
KANIGARAN – Selalu ada kejutan di Hari Jadi Kota Probolinggo selama dua tahun terakhir. Jika tahun lalu kado berupa Universal Health Coverage (UHC) atau memberikan fasilitas kesehatan gratis bagi warga Kota Probolinggo, tahun ini kado spesialnya adalah Probolinggo Plaza.

Ya, setelah 30 tahun, kini kepemilikan dan pengelolaan Probolinggo Plaza sudah menjadi hak Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Itu setelah dilaksanakan penandatanganan berita acara serah terima gedung Probolinggo Plaza dari PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur kepada Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo, di Command Center, Kamis (3/9) petang.

Kajari Kota Probolinggo Yeni Puspita menjelaskan kronologis Probolinggo Plaza mulai tahun 1987, pemerintahan waktu itu melakukan perjanjian dengan pihak ketiga yakni PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur. Setelah selesai masa perjanjian, lanjut kajari, karena gedung milik Pemkot Probolinggo maka harus diserahterimakan dan harus diinventarisasi sebagai aset pemkot. Belum diserahkannya Probolinggo Plaza pun selalu menjadi temuan BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan).

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 04 at 12.40.12“Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo memberikan kuasa pada kami, agar pengelolaan hak bangunan ini kembali ke Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Dan, alhamdulillah setelah melalui proses akhirnya aset ini kembali menjadi milik Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo,” jelas Kajari Yeni, saat memberikan rilis bersama Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri dan Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, di Plaza Probolinggo, Jumat (4/9) siang.

Saat ditanya adakah ganti rugi yang diberikan pemkot kepada pihak swasta, Kajari Yeni menegaskan tidak ada ganti rugi apapun. “Ganti rugi tidak ada. Dulu permasalahan ini ditangani kejaksaan sejak tahun 2007 tapi prosesnya belum selesai dan tidak menemukan kesepakatan. Sekarang PT Avila yang menyerahkan dengan bukti berita acara sepenuhnya Probolinggo Plaza dikelola Pemkot Probolinggo,” tutur Yeni, yang mengaku pendekatan menjadi kunci penting sehingga PT Avila mau menyerahkan aset tersebut.

Saat meninjau Probolinggo Plaza usai menghadiri sidang paripurna Hari Jadi di DPRD setempat, Kajari melihat kondisi Probolinggo Plaza memang membutuhkan investor agar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. “Dan benar-benar sesuai judulnya Plaza Probolinggo,” ujar kajari.

Sementara itu, Wali Kota Habib Hadi menegaskan, Probolinggo Plaza menjadi kado spesial untuk Kota Probolinggo. “Yang mana plaza sudah tercatat sebagai aset Pemkot Probolinggo berkat kerjasama dan pendampingan dari Bu Kajari Yeni Puspita. Ke depan Probolinggo Plaza tidak menjadi catatan dari BPK, itulah yang paling penting,” tegasnya.

Pemkot membuka investor yang berkenan menginvestasikan modalnya di Probolinggo Plaza. “Kami membuka lebar investasi, termasuk bila PT Avila mau berinvestasi. Tentunya disesuaikan dengan aturan yang berlaku saat ini,” imbuh Habib Hadi.

Sementara itu, Direktur PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur Kevin Sebastian Kusuma mengaku senang karena akhirnya proses penyelesaian Probolinggo Plaza sudah terselesaikan. “Kami tentunya senang ya, karena ini sudah memakan waktu agak lama tapi ya ini satu titik temu untuk batu loncatan berikutnya. Kami berterimakasih dan berharap ada kerja sama,” ujarnya usai penandatanganan. (famydecta)


The commemoration of Probolinggo city’s anniversary has been full of surprises in the last two years. After realizing Universal Health Center (UHC), a free health facility for the residents, for last year’s surprise present for the city, Probolinggo Plaza is now another present for this year’s anniversary.

After waiting for the last 30 years, Probolinggo city administration has now officially owned, and therefore, can manage the facility. This has been confirmed after a record of a handover of Probolinggo Plaza from PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur to Probolinggo city administration, has been signed on Thursday (3/9) in the Command Center, city hall.

The head of Probolinggo city Kejari (Prosecutors Office), Yeni Puspita explained the chronology of how in 1987, the government at that time made an agreement with a third party PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur, involving a deal on Probolinggo Plaza. As the tenancy agreement has ended, Yeni continued, the facility must be handed over back to the city administration and must be inventoried as the city’s asset. Until this happens, Probolinggo Plaza has been in complicated status as it was always the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

"Probolinggo city administration has authorized us (Prosecutors Office) to deal with the case and get the building back to the city’s asset. And, thank God, after going through the process, the asset has finally returned to the property of the city administration," explained Kajari Yeni, while giving a joint release with Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, and Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, at Plaza Probolinggo, on Friday (4/9).

"There is no compensation. The case was previously handled by the prosecutor's office since 2007 but the process has not been completed and no deal was made. Now PT Avila has signed the record of handover, stating that Probolinggo city administration has full authority over the management of Probolinggo Plaza,” said Yeni responding to whether there was compensation given to the third party to complete the deal. She admitted that an approach was the main key in the process.

Reviewing Probolinggo Plaza after attending the Anniversary plenary session at the DPRD, Kajari saw that Probolinggo Plaza does need investors to be beneficial to the community. "And it really fits the name: Plaza Probolinggo," said Yeni.

Meanwhile, Mayor Habib Hadi emphasized that Probolinggo Plaza is a special gift for the city. "As the plaza has now been inventoried as the city’s asset, thanks to the cooperation and assistance of the head of Prosecutors Office, the facility will no longer be findings of BPK, which is the most important thing," he said.

The municipal government opens investors who are willing to invest in Probolinggo Plaza. "We are wide open for investment, including PT Avila if they would like to have an investment in the facility. It will, of course, be done under regulations,” added Habib Hadi.

Meanwhile, the Director of PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur, Kevin Sebastian Kusuma, said he was happy because finally the Probolinggo Plaza dispute has been settled. "We are certainly happy because this has taken a while but yes, this is a meeting point for the next stepping stone. We are grateful and hope there is another cooperation being made," he said after the signing. (alfien_tr)