people not to returning to the hometown while waiting for the situation back to normal. We can use video-call facility instead. You’re not coming home means you protect your family from being infected by the virus,” Habib Hadi said.

“When you leave for your hometown, you are healthy. But you won’t realize during the trip or elsewhere you will get infected, and makes you a carrier. So, just stay at home, stay where you are for the sake of all people,” he added.

The mayor said, not returning to hometown shows the affection to the family. “I hope people can understand the situation. And, the people can participate in breaking the chain of COVID-19 spread. This appeal is also effective for the civil servants in the city administration. As for the virus is not getting better, the civil servants and non-civil servants are banned from returning to their hometown,” he said.

Meanwhile, Probolinggo city administration is ready to provide a special isolation room for medical workers who have been the frontline in treating the patients, and also for the military unit, police, and Public Order Agency Satpol PP personnel. Being provided with the facilities, they are expected to work efficiently and their families no need to worry about being infected with COVID-19. (alfien_tr)