
MAYANGAN – Pembekalan murid baru SD dan SMP Negeri di Kota Probolinggo berlangsung mulai Senin (13/7). Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana respon wali murid dan guru terhadap sistem pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan) sesuai instruksi Kementerian Pendidikan RI, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin meninjau langsung ke sejumlah sekolah.

Didampingi Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan M.Maskur, sekolah pertama yang ditinjau adalah SMP Negeri 6 di Kelurahan Kareng Lor, Kecamatan Kedopok kemudian SD Kareng Lor 1, sekolah inklusi di SMP Negeri 3 dan SD Jati 1.

IMG 20200713 WA0063Pembekalan murid baru berlangsung ketat dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Siswa baru yang hadir didampingi orangtua masing-masing. Sebelum masuk mereka harus mencuci tangan dan duduk berjarak satu sama lain. Kedatangan siswa dan wali murid pun dibuat berjenjang, dibagi beberapa sesi menghindari penumpukan.

Pembekalan untuk memberikan penjelasan kepada wali murid untuk mengikuti kegiatan sekolah di tengah situasi dan kondisi pandemi berjalan lancar. Lantas apa temuan Wali Kota Habib Hadi saat meninjau sekolah-sekolah tersebut?

“Untuk SD ada penyesuaian dengan kondisi yang murid baru yang baru masuk ke kelas 1. Tentunya ada kendala, apakah semua muridnya sudah bisa membaca dan menulis. Kalau belum, tentunya pembelajaran daring tidak bisa dan harus ada cara. Saya berharap sekolah lakukan langkah mengatur jadwal agar mereka bisa datang ke sekolah diantar orangtua untuk belajar menulis dan membaca. Yang sudah bisa (baca tulis) silahkan daring,” jelas Habib Hadi.

IMG 20200713 WA0066Di sekolah SMP, wali kota mendapati keluhan wali murid yang belum punya handphone android sebagai media pembelajaran daring. Terkait masalah itu, wali kota meminta sekolah menyiapkan tempat untuk murid tetap belajar ke sekolah sehingga tidak ada yang ketinggalan dan menyesuaikan kondisi yang ada.

“Saya minta Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan membuat edaran ke sekolah untuk memberikan kesempatan belajar di sekolah dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat. Khusus anak masuk SD supaya belajar menulis dan belajar di sekolah dan kesempatan belajar di sekolah bagi mereka yang tidak punya handphone android,” tegas Habib Hadi.

Kesempatan belajar tersebut, lanjut wali kota, juga harus diberikan kepada sekolah inklusi. “Harus dipahami, anak berkebutuhan khusus harus punya kesempatan belajar yang sama. Sekolah punya metode sendiri. Saya tekankan, tidak boleh ada anak sekolah di Kota Probolinggo terbengkalai pendidikannya dan harus mendapat perhatian pemerintah,” ungkap mantan anggota DPRD dan DPR RI ini.

IMG 20200713 WA0064Untuk mendukung program pembelajaran daring, pemerintah daerah menyediakan fasilitas berupa paket data internet bagi murid dan guru. Kepala Disdikbud pun mengaku siap menjalankan petunjuk wali kota usai meninjau ke sejumlah sekolah.

“Mudah-mudahan orangtua berupaya memenuhi kebutuhan anaknya, kalau kuota sudah disediakan pemerintah. Kami menyediakan paket data maksimal Rp 50 ribu per bulan per anak,” ujar M.Maskur. Saat disinggung soal pembelajaran bagi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), karena sangat rentan maka pembelajarannya tetap diatur menggunakan daring. (famydecta)


The briefings of new elementary and junior high school students in Probolinggo City will take place starting on Monday (13/7). To find out the extent of the response of the parents and teachers to the online learning system (online) according to the instructions of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin directly visited a number of schools.

Accompanied by the Head of the Education and Culture Agency, M. Masur, the first school to be visited was junior high school SMP Negeri 6 in Kareng Lor urban village, Kedopok sub-district, before going to elementary school SD Kareng Lor 1, an inclusive school at SMP Negeri 3, and SD Jati 1.

The briefing was strictly carried out by implementing health protocols. New students who attended were accompanied by their respective parents. Before entering the school, they must wash their hands and sit at a distance from each other. The arrival of students and parents was divided into several sessions to avoid crowds.

The briefing was carried out to provide explanations for parents to participate in school activities amid the pandemic. So what Mayor Habib Hadi had found while visited these schools?

"For elementary school, there is an adjustment to the condition of new students who have just in the first grade. There are obstacles to deal with, whether all the students can read and write. If not, online learning cannot be carried out and there must be another way. I hope the school takes steps to arrange schedules so that they can come to school accompanied by their parents to learn to write and read. Those who can (read and write) please go online,” explained Habib Hadi.

In junior high school, the mayor found complaints from the parents who have no Android cellphone as an online learning facility. Regarding this problem, the mayor asked the school to prepare a place for students to continue studying at school so that no one is left behind and adjusts to existing conditions.

"I asked the Head of the Education and Culture Agency to make a circular letter to schools to provide learning opportunities at schools with strict health protocols. Especially elementary school students, so they can learn to write and study at school and the opportunity to study at school is for those who do not have an android cellphone," said Habib Hadi.

These learning opportunities, the mayor continued, should also be given to inclusive schools. "It must be understood, children with special needs must have the same learning opportunities. Schools have their own methods. I emphasize that no children in the city are allowed to have their education neglected and must get the government's attention," said the former member of the DPRD and DPR RI.

To support online learning programs, the local government has provided facilities in the form of internet data packages for students and teachers. The Head of Education and Culture Agency admitted that he was ready to carry out the mayor's instructions after visiting a number of schools.

"Hopefully parents try to meet their children's needs if the quota has been provided by the government. We provide data packages with a maximum of IDR 50,000 per month per child," said M. Maskur. When asked about learning for Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Maskur stated that the learning method will be carried out online as it is very vulnerable to COVID-19 transmission. (alfien_tr)