
Simulasi tentang penanganan pasien virus COVID-19 oleh tim medis di Rumah Sakit Umum dr Moh Saleh Kota Probolinggo disalah artikan. Telah beredar foto yang menyebut di RSUD telah ada pasien virus yang berasal dari Wuhan, China. 

Kesimpulan tak mendasar itu pun banyak diamini sejumlah netizen yang bikin resah masyarakat. Menangulangi keresahan tersebut, Diskominfo Kota Probolinggo langsung bergerak untuk menangkal berita hoaks tentang penderita Covid 19. Selain menggencarkan informasi melalui radio Suara Kota milik pemerintah, sejumlah akun media sosial pun jadi sarana memutus mata rantai akibat foto hoaks tersebut.

"Jelas itu hoaks karena kalau ada (pasien COVID 19) mustahil banyak orang disekitarnya. Bisa dilihat di video yang kami upload di Facebook Pemerintah Kota, para wartawan dan masyarakat ikut menyaksikan. Termasuk Plt Direktur RSUD,  dr Abrar Kuddah jelas sekali menerangkan bagaimana SOP nya dalam video simulasi itu," kata  Kepala Diskominfo Aman Suryaman.

Ia pun meminta masyarakat tidak langsung mengunggah video atau foto tanpa mengkroscek kebenarannya.

"Berita yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan bisa dilihat melalui media sosial Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Dan apabila ada berita hoaks, masyarakat juga bisa mengcounter dengan menunjukkan berita yang sebenarnya," pintanya.

Masih menurut Aman, tugas memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat menjadi tanggung jawab bersama. Hal ini sejalan dengan keinginan Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin dalam menangkal berita hoaks semacam ini. Karena dampaknya bisa meresahkan masyarakat.

"Alhamdulillah tadi sudah dijelaskan oleh Bapak Wali Kota saat Rakor bersama Forkopimda, Kota Probolinggo aman dan kondusif. Kita hanya antisipasi saja dan berdoa agar tidak ada penderita Covid 19 disini," imbuhnya. (yuli)


A simulation of handling a Covid-19 coronavirus patient carried out by a medical team of Regional Hospital dr Moh Saleh has been viral as a picture of the event was posted on social media, stating that a confirm suspect of coronavirus is being treated in the hospital.

The posting has been responded wildly by the netizen and caused unrest to the people. Responding to the situation, the Probolinggo city’s Communication and Information Technology Agency (Diskominfo) made a direct move to ward off the hoax on Covid-19 suspect. Besides broadcasting the information through Suara Kota Radio FM, several accounts of social media have been used to ward off the hoax caused by the picture.

“It’s a hoax. When you have a Covid-19 suspect, you won’t get close to the patient as shown in the picture. You can see on the video we uploaded on the Facebook of the local government, the journalists and the people watched the simulation, including the acting director of the hospital who explained about the procedure of handling the coronavirus,” the head of Diskominfo Aman Suryaman said.

He asks the people not to directly upload a video or pictures without confirming the truth. “You can read the factual news uploaded on the social media of the Probolinggo municipal administration. And, if there is a hoax, people can make a counter by sharing the truth,” he asks.

The duty to give education to the people, Aman continued, is being a joint responsibility. This is in line with what the Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin wish for, in warding off hoax alike, because the impact can cause unrest to the people.

“And, the mayor has confirmed that the city is safe. We only do anticipation and may the city has no Covid-19 suspect,” he added. (alfien_tr)