
BANGIL - Pertandingan persahabatan antara Ulama fc vs Umaro fc dalam rangka Hari Pers Nasional, di Stadion R.Soedrasono, Pogar, Kecamatan Bangil, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Sabtu (8/2) berlangsung seru. Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin pun hadir dan ikut bermain sebagai penjaga gawang membela tim Umaro fc.

Pertandingan pagi itu, diikuti berbagai ulama yang berasal dari Pasuruan dan Jombang. Selain memperingati Hari Pers Nasional ke 74 tahun 2020, kegiatan ini juga untuk menjalin silaturahmi dan sinergitas.

IMG 20200208 WA0021"Sesuai instruksi presiden, bahwa kepala daerah harus mampu membangun sinergitas bersama seluruh stakeholder. Selain tim ulama, umaro juga ada tim PWI yang bertanding," ujar Bupati Pasuruan Irsyad Yusuf, yang juga didampingi Wabup Mujib Imron.

Pertandingan selama 20 menit itu berlangsung seru. Beberapa kali tim Umaro yang dikapteni Gus Irsyad (bupati) kerap diserang tim Ulama. Gawang yang dijaga Habib Hadi pun jadi sasaran. Namun, orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo itu berhasil melakukan sejumlah penyelamatan penting. Sejumlah bola berhasil dihalau agar tidak masuk mulut gawang.

Tim Umaro yang juga terdiri dari forkopimda Kabupaten Pasuruan semakin bersemangat, hingga akhirnya berhasil mencetak gol pertama di menit ke-15.

Usai kebobolan, tim Ulama menggencarkan serangan. Dua menit kemudian, giliran Tim Ulama yang berhasil, menyamakan kedudukan. Kiper Habib Hadi gagal harus merelakan si kulit bundar masuk ke gawang pada menit ke-17. Skor 1-1 pun berakhir hingga usai laga.

IMG 20200208 WA0024Ditemui usai bertanding, Wali Kota Habib Hadi mengatakan permainan Ulama FC vs Umaro FC sangat seru, sportif dan kompak. "Sangat luar biasa dan agresif. Forkopimda juga menikmati permainan ini. Dengan permainan ini, kami semua berharap kebersamaan ini selalu terjaga. Jangan dilihat dari permainannya tapi ini bisa menyambung silaturahmi," jelas wali kota yang hobi olahraga ini.

Ia menceritakan saat gawangnya terus digempur lawan dan kebobolan satu gol. "Butuh kepekaan, estimasi, insting yang memacu kami bikin strategi permainan yang melatih perasaan kami," katanya.

"Dari kegiatan ini dapat kita petik, ulama, umaro dan PWI bersatu untuk Indonesia," imbuhnya.

Selain wali kota, pagi itu tim dari Kota Probolinggo ikut bertanding. Sebanyak 32 orang pemain beraksi dalam pertandingan persabahatan tersebut. Sayangnya, tim Pemkot Probolinggo kalah melawan Maslahat fc yang mencetak 1 gol dari tendangan Bupati Irsyad. (famydecta)


A football friendly match of Ulama FC against Umaro FC was held at R.Soedarsono Stadium, Pogar, Bangil Sub-district, Pasuruan Regency, on Saturday (8/2) to commemorate National Press Day. Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin played for Umaro FC as the goalkeeper.

The match was participated in by ulama coming from Pasuruan and Jombang. Besides commemorating the 74th National Press Day in 2020, the event was held to extend silaturahim and synergy.

“As was instructed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the head of regions must build synergy among all stakeholders. It’s not only ulama who play for the Umaro FC, but also the journalists,” the Pasuruan Regent, Irsyad Yusuf said.

It was 20-minutes play with fun. Umaro FC, with the captain Gus Irsyad has been defensive to anticipate the aggressive play of Ulama FC. The Umaro FC goalkeeper, Habib Hadi has even forced to make important saves to keep his clean sheet.

Umaro FC who consists of the member of Forkopimda of Pasuruan Regency has finally scored the first goal of the game in minute 15 before Ulama FC leveled the score two minutes later. Habib Hadi failed to have his first clean sheet of the game. The match was ended in a draw until half-time.

Met after the match, Mayor Habib Hadi said it was much fun. “It was very incredible and aggressive. The Forkopimda have also enjoyed the game. We hope, the togetherness could be maintained. The most important thing is how we manage to have good relationships with each other, to extend silaturahmi,” the mayor.

The mayor then told about how he failed to have a clean sheet of the game. “We must be sensitive, to predict, and to have good instincts, and to have a good strategy to play a good match,” he said.

“By having the event, we, the Ulama, Umaro, and the journalist can have a good relationship, being united for Indonesia,” he added.

Besides the mayor, a team from Probolinggo city has also played a match. 32 players of the city played in the friendly match. Unfortunately, the Probolinggo city team lost the match by 0-1 thanks to the goal made by Regent Irsyad. (alfien_tr)